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Hannity Guest Kevin Sorbo Says He’s “Tired Of The Race Card” And Then Suggests Black Voters Are Racist

Reported by Ellen - Mon 11:56 PM

On The Great American Panel segment of Hannity tonight, the discussion turned to accusations of racism in the Tea Party. Actor Kevin Sorbo sneered, “I get so tired of the race card. It’s a crutch that’s been going on for a long, long time.” But in his very next sentence, Sorbo used the very crutch he was complaining about in others. “And if you have 97% of the black population voted for Obama, is that kind of not a racist vote in itself? I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.”

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More Anti-LGBT Bigotry From Fox News?

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 6:50 PM

As we know, Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow had a case of transphobic histrionics about both Chaz Bono and a J. Crew ad which featured a little boy having his toenails painted. Ablow was provided with a platform for his discredited bias on the Fox News website which published his articles decrying how changing sexual norms are the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Fox News and Keith Ablow are back with yet another attack on the transgender (and lesbian) community. Earlier today, the great, big, whopping Fox headline lede reported that the son of a lesbian couple is undergoing hormone blocking therapy in order to delay puberty so that he can deal with gender confusion issues. The only other mainstream media outlet that is presently carrying this story is the UK Daily Mail; but now that Fox has it, it's making the rounds of the Christian and right wing websites as we speak. And as Fox is the media outlet for the pitchfork crowd, it's not surprising to see this article which, while written by a Fox reporter, quotes Fox's Ablow, Dr. Manny Alvarez, a former transexual who went back to his original identity thanks to Jesus, and a discredited doctor who was part of the war on Dr. George Tiller. But seriously, this was a lede story. Who cares about what is really a family affair? Oh, wait - there are San Francisco lesbians with a potentially transgender son - dripping red meat for the Fox culture wars.

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Hannity And Guests Use Unscientific “Survey” To Attack Occupy Wall Street Protesters And Democrats

Reported by Ellen - Mon 4:32 PM

Just as Bill O’Reilly did a few days later, Sean Hannity cited a New York Magazine “survey” of 100 Occupy Wall Street protesters as some kind of scientific poll. New York Magazine never made the claim that the 100 interviews it conducted nor the results it tabulated into an article represented any kind of valid or accurate sampling. But Hannity and his “journalist” guests Jedediah Bila and Rich Lowry nevertheless seized upon the article as some kind of proof that the 99% movement are a bunch of America-hating fringers representative of the Democratic Party.

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Fr. Jonathan Morris' Fox & Friends Freudian Slip?

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 2:57 PM

Or maybe it was just a "typo?" At any rate, his Facebook entry certainly bespeaks a certain - er - truth and that just might suggest that the baby faced little Fox holy water bearer knows whereof he speaks?

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Huckabee Jokingly Urges Election Dirty Tricks

Reported by Ellen - Mon 12:37 AM

Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, former presidential candidate and now Fox News host, made a shocking joke during a recent speech in which he exhorted voters to break the law in support of an Ohio referendum scaling back public workers’ collective bargaining rights. Really. UPDATED.

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Greta Gushes Over the Cain-Inspired “9-9-9” Promotion at Spirit Airlines

Reported by Ellen - Sun 11:40 PM

On Thursday night (10/13/11), Greta Van Susteren teased an upcoming segment of On The Record by saying, “He has not even won the nomination but Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan can already save you (her emphasis) money, especially when you travel. We’re gonna show you how.” Van Susteren was referring to a Spirit Airlines’ 9-9-9 promotion based on the much-buzzed Cain platform.

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Cavuto On Business Panelists Sneer At Electric And Hybrid Cars

Reported by Ellen - Sun 2:21 AM

By Brian and Ellen

Yesterday (10/15/11), Cavuto on Business discussed Chevy's Spark, a new electric car. Guest Amilya Antonetti pretty much set the tone by saying, "They're trying to push this crazy green agenda with something that absolutely not listening to one thing that any American is saying." A statement like that is pretty funny given that her website boasts she is “one of the pioneers of the ‘human and Earth friendly’ movement and champion to bring ‘Green’ mainstream." I guess that’s only when she’s selling her own products, not selling her punditry on Fox News. But in addition to being a hypocrite, she’s kinda, sorta – well, wrong.

