Plus: A note on our non-partisan electoral system coverage...

Speaking of GOP voter suppression efforts, there's this sleazy little dirty trick today, as now running on Hispanic television in Nevada, where a group calling itself "Latinos for Reform" is deceptively instructing the community "Don't Vote!" this November --- particularly in the razor-thin race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle.

You'll be shocked to learn that, of course, as TPM reports, the ads are the work of Republican political consultant, Robert Desposada. Whodda guessed it?

Here's the attention-grabbing spot, as translated into English...

And here's the version in Spanish actually airing in NV...

[UPDATE: ThinkProgress reports Univision, a subsidiary of NBC/Universal, is accepting $80k to air the GOP group's ads in Nevada. | LATER UPDATE: Univision decides to not run the ads after all, telling Think Progress late today, "Univision will not be running any spots from Latinos for Reform related to voting."]

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And, perhaps this is a good time for a note for those who may not be aware as Election Day nears, particularly if you read our report yesterday on the "Republican War on Voting 2010" and little else here at The BRAD BLOG over the years: Our coverage of election issues is non-partisan...

As our well-documented record over many years demonstrates, we're happy to go to the matt for Republicans who get screwed vis a vis election fraud and problems with voting systems, just as we are for Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Conservatives and anybody else. We're also happy to call out Democrats (or anybody else) who games the system and gets in the way of voters' rights to participate in their democracy by voting (if they wish to do so) and having their vote counted accurately and transparently.

That means that we call out those who attempt to stymie such rights and, as it so happens, there has been a tidal wave of Republicans and GOP sympathizers who have been doing exactly that for years.

Non-partisan electoral system coverage does not mean there wil be an equal and "balanced" amount of coverage of wrong-doing by both the Right and Left --- not as long as there is not an equal and balanced amount of wrong-doing by each of them when it comes to gaming our electoral system. If that's the sort of coverage you're looking for, you are welcome to look elsewhere, as in most of the MSM where an unlevel playing field is leveled for bad guys under the premise that "both sides" do everything in equal and balanced amounts.

Our years of research and coverage here at The BRAD BLOG has irrefutably found that that is simply not the case. If it is the case as of tomorrow or in the days after, that's how we'll cover it. Until then, however, we'll give the wrong-doers on every "side" precisely the amount of coverage they merit, regardless of party affiliation.

Hope that helps to clarify for those of you who may have been wondering.

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