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  1. Not sure what Siri is trying to tell me here.…
  2. What an off day today was. Here's to tomorrow.
  3. Back in SF and back to work.
  4. @AlisaMS @kmoxtiamdoug she'll be there!
  5. @KMOXTIAMDoug alas I can't. Small window, missed.
  6. Game cancelled so I'm not going to make it to Saint Louis. Boo.
  7. Flying to Saint Louis to take my 93 year old grandma to see the @Cardinals beat Texas tonight. Rain, rain, go away.
  8. Nokia: you make too many products. Focus on 3.
  9. Get a pouch for your @Square
  10. Jumped into a cab playing smooth jazz loud. Driver: "Welcome to this Yellow Cab experience. Enjoy yourself."
  11. Siri is calling me out.…
  12. @ROWGHANI boo
  13. @RyanW1lliams working on more
  14. Thrilled to announce that @Square is available across the country at Apple, RadioShack, Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart!
  15. "God is simple. Everything else is complex. Do not seek absolute values in the relative world of nature."
  16. Taking a train to see a big Buddha. And bamboo.