As leading Democrats finally begin to say out loud what many of us have observed for years, that the GOP is dead set on sabotaging the U.S. economy (and the U.S. with it) in order to re-gain the White House, I spoke with investigative journalist Robert Parry about his recent article "Making the US Economy 'Scream'" on my KPFK/Pacifica Radio show today.

"Over the past several decades, Republican methods for winning national power have come to resemble CIA techniques for destabilizing an enemy country --- through the use of black propaganda, political skullduggery and economic disruptions," Parry argues rather convincingly in his article which is also cross-posted at Alternet under the title, "The GOP's CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country to Sweep Back into Power".

So with the GOP doing what they've done now for years, placing party far ahead of country --- and, as Parry explains, mirroring strategies used in the past to take down foreign nations like Chile --- who is really to blame for the destruction they continue to wreak? Them? The media for enabling them? The Democrats for having no apparent strategy to counter them? Or the American public, for being gullible enough to fall for it time and time again?

My conversation with Parry today on all of the above (and a few words about Obama's "draw down" from Afghanistan), follows below.

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