By Christopher Ketcham —The occupiers have made it known in a most disrespectful manner that the parasite class is not welcome anymore. That’s a good start.
By Marcia Alesan Dawkins —As opposed to Barack Obama, who downplayed racial difference when he ran for president, Herman Cain is playing it to the hilt.
By Chris Hedges —The occupation movement’s greatest challenge will be overcoming the deep distrust of white liberals by the poor and the working class, especially people of color.
From “Saturday Night Live” comes this … what’s that? This unbelievably bizarre Herman Cain campaign ad is real?The Baltimore Sun calls it “unorthodox,” which is an understatement considering this is from the Republicans’ leading contender for the presidency.
In this clip from Tuesday’s “Democracy Now!” we hear the story of Goldman Sachs’ recent move to back out of a fundraiser for the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union after the financial giant caught wind that the event would pay tribute to the Occupy Wall Street movement. But, as Amy Goodman and investigative reporter … (more)
Finally, some smart discussion about Occupy Wall Street on a high-profile talk show. Here we have Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges and “Democracy Now!” anchor Amy Goodman going beyond sound bites and bullet points to give Charlie Rose their takes on OWS—what it means, why it’s happening and who’s taking part.
The Church of Scientology has a storied history of swift and sometimes creative responses to media criticism from traditional ranks—such as print or TV outlets—and now here’s another about the group’s entanglement with Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the colorful creators of “South Park,” courtesy of The Village Voice.
The year 1990 is calling with the exciting news that none other than MC Hammer has decided to reinvent himself as a Web entrepreneur. (And we really hope he gives webinars.) This story comes with the unexpected twist that instead of, say, making his distinctive mark in the domain of digital music ... (more)
The occupation movement’s greatest challenge will be overcoming the deep distrust of white liberals by the poor and the working class, especially people of color.
It’s one of the strangest things in our politics: The only “big” ideas Republicans and conservatives seem to offer these days revolve around novel and sometimes bizarre ways of cutting taxes on rich people.
What does the career of the former Massachusetts governor tell us about the ideology of the LDS church—and what his personal beliefs may portend if he becomes the first Mormon in the Oval Office?
He calls it a “flat tax,” but some analysts have noticed a few bumps in Rick Perry’s catchy “20-20” tax plan. Perhaps feeling the heat from recent gains made by a certain GOP presidential contender with his own numerological tax scheme who may or may not hail from Florida … (more)
Tuesday morning’s arrests of Occupy Oakland protesters, along with the recent display of police prowess that Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed visited upon the occupy encampment in his own city, add up to signs of trouble that could threaten the peaceful tone of the movement, at least as The Christian Science Monitor … (more)
Putting a ceremonial end to a 42-year era in Libya, the nation’s late leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi was laid to rest, along with his son Muatassim and his defense minister, Abu Bakr Younis, in an undisclosed location. The three died after their capture last Thursday and ... (more)
A subspecies of rhino native to Southeast Asia has been wiped out. There are now just 50 members of its parent species, the Javan rhino, left in the world. It’s a reminder that the danger in endangered is real, and we can’t just sit back and hope conservationists can keep human beings from annihilating Earth’s biodiversity. (more)
“Why not occupy newsrooms?” That’s the question posed by David Carr, writing in The New York Times about the obscene salaries and bonuses (tens of millions of dollars in some cases) paid to newspaper executives in compensation for “picking the carcass clean.” (more)
Since last summer, applicants for government assistance in Florida have been required to pass a drug test before receiving federal help, but on Monday a federal judge temporarily blocked that measure in response to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU.