Why is it that this rather notable story, from Wednesday, received almost no play in the print or broadcast media?

Today Laura Bush told CNN that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor, lacks experience in foreign policy.

You know, that's not been her role. But I think she is a very quick study, and fortunately John McCain does have that sort of experience.

Asked if she thought Palin's resume included sufficient foreign policy experience, Bush said, "Of course she doesn't have that."

If a similarly striking comment had been made by a powerful Democrat (or their spouse) about Barrack Obama or Joe Biden do you supposed it would have received a bit more coverage?

Nonetheless, I'll look forward to the wingnut commentary all weekend --- from the disingenous propagandists and their kool-aid chugging chumps alike --- following tonight's debate, about how the media is "in the tank" for Obama. And I'll look forward, as well, to the media internalizing that phony criticism and continuing to give every benefit of the doubt to a Republican, that they'd never even consider giving to a Democrat.