Kilmeade Asks If "You Fight Back" Against Wall Street Protests By "Explaining How Society Works?"
October 12, 2011 8:03 am ET
From the October 12 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
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Or don't come home at all because of a workplace accident.
Not to mention investing it in foreign markets, construction in other nations and building their businesses in other nations.
How stupid does a boxtop have to be to not see and understand how wealthy corporations and individuals of this nation are phucking over their own nation and it's people??
Very few Americans actually care about the super-wealthy or how they run their lives so long as they have the basics in life. They have a house with their family, they have a solid job, health care, maybe a retirement plan, kids get a good education, etc etc... but when all that really fundamental stuff starts getting chipped at when the "reason" (our deficits) could be almost covered by not giving the rich tax cuts? Yeah, that's when people get annoyed.
No problemo, pete - boxtop has a way of bringing out the urge for verbal bitchslapping in folks.
Nice job of it.
I guess that's how it works for trolls. But most of us receive a pay cheque for the labour we provide.
I think the going rate for trolls is $.49 per post and $.02 per down thumb.
By the time boxtop needs carpal tunnel surgery, he'll probably have made enough for his co-pay.
A bit of a freudian slip there... while trolls are ho's, I meant "how".
Yes - boxtop
And, there you have it modern day right wing! This is what has become of your once proud party. You should feel bad about yourselves, but, clearly the shame was washed away long ago.
They don't GIVE us any thing. We work for it.
Do you work for yours? I doubt it. Kissing up to a bunch of Anti-American fools is not work in any correct sense of the term. It resembles criminal activity more than it remotely resembles work
Do that, and you won't have to go back to being a fourth rate sportscaster in Palookaville.
That's how Beetlebrow thinks that society works. What a sad little man.
"I understand your frustration.... you are right to be angry at the Obama administration. You should be protesting down at the White House where they are plotting out ways to keep you poor. I'm going to send grandma from the tea party down there to tell you why that even though she lives social security check to check, you should vote like she does...Republican.
Is this the way society is supposed to work?
Working people are used up, then disposed of by corporate America. Afterwards they're to live off what they've squirreled away. No need for pensions. No need for Social Security or Medicare.
And the final nail in their coffins will be when the value of their biggest investment, their home, disappears along with any hope they might have left.
I've been seeing more polls showing that even a majority of Republicans are starting to wake up, and support a little tax increase on the elites. Fox is obviously focusing on their base, the slowest 1% of Americans who can be fed complete bullsh*t and believe they're being enlightened.
Well, they certainly have nailed the boxtop demographic.
The teabaggers have been shuffling around for more than three years now, and I still haven't heard one of them clearly explain what their beef is, at least not with anything reality-based to support the complaints.
The other ridiculous comment in this clip is that the OWS people need to hear from the teahadists that there's no guarantee, just opportunity. I don't see the OWS protestors demanding a tax-free ride for the privilege of living in this country, just a less rigged system.
The 99% only want the opportunity to pitch in more, not some childish wish to do less for their country. Have to agree with usp, the teabaggers should really focus on forming coherent thoughts, and spelling above a 2nd grade level, before they contemplate "educating" anybody else.
Love that, Andy! It so clearly shows the difference between the Tea Partiers and OWS. The Tea Partiers want the government to give them everything and they don't want to sacrifice anything at all. The OWS protestors want jobs; money to feed their families; money to actually reinvest in America by buying things. We created a huge consumer society. Now, the top 1% seem to have forgotten that if you take all the money away from the people who actually spend it, you will eventually be holding useless pieces of green paper while wars begin to be fought over who can produce the most food. The 99% aren't really looking for "class warfare". We've been made war on by the top 1% for the last 30 years. Time to reset the scales so there is more financial balance in this country. Even the rich do better when we have a thriving economy. The only way to get that back? Get people back to work and putting their earnings back into the economy by spending.
This is Fox getting it completely backward, as usual. The class warfare waged on the middle class, and the poor, that 99% of us, is real. For those who drink the Reaganomics Kool-Aid, a boogeyman is needed, and the gubmint is always handy.
Your source on park damages is?
I'm just ebil that way.
Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance boxtop - the media focused on Haight-Ashbury back then for the same reasons FOX NEWS strains to sell their DFH bullschitt today - it didn't/doesn't reflect reality, it didn't/doesn't provide anything remotely close to the full story and it did/does deflect attention away from those in corporate America who could give a ratsass about the future.
A job where you're told how to think and requires no actual thinking of your own? That's the fox way!!
Talk about missing the point. The protesters are in fact protesting "how society works". They need nothing explained.
Kimeade's remark is like saying, "Pretty Boy Floyd, John Dillinger, and Baby Face Nelson should fight back against the cops by explaining how bank robbery works."
God these people are idiots.
So far you and the brain dead blatherskites that you seem to rejoice in sucking-up to have demonstrated nil understanding of how either society or the economy operate.
"Clueless" just seems so inadequate as an adjective to describe you and your ilk.
Of course, so are public education and the fact that a hospital can't simply refuse to treat you while you die in their ER waiting room (or more likely, on the sidewalk outside, where they pushed you because you can't afford health care). But then, those two, at least, they would like to do away with.
Kilmeade is to journalism as fence posts are to theoretical physicists.
Brian----did the Murdoch & Koch Brothers editors write that copy for you or are you honestly that completely brainwashed that you wrote it yourself?
Now, Kendra---dear, I know that it is probably a case of the guys simply not taking the time to explain politics to you, but honestly, you should stop simply accepting the guys explanations and go find out for yourself...
President Obama is NOT a LIBERAL!
Doofus in the candy cane bowtie & the goofy look on your face--switch to decaf man, you were kinda shriekyish and I had to reply your bumbling portion twice just to figure out wth you actually said and from that I had to try to extrapolate what you were actually trying to say.
And finally, to the hate talk radio dude at the end who is both sitting sideways and slouching sideways in his chair-- you agree with alotta the same points and issues as the OWS protestors?? You realize, that after saying that, you will never be allowed to be on Fox Noise, ever again, right??
And also, you think that the Koch Brothers Attack Dogs aka "Tea Partiers" should go down and give an educational talking-to to the participants of Occupy Wall Street?
Did you run that idea past hate talk radio King El Rushbo before you went on television spouting off that bright idea?