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Trouble For The Murdochs Brewing At Upcoming News Corp. Shareholders’ Meeting

Reported by Ellen - Sat 3:17 PM

News Corporation’s shareholders’ meeting is next Thursday, October 21. But there are plenty of signs that challenges to the leadership of the conglomerate are in the offing. Reuters reported (found via Yahoo) yesterday, “Rupert Murdoch's multi-million dollar campaign to win back the hearts and minds of News Corporation's independent investors suffered a new blow on Friday after another key shareholder group called for his eviction from its board.”

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Mike Huckabee Advises Republican Candidates: If You Want To Talk To Voters In The Republican Party, You Do O’Reilly, You Do Fox News

Reported by Ellen - Sat 10:29 AM

As part of a discussion about Rick Perry’s primary difficulties (and Bill O’Reilly’s continuing obsession on Perry’s failure to go on The O’Reilly Factor), O’Reilly said he was “mystified” that Perry has not seized the golden opportunity of visiting O’Reilly’s show. Guest, Fox News host and 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee agreed and then made a startling admission about “fair and balanced” Fox: “Look, I begged for opportunities to be on your show for the simple reason that if you want to talk to voters in the Republican Party, you do O’Reilly, you do Fox News.”

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Geraldo Rivera Smacks Down Glenn Beck’s Hate-Mongering Conspiracy Theory About Occupy Wall Street Protests

Reported by Ellen - Sat 2:15 AM

Geraldo Rivera offered some real sanity in the wake of Glenn Beck’s crazy hate mongering about Occupy Wall Street protests on The O’Reilly Factor last night, calling Beck's comments, “harsh at best, paranoid or delusional at worst.” Rivera also turned aside Bill O'Reilly's serious question as to whether the protests might be a threat to the stability of the country by making a joke.

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Glenn Beck Back On Fox News To Demonize, Fear Monger And Hate Monger About Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Reported by Ellen - Sat 1:16 AM

Glenn Beck visited The O’Reilly Factor last night and it was just like old times. Apocalyptic? Check. Hate mongering? Check. Incendiary rhetoric? Check. Tied to President Obama without any real facts? Check. Van Jones smear? Check. The only things missing were his crocodile tears and the chalkboard. But it was easy to get the picture anyway as he foamed at the mouth about how the Occupy Wall Street Protesters were poised to unleash some world calamity. O’Reilly seemed skeptical about some of it but he didn’t offer any serious challenge and even egged on Beck at points.

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Eric Bolling And Senator Mike Lee Wrongly Claim No Tea Partiers Have Been Arrested

Reported by Guest Blogger - Fri 6:31 PM

By Brian

On Your World Wednesday (10/11/11), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) teamed up with host Eric Bolling in what was obviously a deliberate effort to smear the Occupy Wall Street protesters and try to distinguish themselves from those model protesters, the Tea Party movement. Unfortunately, in Lee’s quest to demonize OWS and sanctify the Tea Party, Lee could not stick to the truth. He wrongly said that “not one” Tea Party protester had been arrested to his knowledge, ever. UPDATED WITH CORRECTION AND COMMENTS FROM ELLEN

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Bob Beckel Literally Owes His Life To Roger Ailes and Eric Bolling

Reported by Aunty Em - Fri 4:23 PM

From the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Department: On yesterday’s edition of The Five—the Fox “News” equivalent of a uncomfortable family dinner each and every weekday—wacky-but-loveably-sexist cousin Greg Gutfeld interrupted the proceedings to demand that crazy-but-no-longer-addicted Uncle Bob Beckel tell the anecdote of what happened earlier in the day. Short version: At lunch, with the extended [corporate] family, Uncle Bob appears to have choked on a [jumbo?] shrimp. Beckel was the first to admit that had not Eric Bolling and Roger Ailes been there to Heimlich him [he’s big enough that it might actually take two people] the headlines today might have been very different. No. Really:

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Bill O'Reilly's Strange Sexual Obsessions

Reported by Priscilla - Fri 3:29 PM

Aging traditional Catholic Bill O'Reilly does seem to have an obsession with sex. As we know from his spy novel, "Those Who Trespass" and the Gina Mackris tapes, Bill does seem to have a fascination with sneaking up on women who are showering. (He's clean?) We also know that he has a penchant for being the voyeur as shown in his many videos of scantily or unclad women. We know that he had an obsession with Miley Cyrus and reprimanded her for wearing "short pants" and showing a bit of her bra in a photo. (He's into couture?) Obviously, this all reflects a certain - ah - fantasy life that is too disgusting to think about. And while he hasn't been doing any "T & A" segments lately, it's apparent that he's still a very kinky boy that you don't take home to mother. In talking about the Occupy Wall Street people he said: "three weeks is enough. It's dirty and filthy, there's rats running all over, there's dope all over the place. They're having sex outside at night around. (inaudible) Does that say anything about the entire movement." And he knows this how? As an intrepid reporter is he engaging in "hands-on" reporting or just observing from afar. Nuff said. Ewwwwwwww!!!!!

