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  1. I hope one of the Hoarders wins. #Emmys
  2. Salad dressing line. #Emmys
  3. The ring is by a guy who makes rings too big. #Emmys
  4. Seal needs to seal his shirt. #Emmys
  5. I will be live tweeting The #Emmys!!!!!!!!!
  6. How does that @Humblebrag dude find the time to do all that retweeting?!!
  7. @Stonefox4evr I don't remember the bank teller one. How'd that go?
  8. @MollyHarperShah Thanks Molly!
  9. @franknbeats Thanks Frank!
  10. @nicoleharmony I remember you!
  11. @LennyPezza Thanks Lenny!
  12. @thejulieeffect Thanks Julie!
  13. @harvardbuckwolf Thanks!
  14. #youlookrealstupid standing naked next to stove w/bow tie taped 2 ur balls wearing KISS makeup & making yourself a stirfry.
  15. I will now participate in the trending topic #YouLookRealStupid
  16. Black pepper, too! RT @JimGaffigan: What exactly are the ingredients of Ranch dressing? Mayo and disappointment?
  17. Overheard, LA: guy on cell in Macy's elevator saying if they cast some dude in skit, he could "tweet it out" to 200,000 people.
  18. TONIGHT at @ImprovComedyLA. Me, @ChelseaVPeretti @NeilHamburger @IanEdwardsComic @robdelaney… Pls RT!
  19. Do u work for accounting firm "Let's Have Sex in a Car, CPAs'? Because we should have sex in a car. #WorstPickUpLine
  20. Are you employed at candy store called "Ur Making Me Horny's Candy Store'? Because ur making me horny. #WorstPickUpLine