Thursday, December 08, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Live-- 24/7...
This Live Feed thread is pinned for the duration. New posts start below this one. Thank you for being here!
My dear friend MadSat reminds me that K Street is every bit as big a part of the problem as Wall Street. Here are two proposals for Constitutional Amendments to STOP Corporate Influence on OUR Government:
-- Move To Amend: A Constitutional Amendment To End Corporate Personhood
-- Get Money Out: A Constitutional Amendment To Get Corporate Money Out Of Politics
Both are simple and easy to support.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Civil Rights, Corporate Disobedience, This Is Democracy
Monday, October 10, 2011
Dylan Radigan, mad as hell
MSNBC's Dylan Radigan, one of the few in the mainstream media that understands and supports the OWS Movement, loses his cool as he tries to explain the problems the 99% is upset over.
Labels: #occupywallstreet, SomeOneElse Says
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Anonymous calls for #OpPaparazzi!
The purpose is to film police officers on duty at all times, at all places. Many police departments are trying to stop citizens from filming them, claiming it is illegal (despite the courts having ruled over and over again that the police have no "reasonable expectation of privacy" while on duty). It is your right!
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Labels: #OpPaparazzi, Anonymous, SomeOneElse Says
Agents Provocateurs...
As skippy says: "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they infiltrate your group to discredit it with uncalled-for violence..."
via skippy the bush kangaroo
immediately after the incident began hitting the newswires howley published a “breaking news” story with the american spectator online in which he reveals that he had consciously infiltrated the group on friday with the intent to discredit the movement. he states that “as far as anyone knew i was part of this cause — a cause that i had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of the american spectator — and i wasn’t giving up before i had my story.”
according to howley’s story he joined the group in its march toward the air and space museum but the protesters on the march were unwilling to be confrontational. he states “they lack the nerve to confront authority. from estimates within the protest, only ten people were pepper-sprayed, and as far as i could tell i was the only one who got inside.”
he claims that upon arrival at the museum the group of approximately one hundred protesters split into two factions with the smaller of the two “rushing the doors,” the majority “staying behind.” howley then admits in his piece that he snuck past the guard at the first entrance in order to “infiltrate” the building and then confronted another guard. he then “sprinted toward the door” at which time he was first hit with pepper-spray.
Much more at the link. More at BoingBoing.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet, Agents Provacateur, COINTELPRO
Dear Occupy Atlanta...
Turning away Senator John Lewis was fucking ASSHOLE STUPID.
That is all.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet, really stupid things
A Message To Wall Street (and The Media)...
How much clearer does the message from the 99% need to be?
We DO know what we want. The message is clear: Get Corporations out of Government, get their money out of Politics, remove Corporate Personhood, and reinstate Glass-Steagall to separate risky investment arms from the Savings and Loan bases of banks. Let the Failed "Banks" FAIL.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet, We The People Are The 99%
The Rude Pundit Articulates Clearly So Even The Media Can Understand It All...
Well said.
via The Rude Pundit
An Inarticulate Articulation of Why Occupy Wall Street Doesn't Need to Articulate a Damn Thing:
Oh, shut the fuck up, mainstream media. You know exactly what the Occupy Wall Street (and dozens of other places) protests are demanding. Everybody knows, even dunderheads who pretend not to. They are demanding what every truly great social movement has ever demanded: the right to have a say, to have power in a nation where the majority of people are disempowered. Yeah, you can narrow those into a list of specific goals, as the General Assembly at Zuccotti Park are attempting or as others from the protests or even some in the media have laid out, but so what?
They all come down to the same thing, the same thing: power, specifically of the economic sort. The United States government has allowed corporations, whether its oil companies, banks, pharmaceuticals, or whatever, to have the power in the nation under the lie that their rising profits are the key to economic salvation. Now, after decades of corporate-friendly policies, mostly to the detriment of the individual worker, the lie has been made plain. If the Tea Party had not been racist and gun-toting and stupid and easily manipulated from the start, it would have had the same message.
More at the link-- he's just getting warmed up in this first to paragraphs.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Corporate Disobedience, The Blogohood
Alan Grayson Takes P.J. O'Rourke To The Woodshed...
Hilarity ensues...
via Crooks And Liars
Bless you, Mr. Grayson.
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Labels: #occupyeverywhere, #occupywallstreet
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now | The Nation
Great article from Naomi Klein.
"If there is one thing I know, it is that the 1 percent loves a crisis. When people are panicked and desperate and no one seems to know what to do, that is the ideal time to push through their wish list of pro-corporate policies: privatizing education and social security, slashing public services, getting rid of the last constraints on corporate power. Amidst the economic crisis, this is happening the world over."
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now | The Nation
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Disaster Capitalism, SomeOneElse Says
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Pygalgia Has Something To Say, And As Always, We Need To Hear It...
