Joel B. Pollak

On CNN’s State of the Union this morning, host Candy Crowley joined the ranks of white journalists who presume to speak on behalf of black Americans in expressing their alleged skepticism about Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Blaming racism for the economic gap between blacks and whites, Crowley asked Cain whether his success was due to “luck,” or a “loving family,” rather than skill and hard work, which apparently are never enough in our racist society. (Should the government redistribute luck and love?)

Cain took it in stride, pointing out that economic policy is at the root of unemployment for all Americans. While acknowledging that some racism exists, Cain highlighted more important causes of the racial economic gap, such as differences in education and the geographic concentration of blacks in failing cities. He also used Crowley’s questions as an opportunity to discuss his own 9-9-9 plan for tax reform and economic growth.

CROWLEY: We are back with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. I want to play for our audience something that you said Friday. You were addressing the Values Voter Summit, and the subject was racism.

CAIN [clip]: I have achieved all of my American dreams, and then some, because of the great nation, the United States of America! What’s there to be angry about?

CROWLEY: And I would say to you an unemployment rate for blacks that is far higher–almost six percent higher, seven percent higher than for whites; a percentage of black incarceration in the nation’s prison systems that is far greater; a lack of–and for all of your skills, is there not some luck in that, I want to ask you that–but, you know, there–I would tell you that minorities, especially African-Americans, can name a lot of things that speak to a certain amount of racism that they can still complain about. And so I wonder if you are taking your good fortune and superimposing it over everyone else, when it doesn’t really apply? (more…)


P.J. Salvatore

Your money at work … attacking both truth and freedom. Why Is Media Matters a 501(c)(3)?

New Video Suggests Media Matters Ignored Facts In Attempt to Smear Breitbart, Cover Up Pigford Fraud

This morning, Big Government posted video from an event at the National Press Club at which Faya Rose Touré (formerly Rose Sanders), an attorney from the $2.7 billion Pigford “black farmers” discrimination settlement, revealed major flaws in the claims process. Her statements support previous reporting by Big Government and Big Journalism–reporting which Media Matters ruthlessly and wrongly attacked as false.

The newly released video confirms much of what Pigford’s critics have been saying, destroying previous attempts by George Soros’s Big Labor-funded minions at Media Matters to hide the truth.

From Breitbart media’s earliest reporting on the Pigford settlement, Media Matters began recklessly hurling accusations of racism, and lying about Andrew Breitbart and others’ writing about the issue, while discounting facts now shown to be correct.

In hindsight, that appears to have been an orchestrated effort to suppress the truth behind Pigford and potentially keep the scandal from surfacing in mainstream media outlets.

It is an effort that has failed.

Did Media Matters Collude With DOJ On Black Panther Story?

When news broke of alleged voter intimidation involving the New Black Panthers Party in the 2008 election, Media Matters for America (MMfA) launched a relentless push back against the charges, resulting in almost 8,000 MMfA site specific Google hits in which MMfA attacked virtually anyone who attempted to report on the controversy, while elevating any reporting that minimized it, or the Department of Justice’s decision to drop the case.

Meanwhile, a former MMfA Director of External Affairs, Xochitl Hinojosa, who had actually joined the Department of Justice in July of 2009 as a Public Affairs Specialist, took an active role in pushing back against the story from witin DOJ.


John Nolte

The video below is apparently a preview of “This Week With Christiane Amanpour,” and while we won’t see the entire interview until it broadcasts tomorrow morning, from what we do see it looks as though Nancy Pelosi, the instigator of the Great Tea Party Smear of 2010, is once again allowed by the corrupt MSM to get away with trotting out this thoroughly debunked anti-Tea Party trope:

“I didn’t hear [Eric Cantor] saying anything when the tea party was demonstrating — actually spitting on members of congress right here in the Capitol.”

The Tea Party spitting on members of Congress never happened. [And Cantor did condemn Tea Party "epithets" at the time, though those accusations were also disproved. - JP] Pelosi knows it. Amanpour knows it.

But who knows? Like I said, that’s just a preview and maybe in the full interview Amanpour challenges the hell out of Pelosi for trying to get away with floating the spitting fairy tale … again. And maybe a unicorn will bring me my coffee with those little muffins I like with the walnuts.

