The previous post was Jabber The Whut? - 2 which discussed how the lizard brain can cause behavior which seems to be a strange form of cannibalism, self-defeating actions of other sorts, and in general behavior that not in accord with the rest of the brain activity which one would expect from an intelligent source.
The thrust of the argument is that nations can behave like individuals since nations are composed of individuals, and that behavior can be affected by the inner lizard brain as well as the larger cognitive portion of the brain.
Here are figures compiled by dollars in military expenditures divided by population, which derives the equivalent amount each citizen spends each year on the military for several nations:
US ($661,000,000,000 / 330,000,000): $2,003One must sum the amounts of military expenditures for about the next 14 nations, following the USA, to derive a sum matching USA expenditures, as shown by the following list in US dollar amounts:
France ($63,900,000,000 / 65,400,000): $977
England ($58,300,000,000 / 61,800,000): $943
Germany ($45,700,000,000 / 81,500,000): $561
Japan ($51,000,000,000 / 127,400,000): $400
Russia ($53,300,000,000 / 141,900,000): $376
China ($100,000,000,000 / 1,341,000,000): $75
1-US: $663,255,000,000
2-China: $98,800,000,000
3-England: $69,271,000,000
4-France: $67,316,000,000
5-Russia: $61,000,000,000
6-Germany: $48,022,000,000
7-Japan: $46,859,000,000
8-S.Arabia: $39,257,000,000
9-Italy: $37,427,000,000
10-India: $36,600,000,000
11-S.Korea: $27,130,000,000
12-Brazil: $27,124,000,000
13-Canada: $20,564,000,000
14-Australia: $20,109,000,000
15-Spain: $19,409,000,000
These numbers were compiled from Wikipedia here and here.
These numbers are not completely comprehensive, in terms of the total the USA spends for all military efforts, at least in terms of the Dredd Blog definition of "the military": "the vast enterprise necessary to carry out militant events, from intimidation and unwelcome antagonistic intervention in the affairs of foreign nations, to outright war against them, as well as similar events domestically".
When the 25% loss factor ($661bn x .25 = $165bn) is added, the military spy system is added, and other factors are added, that somehow don't make it into the budget, it gets larger.
The list does, however, show that the lizard brain of MOMCOM is clearly overriding the intelligent, sensible, and cognitive portions of the nation's brain.
Notice that the USA spends 6.7 times more than the next largest nation, China, which has 4.1 times more people than the USA.
A lengthy discussion of the military endeavors of MOMCOM has been put together by Prof. Jules Dufour of Global Research, and another good source is SIPRI.
The bottom line is that it depends on what is included to derive the figures, so the Dredd Blog statement that the USA spends more on "the military" than the rest of the nations combined is not always accurate because that is not the way the amounts are always figured, or how "the military" is always defined.
For example, the cost of oil barons overthrowing governments around the world where oil is to be found is not considered a "military" operation, yet it is militant (they use armies in uniform and out of uniform) and is criminal as a matter of law.
Suffice it to say, the point of the overriding lizard brain of MOMCOM (discussed more in the next episode), which drives imperialist conquest, has been demonstrated IMO.