Gods almighty I've been stoopid being away. Our dear friend Pygalgia is simply an amazing and thoughtful writer, and my being away has stopped me from helping to get his incredible voice out more.
via Pygalgia
When I first read about the Occupy Wall Street protests, my cynical response was "like that'll accomplish anything." Tomorrow, I will be joining in at the Occupy Minneapolis protest.
What changed? Well, momentum for one major thing. Seems like a lot of people were just waiting for a venue to express their anger at our current economic situation. Once the protests achieved that critical level of mass where the media could no longer ignore them, and more people became aware that they weren't alone in their angst, protests began springing up all around the country. Now, every major city has one. And a lot of smaller towns are getting action, too.
The general public may be dumb, but they're not stupid; they know that something is going dramatically wrong in this country, and that they're the ones getting screwed.
It was entertaining to watch the 'pundits' in the first week or so of Occupy Wall Street, all agreeing that the protesters had "no clear message or agenda." Which, while partly true, is absolutely irrelevant. Remember back during Stephen Colbert's rally where the crowd was chanting "three word slogan, three word slogan" over and over? That was brilliant satire. The simple fact is that there is no simple slogan or message to address the complex problems facing us. We need a systemic change, and right now those in power are doing all they can to prevent any such change.
More at the link. Go read... and then read the rest of his blog... forever.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, My Friends, The Blogohood
Tavis Smiley & Dr. Cornel West on Countdown with Keith Olbermann
There are some in the media that do support our movement!
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, SomeOneElse Says
Good, Sound Advice For Occupy Wall Street...
I think they (we) already understand the potentials for co-option by Power Brokers of the 1%. We know that THEY want nothing more than to do just that to stop the voice of We The People. It's fine to let the Unions march with you for a day or so, it fine to let other well-funded groups provide food, medical supplies and the like, but the line must stop there.
Andrew Gavin Marshall
While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.
The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.
The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party movement to happen to it. Whatever ideological stance you may have, the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.
For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial ‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-profits, or philanthropic foundations. The efforts are subtle, but effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire, which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.
This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those who have power, and those who don’t. When those who have power offer a hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely in the aim, it’s in the action.
The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus socialist. The true struggle is that of people against the institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the corporation, the international financial institutions, the military, the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal system, the church, et. al.
More at the link.
Thanks to Kevin.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet
"Republic, Lost"...
Good stuff. Simple message.
Republic, Lost from Daniel Jones on Vimeo.
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Labels: We The People
Monopoly: Occupy Wall Street Edition...
Pretty good!
via The Big Picture
Click for bigger version:
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Labels: #occupywallstreet
Friday, October 07, 2011
"Right Here All Over," A Short Film On Occupy Wall Street By Alex Mallis
Lovely look at what is happening...
Right Here All Over (Occupy Wall St.) from Alex Mallis on Vimeo.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet
Roger Waters-- "Each Small Candle"...
Every time we make the Banksters spend money to tear down something that they don't want to have seen, diminishes THEIR wealth. Every Billable Hour we make them PAY is another battle of the BIG WAR won.
Please think LARGER, my friends.
"Think Globally-- Act Locally" has never been more concise, and within our grasp.
THINK LARGER-- act like a small candle. Re-post those memos. Re-distribute them everywhere.
Each Small Candle will eventually burn the Banksters down.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Corporate Disobedience, Corporate Values
WOW... Plutonomy Is Of Interest!
3,624 unique visits today. Typical-- a few dozen tops. Reminds me of last year when this blog was the go to place for all things BP spill. I try to post the good stuff, or not at all.
I suspect the Plutonomy Memos are the draw.
I am glad to have readership, as I have been absent from this blog for a long time. For that I am DEEPLY grateful to the friends who heard my call. But web hits is not, and has never been, my motivator-- my job is to put important, REALLY important news out front when there is an audience to receive it. I otherwise go dormant.
Those memos are important, because they clearly show the lack of regard that the Plutocrats have for us. It shows their CONTEMPT for us, and it clearly shows the horrific levels of action that will take to keep our uppity asses in our place, down here-- FUCK THAT and FUCK THEM.
If you own a TV, just watch the damned commercials. How many of those ads represent how YOU live? If you're reading this blog, I would imagine that number to be close to ZERO. THINK about that.
Please download, and re-post those memos wherever you can, as they won't last at those sites for much longer. It is important that they are re-distributed EVERYWHERE, and not just linked back here. The more traffic those two links get, the quicker they will get torn down. I am running out of venues to re-post to, as the Lawyers keep getting them ripped down. I NEED those memos re-posted, re-distributed, and re-linked to-- EVERYWHERE.
Someone PLEASE send them to the good people at
I've sent them to AmpedStatus and AdBusters and Anonymous.
