What is the ecelearn LMS
Explore our easy-to-use learning management solution
Take a moment to explore our distance learning management solution. See why it’s so easy to use and discover how quickly you can adapt ecelearn to suit your distance learning requirements.
Learning management system tour
Discover the benefits of ecelearn
For an ecelearn learning management solution (LMS) demo, check these highlights or contact us to arrange a temporary login to our e-learning solution demo for guests. More>>
Technical information
Robust and easy on your resources
Check the LMS specifications for ecelearn’s SCORM compliant, web-based online learning solution. More>>
Service and support
Enjoy extensive user and implementation support
We’ve made ecelearn easy to configure and use, so that it can be managed by any organisation. In addition, ecelearn provides customisable help content, extensive LMS support documentation and experienced online learning support. More>>
LMS customisation
Adapt ecelearn to suit your needs
With ecelearn’s wide range of easy LMS customisation features, your organisation can have a customised e-learning solution without the cost of developing and maintaining a one-off custom LMS. More>>
Consulting services
Additional support if you need it
If you’d like help creating online course material or implementing your ecelearn online learning platform, our LMS implementation specialists can provide tried-and-tested advice and support. More>>
To learn more
For more information about our distance learning management solution and to see how ecelearn can support your distance learning requirements, please:
> Contact us today
distance Learning Management System, distance learning, distance LMS