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Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Defends Romney's Faith Yet Attacked Obama For His

Reported by Priscilla - Wed 3:09 PM

That the GOP is threatened by African American expressions of self affirmation was clearly demonstrated by their fear and loathing of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the African American former pastor of Chicago's United Church of Christ Trinity Church and spiritual mentor to Barack Obama. Because Wright preached a gospel that was geared to African American affirmation, seen by the right wing as analogous to Marxism, it was used to attack Obama by suggesting that his policies would favor black liberation interests. As the mouthpiece for the rabid right, Fox "News" picked up this meme during the run up to the 2008 elections and continuing to this day in what has to be their best play of the "scary black man" card. Their seeming 24 and 7 loop of Wright's "controversial" sermons promoted the meme that, because of his connection to Rev. Wright, Obama would be handing the government over to a gang of Mau-Mau's. Recently, a radical Southern Baptist preacher questioned presidential candidate Mitt Rommey's ability to govern because he's a member of a "cult" religion. Given that this was a religious attack, it wasn't surprising to see Fox's resident clergyman, Fr. Jonathan Morris provide a religious perspective. It's funny. The "divisive" rhetoric that Morris is now condemning was something that he actively promoted against a Democratic candidate for president. Seems a little inconsistent but Morris is ministering to his Fox flock.

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Bill O’Reilly’s Epic Discussion With Tavis Smiley And Cornel West About Race, Poverty And Herman Cain

Reported by Ellen - Wed 12:32 PM

Last night, Bill O’Reilly attempted to defend Herman Cain’s comments about the Occupy Wall Street protesters, “If you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself!” by suggesting that most poverty is due to substance abuse. He also went on to complain about uncivil and disrespectful attacks on Cain – shortly before calling Cain critic Harry Belafonte “a zombie.” Unfortunately for O’Reilly, but fortunately for the rest of us, he chose as debate partners Cornel West and Tavis Smiley. I was quite critical of Smiley a few weeks ago when he appeared on Hannity but he completely redeemed himself and more in this appearance. It’s a must see.

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Sean Hannity Glad Hank Williams, Jr. Won’t Apologize For Calling Obama “The Enemy”

Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:12 AM

The next time GOP Special Victim Sean Hannity whines about the left’s harsh rhetoric, please be sure to remember this lovefest interview with Hank Williams, Jr. Hannity didn’t just condone Williams likening President Obama to Hitler and referring to him as “the enemy,” Hannity applauded Williams for refusing to apologize and called him a "great American."

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Ruh-Roh! Busted Iranian Terror Plot Foils (For Now) Fox News Witch Hunt Against Eric Holder

Reported by Ellen - Tue 5:06 PM

In case you missed it, the Justice Department just announced it has foiled an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States and bomb the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C. Given Fox News' burning hatred for Iran and the network's fever for aggression against Iran, you'd think the "fair and balanced" folks would be focused like a laser beam on this news. Not so fast (or furious)!

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U.S. Marines To Hannity: F*ck Off!

Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:03 PM

It looks like Hannity's brand of Hatriotism regarding the Occupy Wall Street protesters isn't going over with a couple of guys who have actually served their country. While Hannity luxuriates in his waterfront estate fighting his media war on Democrats - and using service men and women as promotional props - these guys are struggling to pay their bills.

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Martha MacCallum's "Illegals" Fact - A Lie Or Faulty Fact Checking?

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 3:41 PM

Fox News alleged "news" anchor, Martha MacCallum, said (9/28), regarding approval for in-state tuition rates for undocumented students, that the people of RI "didn't get to voice their opinion on this" - a position taken by those who opposed the decision of the RI Board of Governors for Higher Education. She went to say, regarding the citizens of RI, that "The polls in RI, according to the Providence Journal, show that they're very much against it." The Providence Journal had only a few articles on this topic and none of them cited any polling data. So I contacted the "ProJo" and discovered that, surprise, surprise, Ms. MacCallum was either lying or had done/had been given faulty research information as the folks at the newspaper did not do any polling nor did they publish any results of polls in their articles about the in-state tuition.