First, a little context and background…

In late March of 2010, after using a number of procedural tricks to jam ObamaCare down the throats of the American people, Pelosi attempted to change this narrative by grabbing a big old gavel for a quick jaunt through a sea of peaceful Tea Partiers who had gathered to protest the passage of the heath care bill. It’s common knowledge that the then-Speaker of the House could’ve easily avoided antagonizing this group by taking another route to her destination, but the obvious idea was to paint a smug, screw-you grin on her face and attempt to create an incident that would abruptly change the subject from this wildly unpopular legislation to the villainous Tea Party’s behavior. In one fell swoop, Democrats and their media allies were hoping to socialize medicine and destroy a growing grassroots citizens’ movement.

Unfortunately for all those involved, the Tea Party didn’t take the bait and just let her walk on by without uttering anything more than “kill the bill.” But little setbacks like reality never stop the Left, so her fellow travelers — Rep Andre Carson (D-IN), Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), and Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) — just made a bunch of stuff up after their own incident-free stroll down Tea Party Lane.


Warner Todd Huston

Presidential hopeful Herman Cain made an appearance on ABC’s The View this week and had to deflect staggering ignorance from host Joy Behar. Discussing Cain’s assertion that some blacks are “brainwashed” not to consider any conservative ideas, the very first sentence out of Behar’s mouth was “The Republican Party hasn’t been black friendly over the many centuries in this country.”

Sadly, the coffee klatch program is what passes for as “intelligent” conversation on TV these days. Behar’s blather is ignorant in a million ways and indicative of the historical illiteracy of the far left in this country.

First, of course, this county hasn’t even been a country for “many centuries.” We are only about 235 years old as a nation! Most people don’t claim two as “many,” but only as “a couple.”

Second, the Republican Party has also not been around for “many centuries in this country.” The party is only about 155 years old.

Third, when the party itself was started it was derisively called the “Black Republicans” by Behar’s beloved Democrats because it was so friendly to America’s blacks. The party was founded with a pro-black agenda, its primary goal being the abolition all blacks from slavery and assuring them civil rights. In fact, for many decades after the Civil War and on into the 1900s most black Americans were Republicans, not Democrats. The very first blacks elected to Congress ran as Republicans. Blacks being Democrats is a relatively new development in our history.


Jeff Dunetz

While speaking during his “Hardball” show earlier this week, Chris “Thrill Up His Leg” Matthews waxed poetic about how wonderful the universe would be if only Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012.  Well, almost — what he really said was how lousy things he would be if a Republican were elected. He created a paranoid litany of inevitable consequences to a Republican electoral victory:

Tea Partiers and neocons… celebrating the death penalty, elevating torture, ending environmental protection as we know it, breaking unions, punishing gays, starting more wars, and enacting one more giant tax cut for the rich – or worse.

Maybe Matthews has a point. While the list of horrors he mentioned are close to our agenda, Matthews is a bit off on every item he listed, but he has spurred me think maybe it’s time for the tea partying neocons like me to admit what we really have in store for this country should our candidates get elected in 2012. Since no one else is willing to do it, I guess it will be up to me to let the world know. Below is the secret Tea Partier’s list of what we will get done in the first year after we take over.

  • The Death Penalty- Matthews is wrong to insinuate conservatives celebrate death; we celebrate life and those who believe in a death penalty feel it is a necessary evil.  That being said, we plan to add two crimes to the Capital Punishment list:

Wearing too much perfume. You know those people who always plop down next to you on a train or bus who smell like they’ve basted themselves is “aire de cheapo perfume?” Sorry ladies (and fellows with cologne), but that is a crime against humanity.

Cell phone abusers. You’re on the 6 a.m. train into Manhattan catching a precious few extra moments of sleep when suddenly, two rows in front of you a guy disturbs your slumber by talking loudly into his cell phone about his “conquest” the night before. Under a GOP/Tea Party administration, DHS agents will be on each and every bus and train car with orders to shoot and kill the loud public phone talker.


John Nolte

Take a moment to think back over the past few years to the corrupt MSM’s coverage of the tea party movement and compare it to this video which shows an Occupy Wall Street mob menacing a small group of police officers. ABC News is quite obviously attempting to spin this occurrence into something akin to the civil rights movement, where the mob is the victim and the police are the oppressors.


This video isn’t even subtle in its propagandist goals. Open with a big, burly cop wildly swinging a baton at a crowd. Cut to a reasonable-sounding protester describing the horror of it all. Cut back to big, burly cop wildly swinging baton. Cut to yet another reasonable-sounding protester. Inter-cut with populist signs.

