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 The Hunting of America(ns) Expands: John McCain's Revenge
International Politics

Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011  All Rights Reserved
November 27, 2011 by ppjg

Many of us have wondered if directed to; would our own military turn on us?  It appears that this is the plan and has been all along, yet the question remains……would they actually do it if ordered to?

S.1867 The end of Liberty

S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill.  Senators Carl Levin (D) MI and John McCain (R) AZ, are bringing this bill to the Senate floor on Monday after having held secret committee meetings while never holding even one hearing on this bill which authorizes military action against US citizens, right here in the United States. 

While the bill appears on the surface to be about authorizing defense funding for the illegal wars, the ongoing unwarranted surveillance of the US population and the continuing violations of the 4th Amendment as applied to US citizens, many of the provisions of the bill do not pertain to unidentifiable terrorists or any other villain carefully crafted to terrorize the country.  The fact is, as a result of the false flag attacks on 9/11, we have massive numbers of police state “laws” on the books which created “terrorists” or redefined “terrorist activity” to include everything from political dissent and free speech,  even including targeting of  US citizens for mentioning or referencing the Constitution or supporting third party, non-approved candidates for public office.

When this bill passes with these police state provisions included  (I believe it will) you can expect your senator who voted “yes” on the bill to maintain that they only did so because otherwise the funding for the wars would have ceased (we could only hope) and they have to continue to fight the terrorists, terrorism, or what ever lame excuse pops into their heads to explain why they voted to pass what is clearly a police state bill. 

The bill itself was drafted in secret and I believe it would be to our benefit to know who actually drafted that bill.  

Who were the “stakeholders” who actually wrote the bill introduced by these two traitorous senators.   We know they didn’t write it, they never do.  All bills are written by stakeholders who blow through the doors of congress carry bags of cash to buy the support of politicians who make their living selling off our rights along with anything else that isn’t nailed down. 

S.1867 includes these provisions highlighted by the ACLU:

If enacted, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA would:  

1)  Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside theUnited States;

(2)  Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3)  Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

The Washington Post of course did its part to make sure it appeared this bill was about “terrorists”, who could be held indefinitely, who could be subject to extraordinary rendition (transferred to countries like Egypt for extensive torture) and glossed over or totally avoided mentioning the fact that the provisions of this bill could be applied, and are actually intended to be applied to  US citizens on US soil. 

The language of the bill is intentionally very broadly written to allow later interpretations that will be used to redefine yet again, our rights, our protections, striking each one down under the false flag use of  “the war of terror”. 

In the last several years we have seen the militarization of our local law enforcement under the direction of Homeland Security.  We now have major US cities armed with military tanks, drones, and outfitted like star wars storm troopers; all for use against US citizens in their own communities.  Local law enforcement has been remade into extended military units to enable them to become a working military unit in tandem with military control.  These law enforcement units have ceased operating as “protect and serve” civil service operations and instead have become direct threats to the communities which are forced to endure them.  The escalating violence against the citizens, the abrogation of rights, the violation of standing laws and the protection provided to these units by the courts should have us all demanding an end to Homeland Security interference in local law enforcement activities and reverting law enforcement back to one of community protection and service.     

We have seen the creation of the White  House Rural Council along with other newly created agencies that all include the military as part of their structure.  This is no accident.  There is no plausible reason the military would be included in any Council making preparations to unlawfully enter into the states, unless military action against the citizenry was anticipated. 

S.1867 is a catch all bill.  Its intention is to make legal (not lawful) the crime of unlawful detention without due process.  By extension, the bill would condone the practice of extraordinary rendition for the purpose of torture of US citizens who could be kidnapped from our streets without being charged with a crime, having access to the courts for redress (the bill condones the military holding tribunals outside of the US court system at its discretion) and holding US citizens indefinitely without charging them with any crime. 

This bill is one of the final steps necessary in striking down any remaining Constitutional protections or rights, all under the phony war of terror being perpetrated by our own government against its own citizens.  This is not a right or left, Democrat or Republican plan……they are all in it together.  They will all vote for it together knowing full well that it is an assault on the people of the US. 

In my opinion, it is an open declaration of war against the people by our own government.

This brings us back to the initial question:

If ordered to do so, would our own military turn on us? 

