"FBI: O'Keefe DID Plan a 'Wiretap Plot' to Secretly Record Employees of U.S. Senator"
(37 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/27/2010 @ 5:17 pm PT...
There is nothing the FBI can do? This is pathetic
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/27/2010 @ 5:44 pm PT...
technically wouldn't this be a form of bugging, rather than a wiretap?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/27/2010 @ 8:47 pm PT...
Dude, the link to the alleged FBI report that O'Keefe planned to wiretap does NOT support your allegation. Face it. You have tried and tried to milk this cow, but, the cow is dry.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 12:19 am PT...
Who said "justice is blind"? It sure as hell isn't color blind.
http://www.nydailynews.c...ndy.html#ixzz0pCqI4L2K\" rel="nofollow">
Marsh is currently being held in the Dallas County Jail on $3,500 bail—a bit more than the estimated $1.20 that six nuggets would normally cost.
At least he'll get three hots and a cot.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 12:21 am PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 4:12 am PT...
Please lose the term "wiretap." Regardless of whether it is technically accurate, It does not describe the crime in common terms, and will lead to people claiming you are lying.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 6:48 am PT...
From the court documents:
"In this case, further investigation did not uncover evidence that the defendants intended to commit any felony after the entry by false pretenses despite their initial statements to the staff of Senatorial office and GSA requesting access to the central phone system. Instead, the Government’s evidence would show that the defendants misrepresented themselves and their purpose for gaining access to the central phone system to orchestrate a conversation about phone calls to the Senator’s staff and capture the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system, or to commit any other felony."
What was that term.....'DOINK'?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 5/28/2010 @ 7:14 am PT...
Harkin @7
Did you not read the relevant portions of the record quoted in the article?
O’Keefe explained how the recording devices worked and instructed Basel and Flanagan how to position themselves once inside the Senator’s office...
"O’Keefe entered Senator Landrieu’s office first and positioned a digital video recorder made to look like a cellular telephone in his hand to record the interaction...."
What were they doing? Making silent films?
How would you feel if someone came into your home on such a ruse and installed digital video recorders without your consent?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 8:16 am PT...
Whatever the terms of his sentencing, this fact remains clear---
O'Keefe is a convicted criminal... a very pampered one, yes... but it is now a matter of public record that he is a convicted criminal.
If the folks over at think of a misdemeanor conviction as some kind of "victory", then that is evidence of how low their expectations have sunk.
Sure, O'Keefe deserved far more than just $1,500 and community service.
I, and most of my neighbors, put in far in excess of 100 hours a year volunteering... O'keefe is being "punished" by having to do what most law-abiding citizens do anyways.... He'll definitly grow from that, but it doesnt match the gravity of his affront.
Nevertheless, he's a first-class, A1, certified convict, and that is part of his permanent record.
Ironic, eh?
OKeefe falsified video evidence to make others look like they were saying things which they werent saying. He used this to falsely accuse them of committing crimes which they werent even discussing.
But Juan Carlos Vera or Katheirne Conway Russel, for example, did not commit any of the horrendous crimes with which O'keefe tried to frame them.
Sadly, O'Keefe wasted everyone's time with hot air and fabricated "proof", just to have that accusation fall apart under the very scrutiny he had avoided for the past half-year.
His grave accusations of child-abuse and child-prostitution (accusations that i, for one, take VERY SERIOUSLY) proved to be based on over-worked video which he chopped up into something that was compeletely different from its original content.
Her lied about innocent people by manipulating sound bytes, inserting voice-over, and adding fictitious narratives.
But in the end, despite his vicious smears, his angry hyperbole, his self-righteous impunity, his addiction to telling bold-faced lies, and his complete lack of accountability, HE TURNS OUT TO BE THE ONLY REAL CRIMINAL IN THIS STORY.
That's something with which no one can argue.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 8:34 am PT...
It's a slippery slope from the ACORN scam that had congress panting to de-fund to the many crimes at the office of a United States Senator.
Given absolution for all illegalities, this gang
strikes again for higher stakes. A freakin US Senator's office! During our contrived but horrendous "War on Terror". Where was Landreiu's homeland security? All her office represents?
No reponse from secret service, no federal charges of any kind I'm aware of.
So now, again uncaught, isn't it the nature of such cretins to dream up even more and greater games of lets pretend.
