10.08.2011 — 03:14 PM

Paul Wins 2011 VVS Straw Poll

Results from the Values Voter Summit presidential and vice presidential straw polls here.

— Evan McMorris-Santoro

10.08.2011 — 02:41 PM

Islamophobia's Greatest Hits

Could conservative shock jock Bryan Fischer really be some kind of Sacha Baron Cohen routine? You almost have to think so after watching his performance at the Value Voters Summit. It was practically a highlights reel of "poisonous language," as Mitt Romney rather tactfully put it.

Here's a breathtaking video of what Fischer had to say about Muslims, which includes the line, "The more devout a Muslim becomes, the more of a threat he becomes to our national security."

Not kidding. Watch it here.

— Thomas Lane

10.08.2011 — 01:33 PM

The Mormon Card Comes Out

The Mormon card, for so long held hidden up the anti-Romney crowd's collective sleeve, is now well and truly on the table.

Evan McMorris-Santoro reports on the pile-on here, while Ryan Reilly catches up with Romney detractor Bryan Fischer, who says the problem's not that Romney is a Mormon, but that he's not Mormon enough.

— Thomas Lane

10.08.2011 — 11:40 AM

Bringing Out The Crazy

Well, you can't say Mitt Romney didn't try to warn us.

Towards the end of his Value Voters speech the GOP frontrunner noted that "poisonous language" was not helpful to the conservative cause, and said that "one of the speakers who'll follow me today has crossed that line."

Pretty much on cue, talk radio host and American Family Association Director Bryan Fischer came out and started cranking out the crazy.

We'll bring you more of his splendidly entertaining remarks shortly, but in the meantime here's our favorite: prayers at Major League Baseball games have prevented another 9/11.

— Thomas Lane

10.08.2011 — 10:18 AM


All eyes were on Mitt Romney at the Value Voters Summit, to see how he'd push back against yesterday's anti-Mormon slurs by a Perry-backing pastor.

So what did he do? Well, he did make something of a swipe, but if you weren't watching carefully you may have missed it. Evan McMorris-Santoro explains what happened, here.

— Thomas Lane

10.08.2011 — 09:03 AM

So You Don't Have To

Our intrepid reporters Evan McMorris-Santoro and Ryan Reilly are today putting themselves through the Value Voters Summit, so you don't have to.

Today's fun is due to include Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, and that most Tocquevillian of traditions, the Straw Poll.

Best of all, though, will be Mitt Romney making his pitch to the forum after yesterday's anti-Mormon freakout.

We'll be posting updates throughout the day, but you can also follow all the twists through TPM's livewire.

— Thomas Lane

10.07.2011 — 08:52 PM

Adventures In Press Releases

While the ballroom was still empty and her speech at the Values Voter Summit wasn't scheduled to begin for more than 30 minutes, Michelle Bachmann's campaign optimistically predicted a "standing-room only crowd."

They didn't get it.

— Evan McMorris-Santoro

10.07.2011 — 06:02 PM

Campaign In 100 Seconds: Iron Mitt

So, Mitt Romney gave his big foreign policy speech today, outlining how he'd make a really bold break with Obama by doing... Uh... Um... Er... Anyhow, he looked very stern while saying it, whatever it was.

TPM's Benjy Sarlin has a rather more cogent take on all this, which you can watch here.

— Thomas Lane

10.07.2011 — 05:54 PM

Extra Value Meal

From a media perspective the annual Values Voter Summit is usually - if you'll pardon the expression - good value for money. And this year is no exception. The long-bubbling Mormon issue has finally exploded, leaving observers wondering what damage the shrapnel will do to the Romney campaign. Follow the twists and turns throughout both tonight and tomorrow via TPM's livewire, which is being staffed by our ace reporters Evan McMorris-Santoro and Ryan Reilly.

— Thomas Lane

10.07.2011 — 05:50 PM

Holder Hits Back

The "Fast and Furious" imbroglio is really starting to live up to its name. Now that some Republicans are starting to imply Justice Department officials may be accessories to murder, things have ratcheted all the way to eleven. And this is Eric Holder's response.

— Thomas Lane

10.07.2011 — 05:21 PM

Perish The Thought

So, unlike the evangelical pastor who endorsed him today, it seems Rick Perry does not believe Mormonism is a cult. But does that mean he'll condemn the endorser who set this off and who says Romney isn't a Christian? Well, the straight-talking Texan has a good way out of that.

— Thomas Lane

10.07.2011 — 03:26 PM

Did Perry Just Step in It?

Pastor who says Mormonism is a cult says Perry welcomed his endorsement.

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 02:56 PM

"Don't Be The Weird One"

Organizers of the Values Voter Summit, eager to prevent bad press stories, have a simple message for attendees dealing with the press: "Don't be the weird one."

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 02:05 PM

Sneak Peek

We're rolling out our full site redesign later this month. And here's a sneak peek at what it's going to look like. Take a look; we're eager to get your feedback.

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 02:02 PM

White House Goes Nuclear

White House gives the thumbs up to Harry Reid's 'nuclear' move in the Senate.

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 01:05 PM

Romney's Big Foreign Policy Address

Romney rolls out his foreign policy critique against President Obama, focusing on president not thinking America is "unique" and targeting Obama's imaginary budget cuts.

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 12:47 PM

Paging Montgomery Burns

Michael Bloomberg: The Occupy Wall Street protests "are trying to destroy the jobs of working people."

— David Kurtz

10.07.2011 — 12:08 PM

Santorum: Screw It. I Won't Even Sleep

Santorum tells Values Voters Summit: Don't worry about that 3 AM call. I'm just gonna stay up all night.

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 12:03 PM

Okay That's Weird

Santorum at Values Voters Summit: When choosing a president, "look at who they lay down with at night."

— Josh Marshall

10.07.2011 — 11:59 AM

All In The Family

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that this week's co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Bruce Beutler, is the uncle of TPM reporter Brian Beutler. Resemblance much?

Brian's grandfather was a noted researcher in his own right, and his uncle followed in his footsteps. Brian's father became a physician, and Brian actually majored in physics at Berkeley before his sharp detour into political journalism. Congrats to the Beutler clan.

— David Kurtz

Campaign In 100 Seconds

Campaign In 100 Seconds: Iron Mitt