No interviews with police.

No other side of the story.

Throughout the country and over the course of the last few years, tea parties held everywhere have been shockingly orderly and without incident. And yet, the MSM’s hostility towards these peaceful assemblies has more often than not been selectively edited in a way to intentionally create a false impression of extremism, racism, and even violence. The most telling example would be this now infamous NBC stunt.

Occupy Wall Street, however, actually is everything the MSM falsely accused the tea party of being. There’s been lawlessness, hundreds of arrests, and a ton of astro-turf. And yet as a response, we get this kind of coverage from ABC News that attempts to spin a mob charging a few police officers as just another brave act of civil disobedience where big, scary cops overreact.


Chris Muir

Mary Chastain

There’s a reason why people put in their Twitter profile, “Tweets are my own & don’t reflect those of my employer.” Will Bunch is a news reporter, blogger, and editor for The Philadelphia Daily News and a “senior fellow” at Media Matters For America.

Mr. Bunch was assigned to cover the Occupy Wall Street and had no problem being bias and airing out his support and towards the protestors. His post at Daily News is saturated with sympathy and love for those oppressed victims of Wall Street. Instead of being an objective reporter he pulls at our heart strings for these people, especially for Joanne Stocker.

Pale and drained with the flu after a couple of nights in a rain-soaked sleeping bag under the stars and the skyscrapers framing Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, the Chester County native – on Twitter as @SabzBrach – has become a leading Internet voice of the Occupy Wall Street protest.

Thankfully Mr. Bunch provides us with the “facts” of Occupy Wall Street because I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t know the “facts.”

Here are the “facts” about Occupy Wall Street: 1) It started this summer with a vague suggestion in a Canadian left-wing magazine called AdBusters, was endorsed by the shadowy band of hackers named Anonymous and gained steam on Twitter and Facebook, despite a lack of leadership 2) it consists of a couple hundred permanent occupants, swelled by day trippers to as many as 2,000 or more on weekends, and 3) attention and support has soared because of heavy-handed tactics by the New York Police Department, including the videotaped pepper-spraying of women already in custody and 700 arrests Saturday on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Um, what? Oh! These “facts” don’t matter because this is the greatest American “be-in” since Woodstock. Oh give me a break Mr. Bunch. Don’t you dare compare this to Woodstock, especially with these descriptions:

In Zuccotti Park, grey-bearded Jerry Garcia look-alikes flash acoustic guitars just like switchblades, serenading 20-something with punk crimson hair while the rhythms of a non-stop drumline wash over a large yoga circle in the corner of the park.



P.J. Salvatore

During a lengthy Thursday interview, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell suggested GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain served in the Navy during the Vietnam War, and Cain clarified that he was not a service member in the Navy but worked as an employee of the Navy designing artillery. After finding this out, O’Donnell immediately asked Mr. Cain why he “avoided” military service, implying that because he did not volunteer like John Kerry, that disqualifies Mr. Cain from becoming Commander-in-Chief:

After Cain explained that he made himself available for the draft but simply was not picked, O’Donnell doubled down with this lengthy harangue:

I am offended on behalf of all the veterans of the Vietnam War who joined, Mr. Cain — the veterans who did not wait to be drafted like John Kerry, who joined. They didn’t sit there and wait to find out what their draft board was gonna do. They had the courage to join and to go and to fight that war. What prevented you from joining, and what gives you the feeling that after having made that choice, you should be the Commander in Chief?


Dana Loesch

You would think that such a self-styled reporter and arbitrator of all things “yellow journalism” like Tommy Christopher would have gone to the trouble of reaching out for a quote when writing his latest hit piece. Of course, this is the same “reporter” who used anonymous teenage girls as sources for such a down-the-rabbit-hole story on me and others, it kills brain cells to deconstruct without the benefit of alcohol. It’s a shame they didn’t listen to my past podcasts where I expounded on this Romney issue even more.

Today on my show I addressed Christopher’s silly hit piece. I haven’t bothered reading his yet, as he bravely waited until I was on air before publishing so I couldn’t immediately respond, but his prejudice against me is predictable so I don’t feel the need.


Joel B. Pollak

George Soros, billionaire investor and grand patron of the American institutional left, has just failed in his attempt to have his 2002 conviction for insider trading in France overturned. He plans to appeal.

The Soros result has gone virtually unnoticed in the U.S. media, which has paid more attention to a rather lame attempt by Bloomberg Markets magazine to develop the Koch brothers conspiracy theory into a tale of global corruption.