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Brian Kilmeade Supports Spying On Muslim Mosques Which "Some Say" Breed Terrorists

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 1:24 PM

As part of the "Islamophobia Network," described in the Center for American Progress report "Fear Inc," Fox "News" does love to play the fear of radical Islam card. The report also cites Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, an American Muslim and founder of a website devoted to fighting "Islamofascism," as a "validator" in that his claim to have inside knowledge of radical Islam allows him to "validate and authenticate manufactured myths about Muslims and Islam." This morning, Fox & Friends brought in Jasser for a discussion about the American mosque where Islamic radical Anwar al Awlaki worshipped. According to the chums on the curvy couch, "some say" it should be closed because "some say" it's creating terrorists. The "some" appear to be Robert Spencer, Pam Geller, and all the other Islamophobes cited in "Fear Inc." as they have all called for the closure of this mosque. While Jasser didn't agree with the "some," the official Fox News message that was conveyed, in this "Safe at Home" segment, was that this Fall Church VA mosque might be a place where those evil "Mooselims" are being radicalized and should be closed. Jasser also got to bray about the dangers of Islamic radicalization. And as Brian Kilmeade so astutely suggested, it could be happening at any and all mosques. Are ya scared yet?

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Chris Wallace Helps Further Rep. Darrell Issa’s Fast And Furious Witch Hunt

Reported by Ellen - Tue 8:19 AM

Let me start by saying that I think the Fast and Furious gunrunning scheme of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms department should be investigated. But any media outlet worth its salt would keep a careful eye on any investigation overseen by the hyper-partisan, ethically challenged, and criminally suspect Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa. Not Fox News, of course. They’re so breathlessly credulous about Issa’s investigation the two might as well be working hand-in-hand. Oh, wait, maybe they are. On Sunday (10/9/11), Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace made some moves to look fair and objective but Wallace’s focus was in the same place as Issa’s: Eric Holder. But if Fox News cares so much about mistakes in government costing American lives, where’s its interest in how we got into a war based on faulty intelligence?

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Fox & Friends Gets To The Bottom Of The Occupy Wall Street Appeal: Free Food!

Reported by Ellen - Mon 6:07 PM

Yup, according to Steve Doocy, the protesters are downtown for smoked salmon and other free food. That is, when they’re not there to hide out from the law. But Gretchen Carlson kept it “fair and balanced” with her comment, after noting the “cherub face” of a child near those criminal protesters, “A lot of parents who are activists are bringing their children to these events, and they’re camping out with them and… I don’t know, leave it up to you what you think about that.” As she spoke, a banner on the lower third of the screen read, “LAWBREAKERS AT PROTESTS.”

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Fox News Compares Occupy Wall Street Posters To The Unabomber

Reported by Guest Blogger - Mon 5:43 PM

By Brian

Over the weekend (10/8/11), Liz Trotta was asked by Uma Pemmaraju about the "media spin" on the Occupy Wall Street protests. Trotta said "I advise anybody who has a sense of humor left about this to go to occupywallstreet.com and what you will read is the ravings of what sounds like the Unabomber, and also the use of the word meta, a Greek degree of language." She later said "It's certainly better going down there and carrying signs than going out and hitting the pavement for a job… The liberal media is being accused of setting this up for Obama so that he can use this, these people as a wedge against the Republicans in the election. I don't know if that’s true or not, but the unions, the public service unions, couldn’t wait to get down there last week... It's a magnet for the disenchanted."

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FoxNews.Com Readers Agree With "Occupy Wall Street" Views Of Economy

Reported by Ellen - Mon 3:05 PM

FoxNews.com has one of its non-scientific polls asking if readers agree with Occupy Wall Street protesters' views on the economy. Even though two of the three choices (besides "other") disparage the OWS protests, the results are more than two-to-one in support. Screen grab after the jump

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Martha MacCallum "Hears" Those Who Oppose In-State Tuition For "Illegals"

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 2:39 PM

In the spirit of the 19th century "Know Nothings," today's GOP is full of fear and loathing of immigration. As their mouthpiece, Fox News aids and abets their nativist positions, especially in its coverage of those who are undocumented - or, as Fox puts it, "illegals." Now that a number of states have approved in-state tuition for young people who are "illegal," Fox "News" is there to support those who oppose this measure which aims to help young people who want to pursue their education. Martha MacCallum, despite her position as an official "news" anchor, is known for advocating GOP positions. So it wasn't surprising to see her solidarity with those who oppose in-state tuition for those nasty "illegals."

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Occupy Wall Street Protesters Tell Geraldo Rivera: Fox News Lies!

Reported by Ellen - Mon 3:02 AM

Geraldo Rivera and his panel got quite an earful from the Occupy Wall Street protesters yesterday. Rivera did a reasonably fair report on the protest with more supporters than detractors among his guests. But at some point during the show, the protesters began chanting, “Fox News lies!” to the point where it began to drown out the Fox News audio.

