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Classes: Oct. 8

South Lawn Classroom A

Saturday October 8th, 2011


Keith Olbermann Joins Us

Keith Olbermann read the following declaration on the air which is dated September 30, 2011 by the NYC General Assembly

As we gather together in solidarity to express a felling of mass injustice. We must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.

March on Bank of America, Oct. 6th: Clarification

The October 6 march was directed at the Bank of America branch at First and Figureoa in Downtown Los Angeles. Apparently, those who occupied the lobby were planning on being arrested and were accompanied by attorneys affiliated with their group, Make Banks Pay. Eleven people were arrested, none of them a part of the Occupy Los Angeles group. It is likely that the assembly of police in riot gear earlier in the day was in anticipation of the march and the arrests that police probably knew were planned before the march took place.

daniil's picture

International Day of Action

We are marching from City Hall through the financial district (via Spring Street) in solidarity with our brothers and sisters occupying worldwide.

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - 10:00am
daniil's picture

1 Week Anniversary Fiesta

Festivities from 10:00 a.m - Always. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011 (All day)
Ruth Fowler's picture

You Just Don’t Get It... but You Will.

Eight days ago I wrote the following words:

kv's picture

Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley will speak today at 5pm

Occupy LA press release -- October 7th, Dr. Cornel West visited the Occupy Los Angeles encampment now referred to by occupiers as "tent city”. Dr. West is to return tonight at 5pm to speak to the occupiers. He will be accompanied by Tavis Smiley.

"1% of the population controls 42% of the wealth. Something is wrong in America." Dr. West says, explaining the growing gap in the economic structure.

kv's picture

Olbermann and Anderson to report on OccupyLA

Current TV's Countdown host, Keith Olbermann, and CNN's Anderson Cooper will both be at City Hall tomorrow, at 5pm, to report on the Occupy LA movement. 


Occupiers bring your bikes this weekend! Ciclavia is going on between 10am-3pm. 

On Sunday October 9th 2011, the city of Los Angeles and the non-profit CicLAvia invite you to experience 10.5 miles of open streets for walking, bicycling, skating and more! The October route includes a new spur south, mostly through the Fashion District, and a new spur north through Chinatown. http://www.ciclavia.org

Visit from Rosanna Arquette

Support for Occupy Los Angeles grew (gracefully) with the arrival of renowned actress Rosanna Arquette who toured the area and providing a number of photo-ops for Occupy Los Angeles and everyone else who was lucky enough to be present.  She summed up her feelings by saying: "Greed is not the American way", after doing all she could in a very limited time frame to show her support, including joining us on the OWSLosAngeles LiveStream.


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by Dr. Radut.

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