Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Last Update: 1:57 AM ET

NATO Says Resilience of Qaddafi Allies Is Surprising

A general overseeing the Libyan air campaign said the loyalists were taking advantage of the urban setting in Surt and Bani Walid that prevents heavy NATO airstrikes.

Campaign 2012

Front-Runner? All Bets Are Off in the Iowa Caucuses

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry may seem to be the Republican presidential candidates to beat, but at the Iowa caucuses, anything is possible.

Deficit Reduction Panel Under Scrutiny

As people in and out of Congress demand transparency, members of the powerful bipartisan committee say secrecy is needed to build trust and exclude special interests.

U.N. Finds ‘Systematic’ Torture in Afghanistan

A United Nations report provides a devastating picture of abuses committed by arms of the Afghan government.

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A couple of deckhands waiting for work at Ken Lee Seafood in Lafitte, La., as a trawler floats by.
William Widmer for The New York Times

Gulf Shrimp Industry Pulling Empty Nets

Fishermen in Louisiana say the harvest could be the worst in memory, and neither they nor researchers are sure why. Above, deckhands waiting for work in Lafitte, La.

Protests Offer Help, and Risk, for Democrats

Leading Democratic figures are embracing the spread of the anti-Wall Street protests as a way to align disenchanted Americans with their party.

N.B.A. Cancels First 2 Weeks of Play

N.B.A. Commissioner David Stern said the players and owners were “very far apart on virtually all issues.”

Coveted Jobs in Iraq Breed Diploma Fraud

Many Iraqis who need proof of higher education for government work have pressed school officials, sometimes with threats, to sign fake documents.

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Fliers’ vs. Airlines’ Rights

In the past, when passengers were removed from flights, only fellow travelers knew; now social media exposes these disputes to a worldwide audience.

Senate Gridlock

Progress was halted in the Senate when Democrats voted to prohibit one of the many tactics that foster partisan arguments.

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Science Times »

Government to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’

Mining a world of data to predict political crises, revolutions, and other forms of economic and social instability.

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Prostate Test Finding Leaves Confusion

The news that the P.S.A. test does more harm than good has been unsettling.

Triggers for Rejection

The Mortgage Bankers Association estimates that about half of those who try to refinance and 30 percent of home buyers are either denied or drop out of the application process.

Behind the Wheel | 2011 Nissan Quest
Dusting Off the Recipe for a White-Bread Van

The new Quest is clearly aimed at giving customers the conventional minivan experience they seem to want: family transportation that is comfortable and versatile.

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