Follow the money. Who is not-too-bright-bart
a bagman for? Who is paying the All-Star Defense? The only way to stop this circus act is to put pressure on the real money men. The ones who purchased the fancy taping equipment, costumes, rented the rooms this scam was hatched and ran the proceedings therein.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Paul L.
said on 5/28/2010 @ 10:00 am PT...
To install a concealed listening or recording device or use it to monitor communications.
By that definition it could be said that the Democrats wiretapped George Allen during the Macaca controversy.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 5/28/2010 @ 11:37 am PT...
Chris Hooten @ 6 said:
Please lose the term "wiretap." Regardless of whether it is technically accurate, It does not describe the crime in common terms, and will lead to people claiming you are lying.
I appreciate that you've been willing to engage in the toxic sludge of Patty's comment section, and so may be sensitive to such things. I'd be happy to respond myself over there, but Patty will not allow any of my comments to be posted. Guess why.
So for now I'll just refer you (and them) to a comment from one of Patty's very few intellectually honest (and/or informed) commenters. Jamie wrote over there @ 17:
Patty's own commenter Jamie is correct, and points us towards three articles from the excellent photojournalist Carlos Miller (who we've followed in the past) which highlight the issue nicely, so I'm happy to use them here.
The most recent link is an article from Miller headlined "Police continue to use wiretapping laws to crack down on people recording them" in which case after case is listed of folks (not famous GOP dirty tricksters, but just plain citizens) who have been arrested and/or are facing trial and years in prison or thousands in fines for doing exactly what O'Keefe and gang did (although the folks listed didn't have the intent to deceive that O'Keefe and gang did). The article starts this way:
With shocking regularity, police throughout the United States are being allowed to use felony wiretapping charges to arrest people who happen to videotape or record them in public.
As that article does, the other two articles list additional instances of same. Here are a few highlighted selections from one of them, titled "If police have nothing to hide, then they shouldn’t mind being videotaped":
All three of those links offer many other examples. Of course, the folks in question didn't have superstar GOP attorneys or Republican media machines or desperate wingnut Dep. D.A./bloggers working for them, so perhaps you hadn't heard of those cases.
BTW, Patty was so embarrassed by the DOINK of his original silly article last night in which he whiffed big time in his attack on me (as I highlighted in the UPDATE to my original story above), that he posted a hasty new "Exclusive" above it in which he served as O'Keefe's direct PR guy this time, after a conversation with him last night.
In the new article, he smartly avoids linking to my article this time around, choosing to settle for simply calling me names (as usual) and then offering a strawman argument to go with it all.
Silly Patty --- tricks are for James!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 12:15 pm PT...
@Paul L, #11,
That's a pretty lame comparison.
The young man that filmed George Allen did not misrepresent himself... there was no false pretense about who Mr. Siddarth was.
George Allen also knew he was being filmed, and that the camera was held by someone working for his opponent... it was obvious.
There was no expectation of confidentiality. Allen just acted like a jerk because he was trying to incite his base by piquing racial hatred.
Furthermore, a public rally in which a well-known politician is shouting out all sorts of belligerent non-sense is a VERY different venue from the interior telephone closet of a sitting senators office.
If you cannot see the basic difference between a public rally, and the conversation a senators staff might have with a contracted utility professional, regarding their own functioning equipment, then you really dont know much about how the world works. I’m not saying that to be mean, its just that the difference is so wide, you must be making an effort to connect the two.
The fact remains that O’keefe did in fact bug the New Orleans office as per the very definition of wire-tapping stated above. That’s why he’s also being sued by ACORN, for breaking wire-tapping laws in Philadelphia. Furthermore, he only handed his California tapes over to the Attorney General as part of a deal through which he would not be sued for breaking California’s privacy laws... because he engaged in wire-tapping (again as defined above.)
Furthermore, it was the FBI who put out the “bugging” story in the first place... everyone else was working from what the FBI had to say.
Look at the initial Affadavit by Special Agent Rayes. It’s clear that he and his team (NOT the media) suspected O’keefe of committing a felony. They later dressed down the charges as part of a plea deal.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Brian G.
said on 5/28/2010 @ 12:17 pm PT...
Brad Friedman lies as usual. Government has admitted there was no wiretap plot. Stop lying, you lying liar.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 1:14 pm PT...
To install a concealed listening or recording device or use it to monitor communications.
SO by this definition, then Alan Funt's Candid Camera,& most recently, Ashton Kushner's PUNKED were engaged in illegal wiretapping. Good to know. Can we arrest Ashton now?
