Politics in USA

The 99% Seek a Just Economy, Not Just an Economy

GOP Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio called the Republican jobs bill, the Jobs Through Growth Act, a “pro-growth proposal to create the environment for jobs.” It is, in fact, a pro-business proposal to permit corporations to destroy the environment for humans.

Wisconsin's Recall Legacy: An Epic Win Today!

Some song somewhere once claimed that you can't always get what you want. But we maybe got a little something that we needed. Today, Republican Dale Schultz broke ranks with Walker's lapdog legislature.

Occupy Wall Street: List and map of over 200 U.S. solidarity events and Facebook pages

Below, you will find an extensive list of links to local Occupy Wall Street solidarity groups in the United States and Canada.

Check Out the Expanded and Improved Job Tracker

Working America’s Job Tracker is your go-to site for finding out what companies in your area have exported jobs overseas, violated health and safety codes, or engaged in discriminatory or other illegal practices.

Heritage Foundation & American Enterprise Institute call teachers stupid and overpaid

The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute have put out a report purporting to show that public school teachers are overpaid. It's 23 pages of elaborate statistical justification of right-wing beliefs, all built on a foundation of right-wing assumptions.

Now there's proof; Republican economic policies are bad for our health

Congressional Budget Office study that came out last week was  “Trends in the Distribution of Household Income Between 1979 and 2007.

The other Herman Cain scandal being overshadowed by the sexual harassment story

Herman Cain's Other Scandal - The Daily Kos The short version of the issue at hand is that Herman Cain's campaign apparently received startup funds from a non-profit which was then headed by Mark Block, now Cain's campaign manager. That's illegal on its face.

Bernie Sanders Straight Talk: The GOP Is Sinking The Economy To Defeat Obama

Host Al Sharpton asked Bernie Sanders if Republicans were trying to sink the ship in order to change captains.

Herman Cain would wear Ron Paul costume to scare people on halloween

Herman Cain said that if he were to dress up for Halloween as one of his Republican political opponents to scare people, it would be Texas Rep.

Ron Paul: Government your worst enemy

CARROLL — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul says the country is finally catching up to his brand of politics and economic thinking. For three decades, the libertarian-leaning Texan has preached limited government, a smaller role not only domestically in the form o …

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