H/T Crooks and Liars

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Fr. Jonathan Morris Bashes The ACLU While Defending Church Rather Than Jail Policy

Reported by Priscilla - Fri 2:58 PM

As their resident clergyperson, Roman Catholic priest Fr.Jonathan Morris is so perfect for Fox News. When Morris was in Rome, he was a member of the scandal ridden Legionaries of Christ whose founder, Father Maciel, when not having sex with his mistress and allegedly molesting boys, ministered to the moneyed class. Morris' diva days in Rome are over. He has left the Legionaries and is now just a humble parish (cough) priest at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. And while he's not ministering to his flock or enjoying golf vacays with his priest pals on Nantucket, he's just a skip away from Fox News where he ministers to the needs of Fox's moneyed audience by preaching about the evils of class warfare and not about icky social justice. The doe eyed little priest can also be counted on to advance the Christian right wing hatred of the ACLU - a meme that Fox and especially "Fox & Friends" is always on board with. Recently, an Alabama town proposed giving first time non violent offenders the choice between going to jail or going to church. And because of that icky ACLU, the program is on hold pending a review. And who better to defend this patently unconstitutional measure and provide the requiste ACLU bashing than Fox's hired Catholic priest who thinks that "God" is mentioned in the Constitution and who just hates those icky atheists who want a society where there is no religion as opposed to the Jesus loving world of Fox News.

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Documents Contradict Darrell Issa’s Fast And Furious Claims. Will Fox News Call Back Its Body Language Expert To Ask If He Deceived?

Reported by Ellen - Fri 2:30 PM

Earlier in the week, Bill O’Reilly trotted out his resident “body language expert,” Tonya Reiman, to analyze Attorney General Eric Holder’s gestures when he testified to Congress to suggest he lied determine whether or not he lied about when he learned about the botched gunrunning sting operation called Fast and Furious run by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) division. At the time, I suggested (albeit sarcastically) that given Issa’s record of hyper-partisanship, multiple arrests and even an accusation of arson by a former business colleague, his body language might have been worth analyzing, too. A new report by TPMMuckraker makes the case for doubting Issa even more compelling as it notes that despite his previous denials, documentation has come forward to show that he was briefed on the details of Fast and Furious and did not object. In other words, the same charges Issa is throwing at Holder might well stick to himself. Will “fair and balanced” Fox News investigate this with the same aggressiveness they’ve shown toward Holder? Don’t hold your breath.

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Bill O'Reilly's Pro-Life Pal, Phil Kline, Could Have Law License Suspended

Reported by Priscilla - Fri 1:17 PM

Back in February, Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly were outraged about how a KA disciplinary panel was investigating whether form KA Attorney General, Phil Kline committed professional misconduct in his crusade against the murdered abortion doctor George Tiller. Kline was assisted in his crusade against Tiller by Bill O'Reilly whose personal crusade (or is it jihad?) against Tiller contributed to a climate of hate in which Tiller was assassinated by one of O'Reilly's fellow Christian pro-lifers. Bill, who "fights for the rights of the unborn" (women who have abortions and those who support them, like columnist Joan Walsh, not so much), was subsequently presented with a "Courage Award," from the Christian hate group "Family Research Council, for his ongoing attacks on Tiller whom O'Reilly referred to as a "baby killer." Yesterday, the KA disciplinary panel recommended that Kline have his law license suspended indefinitely for the "selfish and dishonest way" with which he obsessively pursued abortion clinics. It was found that this "dishonest conduct" caused "potential injury to the public." We know that at least one man was fatally injured by the hatred stirred up by Kline who was validated in this "dishonest conduct" by the "fair & balanced" O'Reilly who is mentioned in the report.