Or better yet - how about all those MSNBC shows in which a guy pretends to be a sexy teenager and lures a predator into a meeting-- concealed cameras & mics are used --- by this defination - MSNBC engaged in "wiretapping". Can we arrest the powers that be at MSNBC then??? Please say yes!!!
The FBI knows better, which is why did not then nor have they yet to accuse James OKeefe of wiretapping.
PS - lots of people & corporations file lawsuits - the act of filing one does NOT imply that the suit has merit nor does it imply guilt on the party being sued.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 1:27 pm PT...
Huge thing here is that as usual Brad gets at what no one else is reporting: Seems clear now that the O'Keefe plan was to get Landrieu and staff talking about how the phones were broken and then to edit the video to suggest Landrieu and staff were lying about their phones being broken, because of course the phones were not broken. Seeing landrieu and staff talking about perfectly fine phones being broken was the point because it would support his activist lie that Landrieu doesn't want to talk to her constituents-- a perfect tea party theme. "Listen to us!"
This is exactly the kind of orchestrated big lie O'Keefe pulled off on ACORN. He lead the ACORN workers into a discussion about prostitution and then worked the tapes to make it seem like they were defending prostitution.
It's despicable but somehow more upfront than Fox News.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 1:47 pm PT...
DG and BrianG, #'s 14 & 15,
O'keefe is now a convicted criminal... just deal with it.
As to your questions about covert filming, there is indeed a protocol.
If you ever do research on human subjects, you need register your work with some Institutional Review Board, whether the Human Subject Review Board, the Office for Human Research Protections, or other accredited organization. You have to submit your proposal to them, and follow their guidelines.
If james was a real investigative journalist, he would have known all about that.
Its a shame that his far-right sponsers (themselves no strangers to media) never clued him in on this requirement.
So the argument is as ridiculous as James's own scams.
The only person at fault here is James, now a convicted criminal.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 2:18 pm PT...
"Harkin @7
Did you not read the relevant portions of the record quoted in the article?"
Umm, yes I did. Did YOU not see the results of the case where no charges of wiretapping or attempts to wiretap were proven and in fact were admitted by the prosecutors as being false?
You may think that your readers are stupid enough to perceive your run-for-cover on your false charges against O'Keefe as some sort of vindication because O'Keefe wished to record the Senator's responses to her constituents' inability to get a live person on the phone.
A thinking person however would admit that the sudden disappearance of any reference to 'tapping Landrieu's phone lines' and instead the almost comical switch to 'hey! a hidden camera is wiretapping!' is about as close as this skunk will ever get to admitting his tail is the thing stinking up the room.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 5/28/2010 @ 2:27 pm PT...
Jaytee @ 16 -
Yup. And do you think for a moment that the four of them wouldn't have sworn up and down that, yes the phones were broken! They checked them for themselves, after all. Even went to check the circuits in the phone closet, after all, and have the video tape to prove it!
And, of course, that's exactly how it would have been reported, from Fox "News" to the NYTimes. Sigh.
Harkin @ various -
Perhaps you didn't read my article closely enough? Or just relied on shameless liar Deputy D.A. Patrick Frey's interpretation thereof?
The issue concerned the wingnut's (including Patty's) initial outrage of media reports "a plot to wiretap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans", which, as it turns out, was absolutely true.
Whether or not O'Keefe and friends GOP superstar attorneys were able to plea it down on their behalf (and on behalf of one of the perps whose father happens to be the acting U.S. Attorney in the state's Western District U.S. Attorney's office), and whether they were ultimate charged with that crime is a) beside the point and b) not discussed in my article.
But thanks for playing along.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 5:04 pm PT...
Brad was right again, dammit
, I stand corrected:
wiretap legal definition
1.The listening in of any wire or oral communication by use of electronic or mechanical means; generally illegal where both parties to the communication are unaware of the wiretap. Unauthorized use or possession of wiretap devices is prohibited under state and federal law.
2.The act of placing an electronic device to listen in on oral communications. See also bugging, and pen register.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Definition here
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 5/28/2010 @ 5:10 pm PT...
Good luck getting that posted in comments at Patty's site, Chris
(You'd think a Deputy D.A. would be at least as familiar with the law as I am, but whaddu I know? I'm a "fabulist", "huge fucking liar", "liberal stooge", etc. I'm sure he'll be an absolutely *expert* in the law in regard to Joe Sestak any moment though
I can't believe my taxes pay this idiots salary.)
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 5:31 pm PT...