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Hank Williams, Jr. On Fox & Friends – The Saturday Night Live Version

Reported by Ellen - Mon 2:26 AM

Saturday Night Live spoofed Hank Williams, Jr.’s now-infamous appearance on Fox & Friends last week with in which he compared President Obama to Hitler. The SNL skit features a follow up visit with Williams and his media representative. “Gretchen Carlson” said about the Hitler remarks, “We just don’t say that on this show,” to which “Brian Kilmeade” added, “We imply it.” Featuring the wonderful Ben Stiller as the media rep.

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"Concerned Woman For America," Penny Nance, Loves Men But Wants Them To Grow Up

Reported by Priscilla - Sun 3:17 PM

Bill Bennett, former "Drug Czar" in the Bush I administration (What What, Obama isn't the only president with "czars") and general moral scold, has written a book bemoaning how American men are becoming like Peter Pan in that they don't want to grow up and be responsible members of the patriarchy. The very patriarchal Bennett has been forced to admit that today's American women are better educated and better able to take care of themselves than in past generation's which, in turn, encourages young men to take to their TV's and video games because (sniff, sniff) they're neither wanted nor needed. This is also of concern to Fox fave and general scold Penny Nance, head of "Concerned Women of America," an uber right wing group of moral scolds who want to role back abortion rights and fight gay marriage which they see as the end of American family life as we know it. Jesus BFF Nance, who prayed at Rick Perry's prayer rally, recently wrote an article for the Fox News website in which she decried those nasty folks at Google who are just so disrespectful to her homophobic pal Rick Santorum whose google search brings up a sex act (Ewwww). And this morning, sweet lil southern stay at home mom Penny was on Fox & Friends to tell those young men to grow up.

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Fox News Pimps Book For Catholic Lay People Without Noting Author's GOP Connection

Reported by Priscilla - Sun 1:36 PM

Fox "News" is a haven for those Catholics who are persecuted and those who write books. But a new book about the expanding role of Catholic laypeople mustn't be selling too well because not only has it been promoted twice on Fox News (Fox & Friends and America's News HQ); but the author was able to pimp his book on the Fox News website. Seems like pretty sweet treatment for this average looking Catholic everyman type who just wants to encourage Catholics to do stuff for their church now that there aren't enough priests and nuns to do it. But it turns out that this deeply religious fellow isn't just your average schmuck.

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Bill O'Reilly & "Factor Fun?"

Reported by Priscilla - Sun 12:04 PM

When I saw this thread on Fox Nation, I couldn't help thinking that the family of murdered abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, might not agree!

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Fox News “Cost Of Freedom” Guest: We Need More Hunger In America!

Reported by Guest Blogger - Sun 1:37 AM

By Brian
Fox News’ “Cost of Freedom” show, Bulls and Bears, managed to make Marie Antoinette look like a humanitarian yesterday (10/8/11) as first the panelists talked up the benefits of ruthless capitalism and then another panelist complained, “In America, people are not hungry anymore because the government is subsidizing them… that's the problem."

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Romney "Attacker" Is Former Fox & Friends Friend

Reported by Priscilla - Sat 7:15 PM

The lede on the Fox News website is "Romney's Faith Gets Attacked Again." It refers to a Baptist preacher who, in support of GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry, says that Mormonism is a "cult." In other words, according to Texas megachurch Baptist preacher Robert Jeffress, Mitt Romney ain't no friend of Jesus. But Pastor Jeffress is a friend of Fox & Friends. Back during the annual Fox "News" "war on Christimas, Pastor Jeffress told a very receptive Gretchen Carlsona about his website that listed companies that don't say Merry Christmas - the idea being that you take your shopping elsewhere. In April, he spoke to the Christian pals on the curvy couch to say that President Obama is a secret Muslim which, according to Pastor Jeffress, is a religion based on pedophilia. But friendship on Fox is a transitory and fickle thing. Now that Jeffress said that presidential candidate Mitt Rommey's Mormonism is a cult, the worm has turned and his beloved Fox News is accusing him of "attacking" Romney's "faith." Course this is the same network that attacked Obama's connection to Rev. Wright and continues, with the help of its hired Catholic priest, Fr. Morris, to attack Obama's faith or lack of. It's a complex world.

