Predominantly white ‘Occupy Atlanta’ crowd shuts out civil rights icon John Lewis
This is just so … RAAAAACIST! Occupy Atlanta began protesting Friday night. About 200 people attended the event. U.S. Congressman John Lewis even stopped by for about half an hour. Several demonstrators held signs showing their frustration with Washington’s relationship with big business. Many people voiced general frustration. One woman said she was there for [...]
Hey Now, Go To Protest, Get Paid
They do have a point, sort of
The Occupy Wall Street crowd, I mean. I’ll bash them every chance I get, but when they have a valid case to make, I’ll support them. Here’s such a case. File it under the “what did you expect would happen” tag. The Sunlight Foundation tracks money in Washington. They noticed that the members of the [...]
Hope for our Posterity
A brilliant answer to the OWS crowd from a thirteen year old: Message Reads: Dear Wall Street Protesters: My Dad is a successful computer Engineer. My Mom gave up a career to raise me properly. Our house is a little too small, but like my parents say ‘live beneath your means’ I’m sorry you’re out [...]
America, Obama, Cain, And Race
As I watch the Republican primary field shape up, and — more importantly — how the media and leftist commentators (but I repeat myself) treat the men and women who would be president, I find myself rethinking the 2008 campaign — and seeing it in a whole new light. Yeah, Obama ran as the [...]
The Occupy Protest theme song
From Finding Nemo: Via American Digest who adds keenly: Please note that there’s a reason “Envy” is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Also note that these rules are still in as much force as the law of gravity. Here’s hoping you find out why before the bill comes due and the whip comes down. Indeed.
Economic Forecast: Recession
“If the United States isn’t already in a recession now it’s about to enter one,”
Gridlock is not a Bug, It’s a Feature
“If a bill is about to pass that really comes down hard on some minority [and] they think it’s terribly unfair, it doesn’t take much to throw a monkey wrench into this complex system.”
Fallout from the Nuclear Option
Actions have consequences, and the consequences are wholly owned by those taking the precipitating action.
Writing Himself Out Of A Job
Yesterday in Washington, DC, there was a protest by a bunch of vaguely unhinged leftists. First reports tied them to the “Occupy Wall Street” nuts, then it was Code Pink, then some generic anti-war types, now I dunno. Anyway, they were quite unhappy that the Smithsonian Air And Space Museum was holding an exhibit on [...]
Leftist anti-Cain strategy is solidifying
In a post yesterday about MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview with Herman Cain, I wrote in part: O’Donnell’s interview was caricature… it was folly… it represents the worst of gotcha journalism… his hatred for Cain was palpable… and it’s centered on this idiotic leftist notion that Cain’s blackness is faux blackness… that in fact, Cain is a [...]
Tea Time
As the worthless vermin who call themselves “Occupy Wall Street” spread (much like certain social diseases) across the nation, the Left is doing its level best to spin and cover for them and grant them a shred of respectability — which they clearly don’t deserve. Top-ranking Democrats are saying kind things about them and cutting [...]