How bad was that article? The Atlantic summed it up nicely:

The article purports to be a hard-hitting exposé on the giant multinational, run by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch. According to Bloomberg, 14 reporters around the globe worked for six months on the story. What did they turn up? Really, shockingly little. And what’s worse: from the very outset, the reporters’ bias against the Koch brothers is utterly clear.

Meanwhile, Media Matters for America–the Soros-funded, self-appointed would-be censor of conservative opinion–continues hankering after the Koch brothers.

And just in time to catch the Astroturf fever of #OccupyWallStreet, Democrats are rumored to be heading to this weekend’s Sunday news shows armed with talking points about the Koch brothers’ alleged past dealings in Iran through a foreign subsidiary.

Yet Rahm Emanuel, who will appear on NBC’s Meet the Press, and Nancy Pelosi, who will appear on ABC’s This Week, received campaign contributions from companies alleged to have operated in Iran through subsidiaries–including Honeywell, for example, which has contributed to both. (more…)

P.J. Salvatore

“Iran-Contra didn’t rack of that kind of body count. Watergate didn’t rack up that kind of body count. Sarah Palin’s daughter’s boyfriend’s mother, or whatever stupid story they were chasing around Wasilla for months, that didn’t rack up a body count. There were hundreds of dead Mexicans from a gun running program run by the United States.”


Warner Todd Huston

During the latest campaign appearance disguised as a presidential press conference, President Obama uttered one straight out lie that stands out above the rest of them. To help sell his “jobs bill,” Obama claimed to have met a Boston-based teacher named Robert Baroz and intimated that Baroz had no job despite his excellent teaching credentials. The problem is, neither claim is true. Obama simply lied. So, where is the national Old Media to pin Obama to the wall over this out right lie?

During his presser, Obama introduced teacher Baroz into the national discussion of his “jobs bill.” Obama claimed to have met Mr. Baroz and lamented that Baroz was out of work.

I had a chance to meet a young man named Robert Baroz. He’s got two decades of teaching experience. He’s got a master’s degree. He’s got an outstanding track record of helping his students make huge gains in reading and writing. In the last few years, he’s received three pink slips because of budget cuts. Why wouldn’t we want to pass a bill that puts somebody like Robert back in the classroom teaching our kids?

The problem with this little tale of woe? Firstly President Obama did not meet teacher Baroz. Robert Baroz did attend a Rose Garden press conference last September with a few other teachers, but the closest he ever got to the president was Baroz’ front row seat during the event. The two never came face to face, never shook hands, never actually met. Baroz saw Obama up at the lectern and Obama may have noticed Baroz sitting in the audience. That hardly makes for a meeting.


Stacy Washington

Suddenly a perfectly timed moral and ethical revelation has come to light. Governor Perry, presidential candidate extraordinaire, is apparently a racist. According to a story by the AP, the Perry family leased a property named “N**gerhead Hunting Camp” from the early 1980’s to 1997 from Hendricks Home for Children. Sometime during that period, the rock was painted over by Governor Perry’s parents at his request. There are a number of issues that require addressing at this point. First off, why oh why is this story breaking now? No one noticed the painted over rock until 2011? Or could this be an attempt to goad Herman Cain into a blunder in the area of race? Why would he be the first one questioned on this issue?

Without a direct interview on this topic with Gov. Perry, who should be the first to weigh in, the media turns to the only black Republican in the presidential race! Of course Cain could have said that without all of the evidence before him, and without any clarification or explanation from Perry, he could not comment. The response of a chorus of “sell out” and “Uncle Tom” cries from the left would have been deafening. So he weighed in the best way that he could, considering he probably wasn’t aware of the complete story until Amanpour sprung it on him.

Gov. Perry, by all accounts behaved as he should have in asking his family to cover over the offensive name on the rock. In fact, the camp was renamed North Camp Pasture by the Perry family. There is nothing wrong in Herman Cain commenting that the term on the rock is offensive – which we all should vocally agree is the truth. The danger here is in circling the wagons around the issue without addressing it properly. The Republican Party has been wrongly maligned as racist for the past 50+ years. Conservatives are tired of defending themselves against baseless attacks, but there must be agreement on justifiable instances where Conservatives should denounce an accepted racist practice, and move on. Racism is not limited to any party or race. Deal with it. There is no racism on the part of the Perry family or Governor Perry. They didn’t paint the rock. They painted over it.