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October 8, 2011

PolitiFact Debunks O'Reilly's $16 Muffin Story, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly & Janine Turner Whine About Poor Hollywood Conservatives, reported by Priscilla,

Ailes And Murdoch Acknowledge Fox News’ Bias, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Leaves Out Election Of President Obama In Its 15-Year Retrospective, reported by Ellen,

Bill O’Reilly Suggests Gay Marriage Leads To Polygamy, reported by Ellen,

Want To Occupy Your City? Brave New Foundation Has Advice And Inspiration, reported by Ellen,

October 7, 2011

Bill O’Reilly Tries To Enlist CBS Reporter In The Eric Holder Witch Hunt, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Promotes Herman Cain’s Unfounded Conspiracy Theory That Occupy Wall Street Protests Are A Democratic Plot, reported by Ellen,

Jon Stewart Demolishes Palin's 2012 Campaign Scam, reported by Ellen,

Occupy Wall Street Is Fox’s New Fair And Balanced Enemy , reported by Aunty Em,

Greta Van Susteren Smacks Down Attacks On Occupy Wall Street Protests, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Excludes Alan Colmes From 15th Anniversary Show, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Crowd Cheers As Neal Boortz Calls Obama “A Bigger Disaster To This Country Than 9/11”, reported by Ellen,

October 6, 2011

Bill O’Reilly: The Occupy Wall Street Protests Are A George Soros Plot, reported by Ellen,

Palin’s Fox & Friends Colleagues Mock Her Announcement Not To Run For President, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Still Believes That Jesus Guided Evolution & Atheists Suck, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Crew Maced and Beaten On Wall Street As Jon Stewart Mocks Fox’s Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, reported by Aunty Em,

Van Susteren Helps Spin Palin’s Decision Not To Run For President, reported by Ellen,

October 5, 2011

Breaking News: Sarah Palin Not Running For President, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Whines About Occupy Wall Street Coverage, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox News Website Features Another Persecuted Christian, reported by Priscilla,

Rep. Allen West Tells Bill Hemmer That Tea Party Isn't Racist! Seriously?, reported by Priscilla,

More News Corp. You-Know-What To Hit The Fan, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Pimps Palin’s Pretend 2012 Candidacy, reported by Ellen,

What Shannon Bream Didn't Say About Christian TX Anti-Gay Student & His "Punishment" , reported by Priscilla,

Special GOP Victim Hannity Stands Up For Hank Williams, Jr. Likening Obama To Hitler, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Teams Up With Discredited J. Christian Adams To Paint Obama As BFF's With New Black Panthers, reported by Ellen,

October 4, 2011

In Honor Of His Retirement, Fox News Trashes 92 Year-Old Andy Rooney, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Witch Hunt For Eric Holder Kicks Up A Notch, reported by Ellen,

No Joy In Foxville: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President! - Definitely!, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Hosts Tim Groseclose For Encore Attack On Media Matters, reported by Priscilla,

Herman Cain Pretends He Never Called Rick Perry “Insensitive” – And Sean Hannity Helps!, reported by Ellen,

October 3, 2011

Hank Williams, Jr. Crashes And Burns As A Fox News Political Pundit, reported by Ellen,

The "Occupy Wall Street" Video Fox News Didn't Want You To See, reported by Ellen,

Fox's Father Jonathan Morris Pals Around With Radical Right Ring Anti-Obama Preacher, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Features Tupak Sex Tape While Ignoring Teabagger's Hooker Arrest, reported by Priscilla,

How Ugly Will Be The Sarah Palin-Fox News Break Up and How Soon?, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O'Reilly Advocates For Condemned Iranian Christian Pastor After Ignoring Troy Davis, reported by Priscilla,

Cavuto’s “Commentary” More Like A Herman Cain Campaign Commercial, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox Nation Pretends Van Jones Threatened Violence – And Their Readers Responded With Real Threats, reported by Guest Blogger,

October 2, 2011

No FEMA? No Problem On Fox News, reported by Guest Blogger,

If Fox Nation Is "For Those Opposed To Intolerance," What's Up With "Pig Maher?", reported by Priscilla,

Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro Suggests The U.S. “Revisit” The First Amendment, reported by Ellen,

October 1, 2011

On Fox & Friends: Nancy Pelosi Is A Witch?, reported by Priscilla,

On Fox & Friends: Dave Briggs Says Media Matters Abuses Tax Dollars, reported by Priscilla,

Hannity Disses Michael Jackson Trial Fans As “Losers”, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Host Attacks Obama For Not Giving Bush Credit In Killing of Al-Awlaki, reported by Ellen,

September 30, 2011

Fox's New Slogan Tacitly Admits Its Conservative Bias, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Defends Homophobia?, reported by Priscilla,

Embarrassing Obama More Important Than Terrorist Killings To Fox Nation, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Gives "Right To Life" Eulogy For "Baby Joseph", reported by Priscilla,

