The Mysteries of the Hague
funny real estate - The Mysteries of the Hague
Found by: kthnxby
6 minutes ago
Venting my spleen for your amusement.
Jeff Immelt, CEO General Electric |
"Bryan Fischer’s stunning record of public bigotry would make him a pariah in any sane political movement. But his long record of hate speech doesn’t seem to bother the supposed ‘mainstream’ GOP politicians like Mitt Romney and Rick Perry who are sharing the stage with him at an event sponsored by his employer. Candidates don’t have to agree with the views of everyone they appear with – but they should be wary of lending legitimacy to those who peddle hate and fear of their fellow Americans."Fischer is not some bomb-throwing-for-ratings radio personality with some low-level or marginal connection to the American Family Association. His title is AFA Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy. You may remember the AFA was also the sponsor of "The Response," Rick Perry's Christian-only HateFest and prayer rally held in Houston's Reliant Stadium this past August.
- President Michael Keegan, People For the American Way