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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: The most anti-environment House of Representatives in U.S. history; PLUS: GNR Special Edition: We thank the Koch Brothers --- yes, the billionaire, dirty oil Koch Brothers --- for proving global warming! No, really!!! ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): NE lawmakers could challenge Keystone XL Pipeline route; Greenland ice cheet “could undergo self-amplifying cycle of melting, warming; Fisker: debunking another GOP fake scandal; MD Court Strikes Down Landlord Protection in Lead Paint Law; Former Keystone Pipeline Lobbyist Hired by Obama; Personal Eco-Concierges Ease Transition to Green; 5-20 million tons of debris from Japan's tsunami moving toward Hawaii; CA's Coachella Workers Live in Grim Conditions; Nigerians seek $1 billion from Shell over oil spills; Appeals court upholds roadless rule protecting vast forest wilderness; California Becomes First State To Adopt Cap-And-Trade Program; Countries catch way more bluefin tuna than they are supposed to; Girls exposed in womb to BPA have risk of behavior problems; Austim diagnoses growing by 10-17% annually; Global ban on exports of toxic waste advances; 40k Dallas-Ft.Worth children under 6 have lead in blood; Meet the Tar Sands PR wizard; Alaska Borough Voters Reject Controversial Pebble Mine ...PLUS: Genetic engineering fails to increase crop yields, but succeeds at increasing 'superweeds' and human pesticide exposure ...