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A Friendly Fox And Friends Welcome To “We Are 53 Percent”

Reported by Aunty Em - Fri 12:30 PM

If any more proof is needed that Fox “News” has taken a stand against Occupy Wall Street, one only has to look at the warm welcome given to Mike Wilson, described as “Conservative Filmmaker” and “Developer” of “We Are The 53 Percent,” the newest Right Wing protest group on the ‘Merkin political scene. While The 53ers seem to be quite a small group, that didn’t stop the Foxy Friends (in the persona of Gretchen Carlson) from giving Wilson as warm an embrace as Fox “News” did Teabaggers…or Joe the Plumber. That’s because Fox doesn’t care how big or small a group is, as long as it’s on the right side, pun intended. Clearly Fox “News” believes “We Are The 53%” is on the right side, as evidenced by the chyrons alone. As Wednesday’s interview began the following words appeared at the bottom of the screen: Taking on ‘Occupy Wall Street’; ‘We are the 53 percent’ claims middle ground. At the 23 second mark that’s replaced by “Mike Wilson; Conservative Filmmaker” which, at the 33 second mark faded to “Mike Wilson; Developer, “We Are 53%.” Oddly enough, this only stayed up on screen for a mere 3.5 seconds. Suddenly the chyron is dropped entirely so that Fox can show full screen the pictures that Wilson was currently talking about. WOW!!! Talk about synergy. It’s almost like that was planned because Fox almost never drops the chyron unless it’s for Hooters babes. Twenty seconds later the screen returned to a regular shot of Wilson with the words Counter protest movement; Telling Wall St Demonstrators to ‘Suck it up’ below him. Less than 10 seconds later those words are replaced by ‘We are the 53%’; Blame themselves, politicians for their angst, followed a short time later by “Anti-Occupy Wall St Movement; Says be responsible for your own destiny.” Media Matters also contrasted the treatment of OWS with this new group in an article titled “Fox Attacks ‘99 Percent’ To Support ‘53 Percent,’ ” posted a day before this softball interview. As comprehensive as MMfA's article might be, as much—if not far more—is said by Gretchen's kiss, kiss, kiss ending to this interview. The Gretch wrapped it all up in a nice pretty bow for those who didn’t get the less-than-subtle propaganda, “It’s a very interesting reaction to what’s going on on Wall Street. And we’ll check back in with you because I have a feeling it’s going to continue to grow.” Translation: “We’ll keep pushing your group and, just like we did for the Teabaggers, we’ll help you grow.” Watch:

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More Racist Comments About Michelle Obama On Fox Nation

Reported by Priscilla - Fri 11:09 AM

Fox Nation is for those who "oppose intolerance." Yet it runs threads that generate racist commentary which shows that their mission is really about spreading hatred to a racist demographic that they know will start drooling, in true Pavlovian fashion, with any mention of the Barack and Michelle Obama. The good Christian residents of Fox Nation particularly loathe Ms. Obama for whatever reason. Perhaps they are threatened by strong, educated African American women. Who knows? But what we do know is that whenever Fox Nation runs threads about her, the level of discourse gets very crude. Today, Fox Nation has a thread with the title, "Michelle Shows Off The Guns" over a photo of Michelle and Barack Obama. Ms. Obama, known to Fox Nation as "Chewbacca" and a number of other vulgar names, is wearing an off the shoulder dress which exposes her well muscled upper arms - the "guns" to which the thread title refers. Suffice to say that the comments are the usual line of racist and crude crap that one associates with usual line of racists who live in Fox Nation -obviously an apartheid state. Jim Crow and the KKK are alive and well on Fox Nation - a blog devoted to those who "oppose intolerance."

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Greta Van Susteren And Byron York Can’t Understand Why President Obama Called Out Reporter Ed Henry

Reported by Ellen - Fri 2:49 AM

Memo to Greta Van Susteren and Byron York. This may be hard for you to understand – seeing as you two are great Fox News fans – but the reason President Obama called out Fox White House correspondent Ed Henry for using Republican talking points was probably because… Henry was using Republican points in the form of a question. Or to put it another way, when Henry used Mitt Romney’s attack on Obama’s handling of foreign policy and rephrased it as a question about Obama’s handling of the Iran terror plot, it quacked just like... Republican talking points!

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October 14, 2011

Send A Personal Message To The Koch Brothers About Their Cancer-Causing Pollution, reported by Ellen,

October 13, 2011

Greta Van Susteren Interviews Darrell Issa About Holder Subpoena, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Host Cheryl Casone Gushes: Here Comes The Cain Train!, reported by Guest Blogger,

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Goes Three Rounds Against Fox & Friends Tag Team And Wins, reported by Aunty Em,

President Obama Calls Out Fox News’ Ed Henry’s Use Of Romney Talking Points, reported by Ellen,

Brian Kilmeade's And Fox News Islamophobia?, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly Enlists His Resident “Body Language Expert” To “Prove” Eric Holder Lied To Congress, reported by Ellen,