As The Murdoch Turns: The Week’s Newest News Corp. News, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O’Reilly: African Americans Have Been Brainwashed To Vote For Democrats Because Of Entitlements, reported by Ellen,

September 29, 2011

Jon Stewart Skewers Palin And Christie Non-Campaign Coverage, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Hiding His Ring Finger?, reported by Priscilla,

"It Just Seems Fishy" Good Enough Reason For Hannity To Attack Obama Over Ford Bailout Ad, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Shows Some Sweetness For Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale, reported by Priscilla,

O’Reilly On The Daily Show: Talking Taxes For Millionaires And His Threat To Quit Working , reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Mock Chaz Bono & The Transgendered, reported by Priscilla,

While Pimping Calista Gingrich's New Book, Steve Doocy Attacks TX Teacher , reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Civil War! Dick Morris Blasts “Teases” Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump, reported by Ellen,

September 28, 2011

Chris Christie Still Not Running, Probably, reported by Ellen,

Greta Van Susteren Repeatedly Prods Republican Senator Grassley To Be More Antagonistic Toward Department Of Justice, reported by Ellen,

Memo To Fox & Friends: I Don't Want You Hit By Skylab!, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News' Hero Priest, Frank Pavone, In Holy Hot Water?, reported by Priscilla,

Today’s Fox and Friends Pushes Yesterday’s Debunked Story To Attack POTUS, reported by Aunty Em,

News Corp Facing More Legal Troubles Here And Abroad, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Thinks Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale Is Dandy?, reported by Priscilla,

Chris Christie And His Republican Audience Cheer Reagan Firing 11,000 Air Traffic Controllers, reported by Ellen,

September 27, 2011

Fox News Alert: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President, Probably, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Goes To Bat For UC Berkeley’s Anti-Affirmative Action Stunt, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends’ Doocy And Kilmeade Try To Get Actress Anna Kendrick To Bash George Clooney, reported by Ellen,

Fox's Peter Johnson Jr. Is A Maltese Knight!, reported by Priscilla,

O’Reilly Uses The Factor To Promote His New Book, reported by Ellen,

Palin Threatens To Sue The Rogue Publisher And Author Joe McGinnis, reported by Ellen,

September 26, 2011

What Roger Ailes Really Admitted To Newsweek About Fox News Bias, reported by Ellen,

Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Says Blessed Are The Rich For They Should Keep Their Tax Break?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Host And Panelists Cheerlead For Shutting Down Government, reported by Guest Blogger,

September 25, 2011

Forbes On Fox Host Doesn’t Want A Discouraging Word About Fossil Fuels, reported by Guest Blogger,

Saturday Night Live Does Fox News GOP Debate, reported by Ellen,

War Budget Over Social Security?, reported by Ellen,

September 24, 2011

Cavuto’s Post Debate Love Fest For Herman Cain, reported by Guest Blogger,

Hannity “A Little Shocked” At Conservatives’ Negative Reaction To Perry In Debate, reported by Ellen,

September 23, 2011

Brit Hume Pronounces Obama’s Jobs Plan DOA, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow Says Therapists Should Think Of Crucified Jesus, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Guest Says Muslims Should Be Grateful To Live In The US, reported by Priscilla,

Megyn Kelly Uses "Right To Life" Talking Point To Frame Debate Question, reported by Priscilla,

Here We Go Again: O’Reilly V. Jon Stewart, This Time Over Tax Hikes For Millionaires, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Sleeping With The Enemy? NPR Appearance Scheduled, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Failed To Disclose Right-Wing Affiliations Of Two YouTube Debate Questioners, reported by Ellen,

Frank Luntz' Focus Group Overwhelmingly Votes Romney The Winner Of Fox News' GOP Presidential Debate, reported by Ellen,

September 22, 2011

Fox Nation Uses Photo Of Black Man To Headline Thread About White Supremacist, reported by Priscilla,

Live Blogging Fox News GOP Candidates Debate, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Too Busy With Its GOP/Obama-Bashing Agenda To Cover Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen,

September 21, 2011

FoxNews.com Readers' Racist Bloodlust For Troy Davis Execution, reported by Ellen,

Another Fox Nation Death Threat Against Obama Reported To The Secret Service, reported by Ellen,

Cavuto Gives A Friendly Platform For Tea Party Challenge To “Socialist” John Boehner, reported by Guest Blogger,

Sarah Palin Lectures The Republican Presidential Candidates On How To Campaign, reported by Ellen,

Monica Crowley Plays The Race Card Against President Obama And African American Communities, reported by Ellen,

Eric Bolling: Fox's New Conspiracy Theorist, reported by Aunty Em,

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