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matttbastard on Aug 8, 2011 in
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Norwegian journalist Magnus Nome was in the good ol’ US of A when self-styled counterjihadist crusader Anders Breivik decided to escalate his murderous fantasies about Eurabian conquest from Outer Wingnuttia into the real world. Thankfully, CNN, Fox News et al were ready to provide informed, accurate, up-to-the-minute coverage of events on the ground:
The news coverage over the following days taught me a lot of interesting new ‘facts’ about the innocent nation of Norway.
1. Apparently...
Posted by matttbastard on Aug 5, 2011 | Comments Off
The pullquote from one of David Frum’s latest eviscerations of contemporary USian conservative folly, a meditative riff on Susan Sontag’s infamous “Were our enemies right?” speech, was making the rounds yesterday (eventually getting linked by the subject of Frum’s counterfactual). And yeah, it’s sharply on point. However, a preceding passage also deserves to be...
Posted by Michael Tedesco on Aug 1, 2011 | Comments Off
I know I have been M.I.A. for the past month but what better time to resurface than on the eve of the Grand Non-Compromise?
As I mentioned briefly back in January, I was recently elected Chairman of the Vancouver chapter of Democrats Abroad, an extension of the Democratic Party for Americans living outside U.S. borders. Apparently along with this new gig came the privileged of having my contact info...
Posted by Kathy on Jul 6, 2011 | 2 comments
The usual dirty leftie liberal suspects are saying that the reason Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter, Caylee, is because (a) there was no direct physical evidence that Casey murdered Caylee, or even that the cause of death was murder; and (b) the defense raised a lot of reasonable doubt that the prosecution was simply not able to overcome.
That is ridiculous. Here are 11...
Posted by Kathy on Jul 4, 2011 | Comments Off
This may not technically be unconstitutional, since it’s a state government that’s endorsing a particular religion not Congress or the federal government, but it’s certainly totally antithetical to the spirit of religious freedom, and to the Founders’ intent and determination to keep government out of religious practice and prescription. This is an explicitly Christian religious...
Posted by Kathy on Jul 2, 2011 | Comments Off
McCarthy is always repulsive, but he’s outdone his own record this time — which, believe me, is not easy to do. McCarthy’s piece is a response to Arif Alikhan, Los Angeles’s deputy mayor. Alikhan was recently appointed by Pres. Obama to the position of assistant secretary for policy development at the Department of Homeland Security. and in a previous article, McCarthy condemned...
Posted by Kathy on Jul 2, 2011 | Comments Off
Pres. Obama said this in his weekly radio address:
Government has to start living within its means, just like families do. We have to cut the spending we can’t afford so we can put the economy on sounder footing, and give our businesses the confidence they need to grow and create jobs.
Mouthing right-wing talking points like a pro. Could be John Boehner or Eric Cantor at the mike, couldn’t...
Posted by Kathy on Jun 30, 2011 | 1 comment
I could not agree more with Greg Sargent’s take on Mark Halperin’s “indefinite suspension” from MSNBC for saying, on Morning Joe, that Pres. Obama is “kind of a dick.”
I’m sorry, but this is crazy. Halperin’s crack was crude and dumb, but it doesn’t deserve indefinite suspension. Halperin’s use of an expletive is trival when compared with the degradation of...
Posted by Kathy on Jun 28, 2011 | 1 comment
Yesterday, I wrote about Wisconsin passing a new budget that defunds Planned Parenthood. Today, I see that Texas has just passed an “omnibus health bill” that also defunds Planned Parenthood, and for good measure turns Medicaid into a block grant, which of course will mean less money and fewer people covered.
Zandar notes that Texas now becomes the fifth state — the others, in addition...
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