Filed in Censored Notebook, Featured Articles
In the last 35 years, the so-called mainstream media have been co-opted into a propaganda machine for the transnational corporate power structure, which serves a US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire instead of We the People. Project Censored resists the goals of global empire at the expense of human rights, we resist top down managed news [...]
It is time to be armed intellectually against the creeping repression of civil liberities, and an emerging police state. It is time to be able to speak up on important social issues of our day and it is time to tell your loudmouth uncle Rudy what is really happening in the US and the world. [...]
By Mickey Huff As we approach the prophetic and supposed media hyped end-of-times year of 2012, hysterical speculation will abound. But the ubiquitous corporate media don’t seem to notice that We the People of these United States already stand at our own precipice– the potential end of what has been deemed the Great American Experiment, [...]
Filed in Censored Notebook, Featured Articles, Media Conference
Dear Friends of Project Censored and KPFA, Mickey Huff and I have been volunteer hosts on the Thursday Morning Mix show on KPFA (8:00-9:00 AM) since late December. We have covered some very important topics including: US Economy and the Collapse of the Dollar, Immigrants Rights, Racism and White Privilege, Media as Entertainment, and the [...]
Women and Gender News Stories Covered by Project Censored in the Past Twelve Months: Please Support This work at:
It is time to be armed intellectually against the creeping repression of civil liberities, and...