October 12, 2011

Another News Corp. Scandal Rocks Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly's Fellow Christian Bigots , reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Uses Foiled Iranian Terror Plot To Attack Obama, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Edits E-Mail?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox's Fr. Jonathan Morris Defends Romney's Faith Yet Attacked Obama For His, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly’s Epic Discussion With Tavis Smiley And Cornel West About Race, Poverty And Herman Cain, reported by Ellen,

Sean Hannity Glad Hank Williams, Jr. Won’t Apologize For Calling Obama “The Enemy”, reported by Ellen,

October 11, 2011

Ruh-Roh! Busted Iranian Terror Plot Foils (For Now) Fox News Witch Hunt Against Eric Holder, reported by Ellen,

U.S. Marines To Hannity: F*ck Off!, reported by Ellen,

Martha MacCallum's "Illegals" Fact - A Lie Or Faulty Fact Checking? , reported by Priscilla,

Brian Kilmeade Supports Spying On Muslim Mosques Which "Some Say" Breed Terrorists, reported by Priscilla,

Chris Wallace Helps Further Rep. Darrell Issa’s Fast And Furious Witch Hunt, reported by Ellen,

October 10, 2011

Fox & Friends Gets To The Bottom Of The Occupy Wall Street Appeal: Free Food!, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Compares Occupy Wall Street Posters To The Unabomber, reported by Guest Blogger,

FoxNews.Com Readers Agree With "Occupy Wall Street" Views Of Economy, reported by Ellen,

Martha MacCallum "Hears" Those Who Oppose In-State Tuition For "Illegals", reported by Priscilla,

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Tell Geraldo Rivera: Fox News Lies!, reported by Ellen,

Hank Williams, Jr. On Fox & Friends – The Saturday Night Live Version, reported by Ellen,

October 9, 2011

Alan Colmes Smacks Down Hypocritical Attacks On Occupy Wall Street Protests, reported by Ellen,

"Concerned Woman For America," Penny Nance, Loves Men But Wants Them To Grow Up, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Pimps Book For Catholic Lay People Without Noting Author's GOP Connection, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O'Reilly & "Factor Fun?", reported by Priscilla,

Fox News “Cost Of Freedom” Guest: We Need More Hunger In America!, reported by Guest Blogger,

October 8, 2011

Romney "Attacker" Is Former Fox & Friends Friend, reported by Priscilla,

PolitiFact Debunks O'Reilly's $16 Muffin Story, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly & Janine Turner Whine About Poor Hollywood Conservatives, reported by Priscilla,

Ailes And Murdoch Acknowledge Fox News’ Bias, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Leaves Out Election Of President Obama In Its 15-Year Retrospective, reported by Ellen,

Bill O’Reilly Suggests Gay Marriage Leads To Polygamy, reported by Ellen,

Want To Occupy Your City? Brave New Foundation Has Advice And Inspiration, reported by Ellen,

October 7, 2011

Bill O’Reilly Tries To Enlist CBS Reporter In The Eric Holder Witch Hunt, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Promotes Herman Cain’s Unfounded Conspiracy Theory That Occupy Wall Street Protests Are A Democratic Plot, reported by Ellen,

Jon Stewart Demolishes Palin's 2012 Campaign Scam, reported by Ellen,

Occupy Wall Street Is Fox’s New Fair And Balanced Enemy , reported by Aunty Em,

Greta Van Susteren Smacks Down Attacks On Occupy Wall Street Protests, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Excludes Alan Colmes From 15th Anniversary Show, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Crowd Cheers As Neal Boortz Calls Obama “A Bigger Disaster To This Country Than 9/11”, reported by Ellen,

October 6, 2011

Bill O’Reilly: The Occupy Wall Street Protests Are A George Soros Plot, reported by Ellen,

Palin’s Fox & Friends Colleagues Mock Her Announcement Not To Run For President, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Still Believes That Jesus Guided Evolution & Atheists Suck, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Crew Maced and Beaten On Wall Street As Jon Stewart Mocks Fox’s Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, reported by Aunty Em,

Van Susteren Helps Spin Palin’s Decision Not To Run For President, reported by Ellen,

October 5, 2011

Breaking News: Sarah Palin Not Running For President, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Whines About Occupy Wall Street Coverage, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox News Website Features Another Persecuted Christian, reported by Priscilla,

Rep. Allen West Tells Bill Hemmer That Tea Party Isn't Racist! Seriously?, reported by Priscilla,

