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October 6, 2011

Fox News Crew Maced and Beaten On Wall Street As Jon Stewart Mocks Fox’s Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street

As News Hounds has reported, Fox “News” has been dismissive of the Occupy Wall Street protests springing up across the nation. This seems odd, considering how much free publicity the unfair and balanced network gave to the astro-turfed Teabagger protests. Contrast that with Occupy Wall Street, which appears totally organic: A few weeks ago most people knew nothing of it and it has been growing daily, despite getting very little coverage in the MSM. This has obviously spooked the Fox “News” Channel because it has yet to accurately report on the protests. Instead the so-called news channel has employed the spin and ridicule for which it’s known when something disturbs The Force. Since the sharpest observer of today’s political scene remains a cable comedy show, Jon Stewart couldn’t help but point out the Fox News hypocrisy on OWS, with special shout outs to Sean Hannity and Steve Doocy. Watch:

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October 5, 2011

Hannity Pimps Palin’s Pretend 2012 Candidacy

The only 2012 so-called candidacy less likely than Chris Christie’s is Sarah Palin’s. But now that Christie is absolutely, positively not running (as opposed to obviously not running), Sean Hannity threw out Palin’s name in a discussion and asked, “Is it possible Governor Palin could get in?” As if everyone didn’t already know the answer.

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Special GOP Victim Hannity Stands Up For Hank Williams, Jr. Likening Obama To Hitler

Remember when Sean Hannity’s tender feelings were so hurt because Joe Biden (supposedly) called the Tea Party terrorists? Or when President Obama (supposedly) called President Bush unpatriotic? Well, Special GOP Victim Hannity doesn’t seem to have quite the same sensitivity when it’s a Democrat on the receiving end. Not only did he condone Hank Williams, Jr.’s comments likening President Obama to Hitler and calling him “the enemy!” Hannity was outraged that Williams had been removed from the opening of Monday Night Football. He was joined in the defense by, Mrs. “Nappy-Headed Ho,” Deirdre Imus. So impassioned was Hannity at the unfair judgment of Williams, he attacked a Republican state senator who had the gall to denounce Williams’ remarks.

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Hannity Teams Up With Discredited J. Christian Adams To Paint Obama As BFF's With New Black Panthers

I have a feeling that Sean Hannity must have been the first person to buy J. Christian Adams' new book. Why? Because even though Adams' accusations of racial bias in the Obama Department of Justice have been debunked, his new book out goes through it all over again and with more racial accusations. I doubt there's anything race-baiting Hannity would like better than another excuse to race bait against President Obama - while pretending that white people are the ones being discriminated against. It's one of Hannity's favorite memes. So last night, Hannity didn't just unquestioningly welcome Adams' discredited claims that the DOJ dismissed charges against some New Black Panther Party members because of racial preference for black people, Hannity used it to smear President Obama, too, for “sharing a podium” with NBPP head Malik Shabazz. The only problem? While Obama and Shabazz only happened to meet up at the same function – Shabazz was an invited guest many times on Hannity's own TV show.

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October 4, 2011

Herman Cain Pretends He Never Called Rick Perry “Insensitive” – And Sean Hannity Helps!

As many know, the Washington Post recently came out with a lengthy article tying Republican candidate Rick Perry to a hunting camp called N***erhead. On ABC’s This Week Sunday (10/2/11), Herman Cain – the guy who blasted African Americans as being “brainwashed” out of voting conservative – said he found the name “insensitive” (well, who wouldn’t?) and then said, “Since Governor Perry has been going there for years to hunt, I think that shows a lack of sensitivity for a long time of not taking that word off of that rock and renaming the place.” OK, so maybe Cain has an odd set of conditions for sensitivity that just so happen to be self-serving. But on the Hannity show last night (10/3/11), Cain became even more self-serving – and less sensitive – when he assured Sean Hannity that it was the name of the camp Cain condemned, not Perry. Rather than challenge his rewriting of history, Hannity helped Cain do it.

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Sean Hannity's Torture-A-Go-Go!, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Plays The Birther Card , reported by Ellen,
Fox News Jihad Against Obama, reported by Ellen,
Rove Sucks Up To Palin, reported by Ellen,
I Heart A Republican Woman, reported by Ellen,
A British View Of Fox News, reported by Ellen,
Michael Moore Takes On Hannity, reported by Ellen,
Sean Hannity’s Hypocrisy, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Punked By ACORN, reported by Ellen,
Sen. Edward Kennedy Has Died, reported by Guest Blogger,
Was It Something We Said? , reported by Ellen,
Walter Cronkite Is Dead, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Legitimizes Birthers, reported by Ellen,
Jesse Ventura Pwns Hannity, reported by Ellen,
Is Hannity Inciting Civil War?, reported by Ellen,
The BBC Takes On American News, reported by Ellen,
FOX News' Militia Media, reported by Ellen,
Phil Donohue On Hannity, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Disses The Girl Scouts, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Interviews Blagojevich, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Does Hannity, reported by Ellen,