Update: Act of Valor
Let me interject here on this film as I have seen it in its entirity. My understanding of the evolution of this project is that NSW began working with Bandido Brothers on this as a brief recruiting video similar to this one that they did for the SWCC guys. At some point, NSW determined that there was potential here for a full length feature film that would essentially provide a "Top Gun" type analogue for the Teams to really juice recruiting, but without all of the gay Tom Cruise histrionics. I am not completely sure why the Navy let this happen, and my assumption is that there were strong personalities behind this that got it approved. I am also not sure whether or not it should have been made. The guys in the film would say the same thing as they all refused to do it for almost a year before the powers that be in NSW impressed upon them that they would be doing something important for the Teams.
It has already been alleged on movie buff blogs (that I started monitoring after watching this last February) that this is a straight up propaganda film made to glorify war, Jesus, and Halliburton (not necessarily in that order). This meme is going to be more mainstream now that the trailer is out, and people can see just how awesome this film is going to be. The case will be bolstered (falsely) by the fact that reviewers are going to quickly note that there is no second guessing by the operators about what they are doing and who they are doing it to. There is no renegade douchebag (Charlie Sheen) character fighting his demons and endangering his comrades. In fact, what this movie really does well aside from the amazing action scenes is to capture the general attitude and tenor of SEALs in their natural habitat as it were. That is not to say that guys don't get in bar fights or DUI's or get divorced or whatever, just that this film is focused on a deployed platoon with plenty of work to do.
Let me also add that the cost of doing business in NSW is in no way hidden from view and that includes the cost to families as well. These costs are shown in explicit detail enough to make a guy like me watching it tear up pretty good. The SEAL lifestyle portrayed in the film is pretty accurate if not complete, and the considerable sacrifices made by SEALs with respect to their lives and family's lives is hammered home with authority.
My best friend in the Navy is in this film and he invited me to join his family to screen it last Spring. I don't think I have ever sat still bursting with pride for such a long time in my life. I have personally served with three of the "stars" of this film and they are pretty much who they are in real life in the movie. I don't see any Best Actor nominations in the offing, but my buddy's interrogation scene on the yacht is really quite outstanding.
Nearly all of the action sequences are performed with live ammunition delivered on target by real operators. The impact of that combination raises the quality of those scenes by an order of magnitude. You will notice the difference. Bandido Brothers shot this thing with a lot of helmet cams and from angles and perspectives that I have never seen before. Check that. Never seen before in a movie. I have lived those scenes and watching a movie that is so close to my own recollection of operating is pretty cool, but kind of strange. Parts of it have a distinct first person shooter video game feel, and I'm sure that gamers are going to love this movie for that reason alone.
The overall plot of the film is fictional, but the scenario is all too real as we have recent news of Iran using Mexican drug cartels as facilitators. The individual hits that the platoon performs however incorporate real SEAL Team scenarios from the GWOT that close watchers of the Teams (and every SEAL) will notice. The one scene in the film that I didn't like also made it into the trailer and I kind of hope it doesn't make it into the movie. I call it the "Sea Monster" scene where the Platoon Chief catches the bad guy following a sniper shot and pulls him underwater. That shit doesn't happen. Aside from that, the TTPs are all very good representations with some things held back for OPSEC.
While the guys in the film will not be compensated in any way from this film (which I think is bull$hit), there will be some portion of the proceeds donated to military charities certainly including the Navy SEAL Foundation. Obviously, I am strongly biased to like this film, but the action alone is well worth the ride. If you happen to identify with the guys and their mission along the way, all the better.
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Special Forces Staff Sergeant Tim Kennedy Joins the U.F.C.!!!
Great news for Tim Kennedy fans!
...Kennedy, loved by many American fans, has publicly spoken out against Bisping on several occasions, lambasting the Brit for his involvement in Spitgate during the Jorge Rivera fight.
"Fighting Michael Bisping wouldn't be about the money and that's why I said I'd give my fight money to charity," Kennedy said back in May. "I don't think there's anybody in the sport that's ever blatantly cheated as clearly as he has and then walks away with the win from it.
"It's not him necessarily, it's just the idea of everything about him. It's everything he says, it's everything he does. It's the way he fights."...
Nice going, Tim! Can't wait to see your first UFC fight!
Tim Kennedy and Uncle Jimbo at AUSA
[Yes, we are such big fans of Tim's that we created a category - read more about Tim as SYSK and in the Tim Kennedy category link here.]