Right now Patterico's blog is having all kinds of technical issues, and the comments aren't loading properly, so I don't know if I successfully posted it there or not. They periodically have wonky problems with their software that usually gets fixed later. There is plenty of time to share that legal definition from a brand spanking new websters law dictionary.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 6:10 pm PT...
@ Brad #21, and Chris Hooten #20
A “Fabulist”? Really???
!!!!!A Fabulist!!!!!
From “Fucking Liar” to “Fabulist”... quite a repertoire, eh?
You know you’ve really touched a very sore-spot if you sent Patsy scurrying after the thesaurus... he means BUSINESS now!!!!
That’s one think about Breitbarts boys, ... they really think that they obviate their poor arguments and flaccid capabilities simply by throwing out a 10 dollar whopper when confronted with substance.
Personally, I find it very entertaining (like when Lars went trolling after Matt Blumenthal at CPAC, all the while muttering “rubric, rubric, rubric!”),... if anything, this neurotic little fixation remains their most positive quality.
But “fabulist”..., just the way it sounds really speaks to the queen in me!!!
For the record, Brad and Chris Hooten are entirely correct about the legal definition of “wiretap”.
And Patsy should have known that, not just because of his work as a Dep, but also because that issue is central to the case filed by Katherine Conway Russell against Okeefe and Giles. As a result, this issue should be on Patsy’s radar.
Lets hope Pats wasnt as bad or negligent a cop as he is a researcher.
All the same Brad, I prefer to say "fabulish"... its more fun, flattrering and not so uppity or pretentious as "fabulist". It sounds more like a kiss... as in "dahling, youre fabulish!!!"
I think you and everyone else on here are just fabuLISH as well. And i mean that with every fabulish bone in my body!
Have a Happy and Fabulish weekend!!!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Brad Needs Help
said on 5/28/2010 @ 6:44 pm PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 7:12 pm PT...
What about "fabler" and "fablemonger" and "fabulizer" and "fabricator" and "fucking liar?" Oh wait he did use that last one
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 8:07 pm PT...
Ah, the outrage. They are so good at that. Anything to distract from the truth.
Go Brad!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 5/28/2010 @ 9:00 pm PT...
SreeBee rocks, just had to say that; to the article... dang! why does Patterico hate the truth? What a total p#ssy not letting you link or comment on his site, while we're subject to his special brand of stupid on far too many an occasion (NOT suggesting you ban him; bravo for being the bigger man). However, I fear his toxic comments are polluting my brain. I've never seen a lawyer with such a poor grasp of logic- and the eagerness to display it! And as for the couple bright one's who don't seem to get this article- it's not even COMPLICATED for pete's sake, you're hopless.
Anyways, there's two distinct and diametrically opposed aspects to this story- On one hand, it's just a typical example of rich and/or white and/or connected people getting a slap on the wrist for crimes if, committed by poorer, browner, anti-GOP groups of people- they would have received harsher treatment, severe punishment, and much more negative MSM coverage as well.
ON THE OTHER HAND, we have a group that's possibly well-connected (and certainly they had numerous MEDIA connections) to GOP leadership on some level, illegally entering and planning to WIRETAP a Democratic U.S. Senator's phone, POST 9-11, post-ANTHRAX (remeber that?); there's possible involvement and/or training from a U.S. Intelligence Agency... and the whole thing is swept under the rug by MSM, while the CRIMINALS are fiercely defended by extreme reich-wing bloggers? Holy Bizarro-World Batman...
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 10:37 pm PT...
Hey floridiot, that chicken nugget guy did punch the guy in the face several times as he went out the door, so I don't feel so bad about him being arrested.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 5/28/2010 @ 10:45 pm PT...
Also, colinjames, the FBI cleared them of trying to wiretap the actual phone system, wiretap is being used in a broader sense. They did not have equipment on them capable of setting up a phone wiretap. They were wiretapping in the more modern use of the word, pertaining to electronic surveillance. I have never heard that intelligence agencies might have been involved in training. Any links to that info?
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 5/30/2010 @ 5:55 am PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 5/30/2010 @ 6:17 am PT...
CNN is still also using the "dressed as a pimp" line. Maybe they were repeating the AP feed, maybe not.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 5/31/2010 @ 10:38 am PT...
#29, I did use 'possible', I'll try to find the links where I read about one of the arrestees having some kind of ties. It was speculation based on something I'll have to try and dig up later, no time now.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 5/31/2010 @ 10:38 am PT...
