CONSP!RE is a magazine committed to building relationships and nurturing those trying to follow the way of Jesus . It is supported by a network of communities, groups, and individuals. Each issue explores the questions of faith that arise from living for justice and as part of the body.
Consp!re means breathing together. We believe the reign of God is about relationship and living with imagination. Consp!re also means plotting together—and we are plotting goodness. We yearn to do small things with great love, interrupting injustice with grace, and transforming ugliness to beauty.
CONSP!RE is a magazine like no other. We are supported by individuals and groups together as a kind of magazine co-op! We have three different levels of involvement for those who wish to join in this conspiracy and plot some goodness---geared for communities, groups, and individuals.
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On the left here, you will get a small taste of CONSPIRE. You’ll see the table of contents as well as a few articles in our current issue. Take a look! But remember that CONSPIRE is about building community, and is best experienced when you hold it in your hand with friends. We invite you to join the conspiracy!
Material posted includes:
Table of Contents
Issue Introduction “Come to the Table”
“Why We Eat Together” by J. Wilson-Hartgrove
"Food, Faith & Future" by Michael Morrell
“Taste the Eggs” by Andrea Ferich
“Notes from Scattered Pilgrims” (News from Our Co-Conspiring Communities)
Get the Fall 2011 Study Guide!
Issue 8 // Walls & Borders is still available!
View selected articles from the issue
Get the study guide
Issue 9 // Grit & Grace is still available!
View selected articles from the issue
Get the study guide
Gather ‘Round from Conspire Magazine on Vimeo.