Want to motivate people to OCCUPY EVERYWHERE? Put these memos in their face whenever you can, wherever you can, but you mustn't just link to them, you have to re-post them elsewhere, and THEN link to them. It costs CITI money to keep their lawyers shilling and trolling.
Make CITI dole out cold cash for the Lawyers' BILLABLE HOURS, people. THINK THIS THROUGH.
Every little candle, every little battle... Make it cost them BIG to wage their war against us.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Action, Corporate Disobedience, Corporate Sociopaths, Corporate Values, Corporatists
This Is Why We Are Protesting...
Great video to explain some of the problems the Occupiers on Wall Street are protesting.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, SomeOneElse Says
Monkeyfister Welcomes Someone Else...
Someone Else always has something good to say about something. Please give him a welcoming case of the clap.
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Labels: Guest Bloggers
The Mortgage Reset Chart...
Following up the IMF Advisor's statement post below, here is my favorite chart. Demeur reminded me to post this in comments. Thanks buddy!
We've hit THE PEAK in Alt-A Mortgage reset/recasting. It takes 90-days of mortgage default for the Banksters to start a foreclosure. So... it's pretty easy to see that we're at a very serious precipice, the effects of which will be known very, very soon.
To make it clear-- anyone still in an Alt-A mortgage, who has not been able to re-fi because their mortgage is underwater, or because of other outstanding debt, is getting a Notice of Principle and Interest Reset. There is a great watering of the guts amongst them right now, as they realize the game is up, they can no longer afford their payments, and they're about to lose their homes.
Click the chart for bigger size-- click it again for ginormous-size:
As their is no "Bottom-Up" Plan B, there is no hope of anything returning to normal within the next 2-3 years, as the chart demonstrates.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Banksters, Collapse, Real Estate Crash
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Longer Reel Of The NYPD's Violent Crackdown Last Night...
White Shirt is, apparently, the new Brown Shirt.
Looks like the Banksters are getting their $4.6 million ROI from their hired hands.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Police State
IMF Advisor: "In The Absence Of A Credible Plan We Will Have A Global Financial Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks"...
CDO, CDS and Derivative counter-parties that were never severed and resolved. The Banksters took our money, and actually doubled-down on even riskier bets. So, it's coming back with a vengeance. If not in 2-3 weeks, soon enough. There is no longer any "credible solution" available.
via Zero Hedge
In an interview with IMF advisor Robert Shapiro, the bailout expert has pretty much said what, once again, is on everyone's mind: "If they can not address [the financial crisis] in a credible way I believe within perhaps 2 to 3 weeks we will have a meltdown in sovereign debt which will produce a meltdown across the European banking system. We are not just talking about a relatively small Belgian bank, we are talking about the largest banks in the world, the largest banks in Germany, the largest banks in France, that will spread to the United Kingdom, it will spread everywhere because the global financial system is so interconnected. All those banks are counter-parties to every significant bank in the United States, and in Britain, and in Japan, and around the world. This would be a crisis that would be in my view more serious than the crisis in 2008...
Watch it on BBC:
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Labels: Banksters
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Fuck Steve Jobs...
No Willed endowments for the Poor, the Middle or Working Class, No nothing for anyone "down here," nothing for the Arts?
via Bloomberg
Jobs’s net worth was at least $6.7 billion as of Sept. 6, according to Bloomberg estimates.
Fuck him. Just another Rich piece of shit Techonocrat out for his own.
I hope his family has some scruples and some care.
I suspect that we'll see his family on FOX News whining about Taxes on "Jobs Creators" being unfair before too long.
Yes-- pun intended, but Steve Jobs took too many Liberals for a hard ride in his black turtleneck.
I never owned an Apple anything.
Never will.
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Labels: Corporate Sociapaths, Corporate Values
Crackdown In "Liberty Plaza"...
Their fear of some protestors getting Media attention is finally taking hold, it seems.
Time to up the ante.
In other news, Steve Jobs has died. I don't use Apple anything, but to some, it might mean something. I hope he left an endowment to the 99% somewhere. I just always saw him as just another rich guy with some neat ideas. Sad for his loss, but it doesn't mean much to me.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Corporate Disobedience
Citi's Plutonomy Memos..
-- Part OneThese won't last long. They've been up a surprisingly long time as it is. Please download them, and repost them wherever you can.
--Part Two
I am happy to be back, and to see good, old friends returning. I've been spending my time amongst the extreme crazy right, so you didn't have to.
This Movement has finally pulled me back.
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Class Warfare, Corporate Disobedience, Corporate Values
Occupy Memphis Begins...
It has begun in Overton Park. Tonight.
From the Commercial Appeal
The planning meeting in Memphis will take place at the east end of Overton Park off East Parkway, beginning at 6 p.m.
Teh Google Results For Vast Stores Of Information
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Labels: #occupywallstreet, Civil Disobedience, Corporate Disobedience, Memphis