Apparently James the Turd is going to attempt to circulate more of his (doctored) videos with the intention of taking down HUD... in Detroit of all places.
I guess, as someone who kids himself about "standing up to power", he really does so by targeting impoverished communities in Detroit... such a "powerful" nemesis there James.
(In my opinion, it’s no coincidence that he was in NOLA vomiting out his garbage at the same time that the tanker exploded and the oil began to leak. Outside of being a colorful analogy, the two events echo each other in an eerily poetic manner.)
As someone originally from the Detroit metro area, and as someone who went to school in Detroit itself, I take such strong exception to the fact that this depraved, maladjusted (but well funded) little sociopath could ever pass through Detroit and think HUD is it’s biggest problem.
That's just absurd.
I guess if the so-called “investigative journalist” covered any of the VERY REAL PROBLEMS that Detroit really has (eg, wide-spread poverty, severe economic stratification, the auto industry, urban disinvestment, continuing gentrification, the underground arms-trade, gang/police violence, etc...), he’d just piss off too many of his own masters.
What a cowardly turd.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 5/31/2010 @ 3:58 pm PT...
"Phone-Bust Cohort Worked for US Intelligence:
ACORN sting's buddy recruited spies on college campus"
"Who is Stan Dai, arrested for trying to bug Mary Landrieu's office?"
Like I said,'m not sure what it all means, I'm just saying there were possible ties to U.S. Intelligence agencies, of which there are many, with multiple agendas. All in all, still a bunch of douchebags trying to entrap people and release "damning" videos made to embarass the targets thru selective editing- and done illegally in many cases, if not most. Since this latest "sting" was on a sitting U.S. Senator, that, to me, raises the possibility that this failed attempt to secretly record what was going on in the office was directed from higher up than O'Keefe or Breitbart. Probably won't ever know for sure.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Bob Ross
said on 6/1/2010 @ 7:09 am PT...
Brad don't you find it funny how Patty obsessed over Okeefe "pretending to be a pimp". When it was pointed out that O'keefe didn't meet the dictionary definition of being a pimp he then tried to make excuses and redefine the word. Now Patty seems concerned about dictionary definitions of words when it comes to wiretapping. Unfortunately Patty's attention span shorts out after the first definition of the word.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 6/1/2010 @ 11:26 am PT...
@ Bob Ross #36,
Hi Bob,
I agree with you totally.
Furthermore, Patsy’s redefinition of words is only eclipsed by his redefinition of events.
I noticed that on his site, his following has opted to redefine what happened in NOLA as the staged “persecution” of O’Keefe and his accomplices.
Apparently, this was all the handiwork of the Democratic party.
Seriously, that’s how they have chosen to understand this.
NOT that James was trolling for more soundbytes to warp into something which they are not.
NOT that James was acting out a stupid plan for the sake of a bogus charge.
NOT that, in doing so, he was pushing the limits of security for a government building in a post 9-11 world....
... but that he was set up and persecuted because he supposedly is an “investigative journalist.”
Now, I dont know if you’ve ever had the displeasure of reading any of the utter balderdash which is showcased in O’keefe’s “Centurian: A Journal of Conservative Thought.”
But if one has ever had that displeasure, it would be more than evident that Okeefe himself urgently supports even the most draconian elaborations in National Security that were consequent upon 9-11.. at least under Bush, that is.
I find it rather telling that, suddenly, the same protocol which O’keefe & co would otherwise celebrate, is redefined as a form of “persecution” when its applied to him.
But then again, these are people who, despite the glaring and obvious evidence, refuse to believe that Okeefe’s posted ACORN tapes were doctored in any way.
(And on that note, they still wont explain why the story of “Kenya/Eden,” the character of “Sonny”, or the stated fate of the fictitious Salvadorean girls were all edited out of the posted tapes. Its like they wont even acknowledge that fact.)
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 6/2/2010 @ 11:17 am PT...
Convicted Criminals and Domestic Terrorists: James O'Keefe, Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan. Guilty in Wiretapping Case.
Add another 4 "Heroes" to the Conservative Dishonor Roll which features but isn't limited to Cowardly Chicken Hawks Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, and Felons I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and G. Gordon Liddy.
Now, will Fascist Fox News and Right Wing Bloggers treat them to derision or do conservatives only complain about criminals who are minorities?
The answer is of course not; It's Okay If Your A Republican! And these guys aren't black and poor so Sean Hannity won't be able to understand how they were convicted.