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Truth, real-world consequences ... meh. It "worked." And by "worked" Politico means "worked in that it made us say it worked."13 minutes agovia TweetDeck
I can't believe GOP is actually campaigning on a "we will poison you more to create jobs" platform. What weird times...44 minutes agovia TweetDeck
It would be awkward if the Rapture happened while I was hanging out w/ Jay Inslee & we were both left behind. "So anyway ..."about 1 hour agovia TweetDeck
Well sh*t, the time zone's kinda important! RT @lukedones: @drgrist Rapture is at 6 PM. Not sure which time zone. Be there or be square!about 1 hour agovia TweetDeck
andrew_leachShell Chairman: "We think the best policy mechanism is to cap CO2 emissions and allow for trading of allowances." Damn communist. ยงabout 2 hours agovia TweetDeckRetweeted by drgrist and 7 others