P.J. Salvatore

- What does Eric Holder have that Alberto Gonzalez didn’t? Air cover from the drive-by media, of course.

This leads us to Attorney General Eric Holder. I would think with the way the MSM handled Mr. Gonzalez they would be all over Mr. Holder. I’m sadly disappointed. Actually the only person who talks about Fast and Furious on a regular basis is Cam Edwards, host of Cam & Company at NRA News. Sharyl Attkisson at CBS cares about Fast & Furious, too, and Lord knows she is not being received well. We must also give credit to Matthew Boyle at Daily Caller and Katy Pavlich at Townhall.

- MSNBC may not have Sarah Palin to kick around in the 2012 GOP primary, but they’ll settle for Herman Cain, for now. That’s MSNBC, aka the MoStly NoBody Cares network.

This afternoon, Jack Coleman at NewsBusters noted how MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took a shot at GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain for supposedly “taking a month off the campaign trail — taking a month off — to go on a book tour.” The original source for this “claim” is a very poorly written and quite deceptively headlined October 3 item at the Christian Science Monitor by David Grant.

- Yes, Troy Davis is dead. He was executed for his crime. But what jury heard the case before the media opted to execute the truth in their reporting of the unfortunate matter?

Lou Arcangeli, a retired deputy chief of police for the Atlanta Police Department, has offered his own view on media coverage, saying, “This case demonstrates that when a lie is unchallenged and repeated often enough it comes to be taken as fact, and truth is lost in the fog of time. The facts of Officer Mark MacPhail’s murder, and the trial that convicted Davis with its legally admissible facts, have been lost in the blitz of social media and news media misinformation.”

- Okay, we get it, folks. Is there one mainstream media talking head that hasn’t gotten the memo. Hey, let’s try and make this into our (the Left’s) version of the tea party! Tea is a hot commodity this year. Sorry, MSM, no sale.

During the 1 p.m. hour of Tuesday’s Newsroom, CNN’s Randi Kaye touted the potential for the “Occupy Wall Street” protests around the country to morph into a “left wing Tea Party.” Kaye reported that the group is “gaining momentum” and hosted one of the protestors for a soft interview.

- Somewhat summing up all of the above, the media can try as hard as it might to keep the truth of the Occupy Wall Street effort from coming to light.

Liberal radio host Thom Hartmann is peeved that media outlets such as Fox News and CNN are covering the so-called Occupy Wall Street movement and allegedly interviewing only the most “politically unsophisticated” protesters, after searching all of nanoseconds to find them.


Mary Chastain

Crony Capitalism: Business depends on the relationships between their people and government officials.

Isn’t this fun: Finding a scandal in the Bush Administration that’s similar to a scandal in the Obama Administration and comparing how the MSM treated both. Like General Attorney Alberto Gonzalez, the MSM couldn’t get enough of any scandal within Halliburton and always made sure to connect them to Dick Cheney. Yet they don’t seem to care much about the wasted tax money on Solyndra.

The MSM did their job correctly by keeping us up to date with the wrong doings of Halliburton. They weren’t perfect and received some perks because of their ties to Vice President Dick Cheney. The fact is everything Halliburton did wrong the MSM was right there to pick it up, most notably the bribes paid to Nigeria. Bunnatine H. Greenhouse was demoted after she testified Halliburton was receiving special treatment for work in Iraq & Dick Cheney’s office was in complete control of Halliburton’s $7 billion Iraqi oil/infrastructure contract.

Was it crony capitalism? Yes. Government and government officials shouldn’t play favorites with private companies. The MSM was right to call out these Halliburton misfortunes.

Yet, until recently, the MSM outlets have been silent on Solyndra. In March 2009 Obama Administration gave Solyndra a $535 million loan guarantee. They were given this much money because of these promises:

  • The construction of this complex will employ approximately 3,000 people.
  • The operation of the facility will create over 1,000 jobs in the United States.
  • The installation of these panels will create hundreds of additional jobs in the United States.
  • The commercialization of this technology is expected to then be duplicated in multiple other manufacturing facilities

Yeah none of that happened. Here’s where it gets interesting & why the MSM should be all over this because it’s basically Halliburton/Cheney all over again. George Kaiser, one of the principal owners of Solyndra, is a HUGE Obama donator. Maybe this is why the loan was approved before officials completed mandated evaluations of the company? Turns out 143 companies wanted the loan, but Solyndra received it. Did it have anything to do with their $1.8 million in lobbying? But when Tim Harris, CEO of Solopower, didn’t think about lobbying because he was told it was not helpful or acceptable. Huh. So one company was told it wasn’t acceptable to lobby and yet the company, which one of the principal owners is a big Obama donator, was allowed to lobby & received the bigger loan. Thank goodness we didn’t loan more to Solyndra.


