Kurt Nimmo | Only Ron Paul has called for eliminating income taxes and the IRS.
Paul Joseph Watson | NATO’s bombing campaign has paved the way for an extremist, arcane and brutal system of justice.
The Economic Collapse | Over a trillion U.S. taxpayer dollars have been spent on wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Washington’s Blog | But “New Obama Foreclosure Plan Helps Banks At Taxpayers’ Expense”.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | The financial crisis, which is very much still with us, did not result from accident or miscalculation.
Infowars Nightly News | Aaron talks with Mark Morano of the Climate Depot.
Ray McGovern | Neocons are now trying to spin the Iraq disaster into another excuse to confront Iran.
Mike Adams | There’s a sense of desperation in America today.
Business Insider | Report says military has seen members from 53 gangs and 100 regions in U.S. enlist in every branch of armed forces.
Press TV | Protesters’ demands will soon clash with police who want to shut it down
AFP | US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday praised the liberation of Libya.
Mail Online | Inside look into how Europe’s welfare states are creating an entitlement society
You Tube | Jeff Swanson asks protesters a seemingly simple question.
Business Insider | ‘Expect at least one credit downgrade in late November or early December when the super Committee crashes.’
Telegraph | European Union chiefs are drawing up plans for a single “Treasury” to oversee tax and spending across the 17 eurozone nations.
Jonathan Benson | Son in custody on charges of bribing a public official and attempting to smuggle marijuana.
New Scientist | Study combines mathematics long used to model natural systems with comprehensive corporate data to map ownership.
Daily Mail | New hi-tech mini-city to house soldiers, border guards, secret service, scientists and explorers, as Moscow gets serious about Arctic mineral riches
Dahr Jamail | A swim in the Gulf has complicated Steven Aguinaga’s life in ways he could have never imagined.
Mail Online | iPad technology has provided a genuine user boom for the older generation
BBC News Magazine | In Philadelphia, American and British lawyers have debated the legality of America’s founding documents.
London Independent | Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts
Daily Mail | PM Cameron is trying to sell out UK sovereignty to the EU, but a mutiny has begun
Saman Mohammadi | These are dangerous times.
The Independent | The CIA continue to unleash al-Qa’ida mercenaries on Africa, ensuring AFRICOM’s future there
CNN | President Barack Obama announced that all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq.
Eric Margolis | Like Nasser, Gadaffi was disappointed by his fellow Arab rulers who had no interest in Arab unity or liberating Palestine.
Mail Online | Aussie anti-elite protester from Occupy Sydney arrested for mooning the Royal Family
Daily Bail | Occupy Las Vegas Protesters Drown Out Erin Burnett: “The Banks Got Bailed Out, We Got Sold Out!”
Daily Mail | Saudi-style Islamic Sharia law will be the ‘basic source’ of legislation in the new Libya
Mark Matheny | CIA linked ambassador further instigating calls for the end of Assad’s rule.
Guardian | Part of the Thailand capital is already under water, expecting more areas to be hit
ABC News | Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi, the London-educated son who was to succeed his father, is at large and Washington has a price on his head
Mail Online | Mounting evidence now reveals that Gaddafi was taunted and tortured before being shot in cold blood
Business Insider | Muammar Qaddafi was three times as rich as Carlos Slim.
Politico | Speck given to woman’s husband by Neil Armstrong and she was trying to sell it to take care of sick son.
Guardian | Provocateur used false identity in 1980s to infiltrate protest movements while working for Metropolitan police special branch
Daily Beast | At least it’s warmer indoors.
P.F.Louis | Eco activist is arrested by Serbian gov’t for challenging Monsanto Corp’s hegemony over world food supply
Daily Mail | New research proves that exposure to Bisphenol A in the womb can adversely affect children’s behaviour
Anthony Gucciardi | POPs include different pesticides, industrial chemicals, and compounds released from burning fossil fuels.
Reuters | First U.S.-bound Mexican truck crossed at Laredo, Texas Friday.
Associated Press | Calderon accused the U.S. of dumping criminals at border because it is cheaper than prosecuting them.
USA Today | Allowed under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Sean Plunket | My three-week trip was somewhat disrupted by the 9/11 attacks in New York just a few days prior to my departure.
Digital Spy | X-Factor actor does not believe official version of events regarding the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001.
Idris Tawfiq | Since the so-called War on Terror was linked very clearly to Islam and Muslims, they ask if the world really does hate Islam.
Daily Ticker | European leaders still have not finalized a solution to save Greece from default and recapitalize Eurozone banks.
The Independent | The battle lines are being drawn with the future of our domestic energy supply
Guardian | Foreign aid: countries who give the money tend to benefit from it more than those whom it is supposed to help