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The Third Annual Colonel John W. Ripley Memorial 5K - "The Ripley Race"
This is the third year for the Col John W Ripley memorial 5K race in Annapolis. The race has grown every year and this year there should be over 1500 participants. It is a great way to celebrate Veteran’s Day and the money raised goes directly toward making the lives of disabled veteran’s better. From Stephen Ripley via Seamus:
On Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 9AM we will be holding the 3rd Annual John Ripley Memorial Race at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis, MD.
This event is dedicated to the legacy of my father, Col John W Ripley, USMC. Our mission is simple – to raise as much money as possible for our wounded veterans returning home, and to honor a great Marine. Over the past two years, our race has raised nearly $25,000 and has doubled in size each year. We hope to have 15000 competitors this year and are in the process of raising $150k in donations. We are working to elevate the event to a National level, not only in attendance, but also in sponsorship….
…All of our proceeds from the event go directly to wounded veterans at the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund (IMSFF). The IMSFF is one of the largest, non-profits supporting our US Military and Marine Corps. To date they have raised over $45 million since their inception in 2005. We pride ourselves in passing 100% of our proceeds to this organization and look to continue that in the future.
You can register to participate in the race or make donations at their website www.ripleyrace.com.
[and if you register and wear your premium race shirt, you get free beer at the post party at Fado's after the race!]
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Taking Out a Sniper
A U.S. Special Operations Forces team member fires at an enemy sniper position during a clearing operation in Chak district, Wardak province, Afghanistan, Oct. 9, 2011. SOF team members and Afghan Commandos conducted the operation in order to disrupt insurgent activity in the area. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Kaily Brown)(Released)
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Happy Birthday, NAVY!
On October 13, 1775, the United States Navy was born. Happy 236th Birthday, US Navy!
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Act of Valor
This will be one of the best movies you will ever see. A few of us have screened it and we believe in it's message to the extent that we want to help promote it. Check it out.
When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly terrorist plot against the U.S., a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the valiant men of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team and their families back home.
'Act of Valor' uses active duty U.S. Navy Seals as actors. The characters they play are fictional, but the weapons and tactics used are real.
'Act of Valor' hits theaters February 17, 2012
More at Act of Valor.com.
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Real Warriors and Leadership
Leaders (at all levels) play a critical role in building and maintaining psychological health among warriors of all ranks and services. Warriors/leaders discuss the importance of psychological strength and resilience for total force fitness.
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The Annual Stolen Valor Awards: The Fecal Four
Over at This Ain't Hell is the annual Jessie McBeth Stolen Valor Awards. The competition is down to the last section to determine the Fecal Four.
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SGT Catalina Ruiz - Someone You Should Know
A tragedy at Fort Bragg/Fayetteville, NC; senseless domestic violence, costing the US Army, a talented Soldier and leader that her battalion commander described as "just hitting her stride".
Sergeant Catalina Ruiz was a Supply Sergeant and Armorer in HQ Company, 112th Special Operations Signal Battalion (Abn). Notable in her Service was her tour as a Cultural Support Team Leader in Afghanistan. From her biography:
SGT Ruiz volunteered for and was selected to attend the Cultural Support Team Assessment in October 2010. She graduated from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 in December 2010. Following graduation, SGT Ruiz was attached to 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) for deployment to Afghanistan, supporting Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force Afghanistan (CJSOTF-A) from January to August 2011. She served as Team Leader for Cultural Support Team Seven. Led by SGT Ruiz, this all-female team was instrumental in providing support to Afghan women by creating and implementing a Weekly Women's Workshop in which her team brought Afghan women together for food, fellowship, and training.
US Army Special Operations Command embarked on an interesting project called "Cultural Support Teams" as deployable, all-female units that could engage segments of the local Afghan populace that are difficult to reach - women. The value of women Soldiers accompanying village patrols led to this effort (also done by the the Marines under the moniker of 'Female Engagement Teams'). SGT Ruiz answered the call for volunteers and, after a selection process followed by an intense train up, deployed with CST-7 as the Team Leader.
Instead of a potential follow-on tour, or an NCO with unique experiences to train future CSTs, she'll be laid to rest, the victim of a vindictive predator. She was shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide, after being abucted from her apartment by a man against whom she had a restraining order. When the Fayetteville police identifed her abductor's vehicle, and approached, he fired at police then killed SGT Ruiz, before turning his weapon on himself.
A brief news item with some of the details: http://www.wral.com/news/news_briefs/story/10239169/
A native of Phoenix, AZ, she will be laid to rest there on October 15th.
SGT Ruiz is survived by her mother, Rosemary Martinez of Phoenix, Arizona, her father Juan Miguel Ayon, and her three children, Jonathan Ruiz, Alycia Cummings, and Warren Cummings IV.
The senselessness of this is stark; it highlights the scourge of domestic violence, of the fragility of life, and how - even in garrison - one must always be on guard.
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Total Failure
If there is any coherent message that can be gleaned from the Occupy Wall Street “movement”, it is that our system of public and higher education can now be declared a total and complete failure. The fact that there exists no accountability at any level of our Education-Industrial Complex is perfectly clear for all to see. It seems fair to say that responsibility for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the teacher’s unions and their members who have perpetuated an economic structure in education and a curricular agenda that has been allowed to defy gravity for 40 years.
If you aren’t able to wrap your mind around the pernicious influence of the teacher’s unions you need only to watch the utterly disheartening and yet essential film “Waiting for Superman”. Spoiler Alert: Superman is not coming. Suffice it to say that every time you hear education activists talk about spending money on children, they are lying through their teeth. That money is for teachers; make no mistake. Not only that, but they have consistently and effectively resisted any mechanism that is designed to improve teacher performance through adherence to absurdities like tenure, and by prohibiting merit pay structures through collective bargaining. Put simply, they exist to ensure that government jobs once obtained are inviolate without any accounting for performance or competency. That is not to say that there are no great teachers, just that even those teachers are influenced over time when it becomes apparent that their pay is completely detached from their effort and they can’t promote by any means other than seniority or advanced degrees.
So a child that makes it through that system without dropping out shows up on a college campus totally unprepared for collegiate level academics finds him/herself in a psych, sociology, history, or literature class where their glaring deficiencies aren’t as much of a hindrance as they would be in Chemistry, Calculus, or Physics. Waiting for them there is a tenured hack with the full panoply of liberal/socialist agenda items infused into their course who sees his mission as one of evangelism rather than education. The classes are easy and even inspiring as the ponytailed professor shovels decades old, discredited, leftist socio-racial-economic dogma onto the student’s plates and rewards them for vomiting it back to him with no thought or concern whether those ideas have any practical application whatsoever.
Upon graduation, the student is uneducated, believes things about economics that are false, tens of thousands of dollars in debt and completely unqualified for gainful employment anywhere to include flipping burgers. This dreck is what has been spit out onto the streets of New York and elsewhere. Few if any young people are fully prepared when they first strike out on their own, and the shock and struggle of those early years is what makes or breaks them in the future. With this crop however, they come out of the education womb as fully formed degenerates, their professors having foreseen the challenges and rather than preparing them to face them, they prepared them with excuses for why they cannot be faced.
At the end of the day these young people have been destroyed, perhaps permanently, by adults whose only priority was a government paycheck and the privilege of suspending reality by living in the ivory tower. They are pitiable creatures indeed, and the fact that they are out in public proclaiming their abject ignorance through the humiliating use of the “human microphone” ought to be to the eternal shame of those who have allowed and facilitated this disastrous system of failure inculcation we call education.
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Iranian Quds Force Operative At Large on American Soil
The Federal Bureau of Investigation foiled a plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador. There is evidence that the backed by factions of the Iranian government.
...At a news conference, Attorney General Eric Holder said two Iranians have been charged with conspiracy to murder a foreign official and conspiracy to commit an act of international terrorism, among other charges.
One of the suspects, an Iranian with U.S. citizenship, was arrested in New York last month; the other, an Iranian, remains at large...
That Iranian at large is "Gholam Shakuri, an Iran-based member of Iran’s Quds Force, a paramilitary division of that country’s Revolutionary Guard Corps."
Update: Lots more info over at the Jawa Report.
One thing, though, the complaint makes clear that the original plan was that the Iranians wanted the Mexican Drug Cartel to kidnap the Saudi Ambassador, but kill him if necessary. As the plot evolves, the DEA informant says that the easiest thing would be to kill the Saudi Ambassador at a restaurant that he visits at least twice a week.
It's at this point that he asks whether or not the Iranians would accept collateral damage? It's made clear that they would prefer just the Saudi Ambassador killed -- no others. But, if the only way to kill him was to blow up the restaurant and risk others being killed, so be it.
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Occupy Wall Street: Maoists
Via Michelle Malkin, here is a video of some of the jackwagons protesting Wall Street (in Philly):
TSO says he punched out at the one minute mark. It's too full of freak show with a side of mentally challenged that I watched the whole thing.
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Reminder: Miss America by Saving Abel
Just posting this again because... it. just. kicks. ass.
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Occupy Wall Street: Greed
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Occupy Wall Street: Memo from Froggy
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