P.J. Salvatore

In the wake of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ death from pancreatic cancer, much of the mainstream media has resisted the urge to take partisan potshots over the occasion. However, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir apparently could not help but connect Jobs’ demise to Sarah Palin’s announcement she would not seek the GOP Presidential nomination, made shortly before Apple’s announcement concerning Jobs.

We’ve marked two important stories:  the tragic and sad passing of a true creative genius at the age of just 56 and hopefully the end of a charade that’s been going on for three years. One individual represents the very best of American exceptionalism– brilliant, determined, creative. The other represents the very worst form of American opportunism– vacuous, crass, and according to almost every biographer, vindictive, too.


John Nolte

We start with context.

This is the same Washington Post that crowd-sourced thousands of Governor Sarah Palin’s emails (and came up with bupkis). This is the same Washington Post that did an EXTENSIVE investigation with a Sunday morning front page splash into a rock Governor Rick Perry’s father painted over three decades ago. Furthermore, this is the same Washington Post that then turned that non-story into a three-day narrative about how racist Rick Perry might be.

Now, I want you to meet this same Washington Post’s own Sari Horwitz, the (try not to laugh) “investigative reporter” covering the brewing Fast and Furious scandal. This is a clip that aired the other night on Greta:


There is so much covering  up, so much intellectual dishonesty, and so much palace guarding on Horwitz’s part in those few minutes that I don’t know where to begin… so we’ll begin at the beginning.

First off, this is all about when Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the Mexican gun-running operation known as Fast and Furious. On May 3rd of this year, Holder testified before the  House Judiciary Committee, saying, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”

However, last Friday in a classic Friday late-afternoon White House document dump:

A copy of the heavily redacted weekly report posted by CBS News offers direct evidence that not only was the attorney general briefed on Operation Fast and Furious, but that he was briefed on it regularly and was well aware that the program was sending thousands of weapons into the hands of the Sinaloa cartel.

And so here we are.

Obviously, there is more than just smoke here. Obviously, something very real is smoldering and Holder has more than just a little explaining to do. If Holder lied, he’s toast. If the highest law enforcement officer in the land lied, this is the kind of story that should (and would if we were talking about a Republican administration) swamp a White House into paralysis. Because once you pull the thread marked ”why did he lie?”, the whole sweater is in jeopardy.

So now that we’ve back-filled and set the stage, let’s go back and listen to WaPo’s Sari Horwitz again, and you tell me if you think she sounds anything like an investigative reporter hot on the trail in her crusade to hold power accountable. I ask because, to me, she sounds not only like a member of the DNC hoping to spin this story off the front page but like an actual creator of White House talking points.


Dan  Riehl

This morning, Big Government posted video from an event at the National Press Club at which Faya Rose Touré (formerly Rose Sanders), an attorney from the $2.7 billion Pigford “black farmers” discrimination settlement, revealed major flaws in the claims process. Her statements support previous reporting by Big Government and Big Journalism–reporting which Media Matters ruthlessly and wrongly attacked as false.

At the same press conference, the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) and the Nation of Islam (NOI) joined in a barrage of racist, antisemitic, and homophobic rhetoric that went unreported by the mainstream media, though the event took place within their very own clubhouse.

Press Release for Pigford Press Conference

The newly released video confirms much of what Pigford’s critics have been saying, destroying previous attempts by George Soros’s Big Labor-funded minions at Media Matters to hide the truth.

From Breitbart media’s earliest reporting on the Pigford settlement, Media Matters began recklessly hurling accusations of racism, and lying about Andrew Breitbart and others’ writing about the issue, while discounting facts now shown to be correct.

In hindsight, that appears to have been an orchestrated effort to suppress the truth behind Pigford and potentially keep the scandal from surfacing in mainstream media outlets.

It is an effort that has failed.

For example, Media Matters tried to dispel any link between Pigford and the New Black Panther Party (“Race-baiting confluence: On Breitbart site, Adams links Pigford to New Black Panthers“).