More News Corp. You-Know-What To Hit The Fan, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Pimps Palin’s Pretend 2012 Candidacy, reported by Ellen,

What Shannon Bream Didn't Say About Christian TX Anti-Gay Student & His "Punishment" , reported by Priscilla,

Special GOP Victim Hannity Stands Up For Hank Williams, Jr. Likening Obama To Hitler, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Teams Up With Discredited J. Christian Adams To Paint Obama As BFF's With New Black Panthers, reported by Ellen,

October 4, 2011

In Honor Of His Retirement, Fox News Trashes 92 Year-Old Andy Rooney, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Witch Hunt For Eric Holder Kicks Up A Notch, reported by Ellen,

No Joy In Foxville: Chris Christie Still Not Running For President! - Definitely!, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Hosts Tim Groseclose For Encore Attack On Media Matters, reported by Priscilla,

Herman Cain Pretends He Never Called Rick Perry “Insensitive” – And Sean Hannity Helps!, reported by Ellen,

October 3, 2011

Hank Williams, Jr. Crashes And Burns As A Fox News Political Pundit, reported by Ellen,

The "Occupy Wall Street" Video Fox News Didn't Want You To See, reported by Ellen,

Fox's Father Jonathan Morris Pals Around With Radical Right Ring Anti-Obama Preacher, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Features Tupak Sex Tape While Ignoring Teabagger's Hooker Arrest, reported by Priscilla,

How Ugly Will Be The Sarah Palin-Fox News Break Up and How Soon?, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O'Reilly Advocates For Condemned Iranian Christian Pastor After Ignoring Troy Davis, reported by Priscilla,

Cavuto’s “Commentary” More Like A Herman Cain Campaign Commercial, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox Nation Pretends Van Jones Threatened Violence – And Their Readers Responded With Real Threats, reported by Guest Blogger,

October 2, 2011

No FEMA? No Problem On Fox News, reported by Guest Blogger,

If Fox Nation Is "For Those Opposed To Intolerance," What's Up With "Pig Maher?", reported by Priscilla,

Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro Suggests The U.S. “Revisit” The First Amendment, reported by Ellen,

October 1, 2011

On Fox & Friends: Nancy Pelosi Is A Witch?, reported by Priscilla,

On Fox & Friends: Dave Briggs Says Media Matters Abuses Tax Dollars, reported by Priscilla,

Hannity Disses Michael Jackson Trial Fans As “Losers”, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Host Attacks Obama For Not Giving Bush Credit In Killing of Al-Awlaki, reported by Ellen,

September 30, 2011

Fox's New Slogan Tacitly Admits Its Conservative Bias, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Defends Homophobia?, reported by Priscilla,

Embarrassing Obama More Important Than Terrorist Killings To Fox Nation, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Gives "Right To Life" Eulogy For "Baby Joseph", reported by Priscilla,

As The Murdoch Turns: The Week’s Newest News Corp. News, reported by Aunty Em,

Bill O’Reilly: African Americans Have Been Brainwashed To Vote For Democrats Because Of Entitlements, reported by Ellen,

September 29, 2011

Jon Stewart Skewers Palin And Christie Non-Campaign Coverage, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Hiding His Ring Finger?, reported by Priscilla,

"It Just Seems Fishy" Good Enough Reason For Hannity To Attack Obama Over Ford Bailout Ad, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Shows Some Sweetness For Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale, reported by Priscilla,

O’Reilly On The Daily Show: Talking Taxes For Millionaires And His Threat To Quit Working , reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Mock Chaz Bono & The Transgendered, reported by Priscilla,

While Pimping Calista Gingrich's New Book, Steve Doocy Attacks TX Teacher , reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Civil War! Dick Morris Blasts “Teases” Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump, reported by Ellen,

September 28, 2011

Chris Christie Still Not Running, Probably, reported by Ellen,

Greta Van Susteren Repeatedly Prods Republican Senator Grassley To Be More Antagonistic Toward Department Of Justice, reported by Ellen,

Memo To Fox & Friends: I Don't Want You Hit By Skylab!, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News' Hero Priest, Frank Pavone, In Holy Hot Water?, reported by Priscilla,

Today’s Fox and Friends Pushes Yesterday’s Debunked Story To Attack POTUS, reported by Aunty Em,

News Corp Facing More Legal Troubles Here And Abroad, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Thinks Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale Is Dandy?, reported by Priscilla,

Chris Christie And His Republican Audience Cheer Reagan Firing 11,000 Air Traffic Controllers, reported by Ellen,

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