I Got Shot in New Orleans | The Nation …. But happy that two suspects have now been arrested, with citizens' help.
Seattle ‘green’ consultants sell out for coal money, whine … via
@grist -
I'm about to go on Rachel Maddow show to discuss my Newsweek expose of how BP covered up its crimes in the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
My Newsweek expose reveals BP covered up its crimes in the 2010 Gulf oil spill, but might now face financial ruin: …
"Sandy As Greek Tragedy" in Nation. Sandy is short for Cassandra, whose warnings about the future were fated to be ignored. bit.lyRr8aun
10 environ questions for reporters to ask Romney and Obama, offered by leading activists: .
Climate change is killing nearly 1,000 kids a day, says groundbreaking study I cover in Daily Beast today:
Summer 2012 shows we need climate-smart agriculture, starting with the new Farm Bill, I argue in today's NYTimes: …
Obama Can Say 'Climate' After All | The Nation . The end of this piece offers new ideas on how to spur climate action.
Saving 'Lyin' Ryan' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English … via
@ajenglish -
Is Paul Ryan asking for it? See my "Saving Lyin' Ryan" piece about last night's speech at via
@HuffPostPol -
Make the 2012 heat wave matter--by mobilizing against the corporations and politicians that block climate action. See
It's Time for Parents to Help Tackle Climate Change | AlterNet
Strange that parents aren't up in arms (yet) about climate change, but Climate Parents wants to change that:
Harry Reid pledges to reform filibuster rule, which requires only 51 votes in opening weeks of next (2013) Congress: .
Earth Day lesson: politicians need us to lead them. From my interview with Thoreau Farm's blog, The Roost:
Blast climate deniers into space? IPCC's Pachauri jokingly proposed that Thursday with California Gov Jerry Brown; see
Make Banks Re-lend Subsidy Billions to the 99 Percent: it's fair and it's good economics too. See my post at .
The Keystone Victory | The Nation
The Keystone Pipeline delay is the best climate news in a long time. Score another victory for the power of people taking to the streets.
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