• Controversial Steve Jobs Cartoon

    Readers were divided about this Steve Jobs cartoon by Dutch cartoonist Hajo de Reijger. Some of you thought it was funny, even poignant. But most thought it was tasteless and unnecessary.

    “I didn’t know Steve personally,” Hajo emailed me.  “I know his products, and they’re great!  But for me Steve Jobs is a human being that died. He was not the Messiah. His image did not appear on my toast this morning.”

    We received a lot of feedback about it, and here are just a sampling of your comments:


    Raul: I don’t like it. It shows a poor taste. However, is easy to see the irony on it. I think Jobs deserves a clever attempt to mock him.

    Joann Betschart: iDisgusted.

    Scott Bolderson: iGiggled. Life’ll kill ya’. Can’t take it.

    Dennis Jasinski: Death is a fact of life….one that Steve Jobs himself faced with humor and tenacity. My favorite comment on his death was iSad.

    John Tyrrell: iLOLed.

    Nina Maya Cording: I think it’s reducing Steve Jobs to mainly those 3 devices he made popular in the last few years although it was so much more.

    Nicola Stratford: Oh, come on. Our culture is so PC these days. If the cartoon has read igone or ipassed or some other euphemism, I’ll bet there’d be no debate. idead is the truth using the word that means just that; it’s not disrespect.

    Judy Masterson Blandino: Thumbs down…deserved more creativity than that.

    Dee Dee Merritt: If your living you are going to die, dont take it to seriously, I like it.

    Clvex: It’s neither fair nor foul because there’s no real joke there. It’s not harsh, it just fails to find a punch line in that final panel. It’s a non sequitur.

    Jennifer Bourne: I thought it was funny and poignant at the same time: he pioneered wonderful inventions and now he’s gone.

  • Five Most Popular Steve Jobs Cartoons

    We’ve had a lot of Steve Jobs obituary cartoons come in. And I mean a lot (view them all here). Obituary cartoons frustrate political cartoonists – most hate to draw them, but readers love them. With a public figure so important to modern culture and universally liked and admired, it’s almost obligatory that a cartoonist notes his passing.

    It’s interesting to track our analytics and see which cartoons are getting shared more, and which ones are the most popular. According to our numbers, here are the five most popular Steve Jobs cartoons from the last couple of days.

    1. Joe Heller, Green Bay Press-Gazette

    2. Randy Bish, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


     3. Adam Zyglis, Buffalo News

    4. Paul Zanetti, Australia, PoliticalCartoons.com

    5. Martin Sutovec, Slovakia, PoliticalCartoons.com

    RELATED: View all of our Steve Jobs RIP cartoonsVote on the best Steve Jobs cartoon


  • Best Cartoons of the Week

    The big news this week was the shocking announcement of the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. We also had some Chris Christie drama, witnessed Herman Cain's ascent and saw the growth of a little thing called Occupy Wall Street.

    Want to get caught up? Then check out our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

    Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to start slideshow)

    RELATED: Steve Jobs Toon-Off  |  Steve Jobs RIP cartoon slideshow

  • Toon-Off: Housing bust

    Live Poll

    Who drew the best cartoon?

    View Results
    • 162497
      Brian Fairrington, PoliticalCartoons.com
    • 162498
      Jeff Parker, Florida Today

    VoteTotal Votes: 944

    It seems the American dream of homeownership has become a nightmare. According to new census figures, the homeownership rate in the U.S. has suffered its biggest drop since the Great Depression. And for those that are fortunate to own a home, values have continued to drop due to the bleak economy and high levels of joblessness.

    So who conveyed the plight of homeowners better in their cartoon? Brian Fairrington of PoliticalCartoons.com, or Jeff Parker of Florida Today?

    Brian Fairrington / PoliticalCartoons.com

    Jeff Parker / Florida Today

     "Like" our cartoons on Facebook


  • Toon-Off: Occupy Wall Street

    Live Poll

    Which cartoonist drew it best?

    View Results
    • 162319
      John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune
    • 162320
      Cam Cardow, Ottawa Sun

    VoteTotal Votes: 4457

    Demonstrators have collected in New York to protest economic inequality and corporate greed in a movement known as Occupy Wall Street. It's clear that the protests are catching fire, but we'll see if they enact the sort-of changes here that the Tahrir Square protests in Egypt were able to accomplish.

    So who drew the best Occupy Wall Street cartoon? John Darkow of the Columbia Daily Tribune or Cam Cardow of the Ottawa Sun?

    John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune

    Cam Cardow / Ottawa Sun, PoliticalCartoons.com

    "Like" our political cartoons on Facebook


  • Best World Cartoons of the Week

    Every Monday, we collect the best cartoons of the week drawn by some of the world's top political cartoonists, and jam them into one big, terrific cartoon slideshow.

    Check out a different perspective of world events and view our Best World Cartoons of the Week cartoon slideshow.

    Manny Francisco / Philippines (click to start slideshow)

  • Toon-Off: Class warfare

    Live Poll

    Which cartoonist drew it best?

    View Results
    • 162173
      Nate Beeler, Washington Examiner
    • 162174
      Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

    VoteTotal Votes: 1964

    Today, we're starting a new feature called Toon-Off. I'll post two cartoons on a similar topic or subject by some of the country's top cartoonists, and we'll let you decide which cartoonist got the issue right.

    President Obama has proposed a jobs bill that would raise taxes on millionaires, which Republicans decry as "class warfare." Democrats argue that the rich have been waging their own war against the middle class for years.

    So who drew it best? Nate Beeler of the Washington Examiner or Bill Day of PoliticalCartoons.com?

    Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner

    Bill Day / PoliticalCartoons.com

    Which cartoonist drew it best?

    Results with 12 short comments
    Total of 1,964 votes - click on the "Display Comments" bar below to sort comments

    Nate Beeler, Washington Examiner
    506 votes
    Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com
    1,458 votes
    Display Comments:
    Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

    The school has turned.

       - 9:47 am EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
      Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

      "Let them eat cake."

         - brtman
         - 1:25 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
        Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

        Its been good business to gobble us the little people laws even help them. but boy do they go crying. when we realize and want to stop it.

           - 1:27 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
          Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

          This is not about Class warfare, it's about abuse of power.
          We little fish will no longer play dead.
          United We Stand.

          • 7 votes
           - 1:43 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
          Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

          Big bird feeds off small fries, they turn with strength in numbers .

             - 1:57 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
            Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

            Does fish has a tongue like human?

               - tatuhan
               - 2:02 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
              Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

              Hasn't "turn about" always been "fair play"?

                 - 3:02 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
                Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

                #BillDay got it right & is more in touch wit reality. Thats how these big fish buttheads react when they get a taste of thier own medicine

                • 1 vote
                 - CJroper
                 - 5:43 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
                Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

                Bill absolutely got it right. If the Republicans want something, it's "good for the nation", otherwise it's "un-patriotic" and "socialist".

                • 1 vote
                 - 7:06 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
                Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

                It's on!

                   - 10:33 pm EDT on Mon Oct 3, 2011
                  Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

                  Go Bill ! "They" sure cry when the tables are turned.

                  • 1 vote
                   - 1:00 pm EDT on Wed Oct 5, 2011
                  Bill Day, PoliticalCartoons.com

                  Bill Day by far. Portfolios, ecosystems and economies are healthier with diversity. Go little fish!

                     - 2:33 pm EDT on Thu Oct 6, 2011