It appears they would.


I urge you (everyone who is reading these words) to re-post this to your Facebook pages; send to ten allies among your contacts, and get f*cking noisy about John McCain's latest treachery. We've never seen a Senate bill with this much un-Constitutional power.

Posted by editor on Monday, November 28 @ 09:56:45 PST (27 reads)
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  New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier
International Politics

November 15, 2011 9:54 AM
CBS News/Political Hotsheet
By Stephanie Condon

Ron Paul (Credit: AP Photo/Richard Shiro)

The Iowa caucuses are just seven weeks away, but Republican voters in the nation's first presidential nominating state seem as torn as ever over the GOP field.

A new Bloomberg poll of likely caucus participants shows a four-way tie in Iowa, with Rep. Ron Paul joining Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain in the top tier of candidates. Underscoring the uncertainty in the race, 60 percent of respondents said they could be persuaded to back someone other than their first choice for the nomination.

The poll, conducted November 10 - 12 by the West Des Moines-based firm Selzer & Co, shows Cain in the lead with 20 percent, while Paul comes in at 19 percent. Romney wins 18 percent support, and Gingrich earns 17 percent. The margin of error is 4.4 percent.

While Christian conservatives have more influence in Iowa than they do in the rest of the nation, only a quarter of likely caucus-goers say social issues are more important this year than economic issues. As many as 71 percent say they're voting on issues like jobs and taxes.

The focus on economic issues has likely advantaged Paul, who is known for his strong libertarian views. The Texas congressman wins the most support, 32 percent, from likely caucus-goers who say they've made up their minds. Romney wins 25 percent of those who are decided, followed by Gingrich at 17 percent. On top of that, 69 percent of Iowa voters who supported Paul in 2008 are once again supporting him...

Posted by editor on Tuesday, November 15 @ 16:17:47 PST (50 reads)
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 In Ron Paul We Trust
International Politics

By Al Lewis
Published November 11, 2011

Ron Paul is probably not going to be president any time soon, yet he is already on the dollar.

His enthusiasts have been stamping Federal Reserve notes with "Ron Paul For President" since at least 2008.

"Write Ron Paul on your worthless bills," reads an August 2011 post on "Daily Paul," a website that isn't affiliated with his campaign.

Paul complains about the Fed debasing the currency, but some of his biggest fans are defacing the currency.

"This is something everyone can do to help get Ron Paul's name out there," the Daily Paul post continues. "You can even write "end the Fed" or anything else that will get people's attention. Bills get circulated all the time. You cannot rely on the media."

Paul's campaign headquarters didn't return my phone call to discuss this apparently green, grassroots movement. But it's illegal to deface dollars, isn't it?

There's a law that says it's illegal, but it's fairly vague. It includes the clause, "with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued." But how do you prove intent? And who decides what's unfit? Mitt Romney?

When I contacted the U.S. Treasury to ask such questions, I was referred to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which in turn referred me to the Secret Service, which forwarded my call around the office five times.

I finally ended up chatting with a Secret Service lady who refused to give me her full name. She said that if I wanted an answer to such questions, I'd have to mail in a Freedom of Information request, which would go into a pile and be answered on a first-come-first-served basis.

I decided it might be faster to emboss my blog address, tellittoal.com, on every dollar bill I spend over the next 10 years to see if the Secret Service even cares.

Clearly, the Feds have better things to do. That's why we see machines that smash pennies into medallion souvenirs. That's why a search for the words "defaced currency" on the Internet turns up myriad images of marvelously vandalized bills. And that's why we can often find advertising on our notes, like "Where's George?"

Hank Eskin, founder of wheresgeorge.com, is among the few people I could find who has ever gotten a hassle for this.

In 1998, the Massachusetts database consultant started a website that lets users track dollars. If you want to know where a bill goes after you spend it, you enter its serial number on Eskin's popular website.

You can find out all kinds of interesting things, Eskin says, like, one day your dollar is in a church offering plate, the next it's in a garter belt at a strip club, or vice versa.

I recently found a "Where's George?" dollar in my wallet. But this is not uncommon since his site is now tracking $1 billion worth of bills, from Benjamin's on down.

In 2000, the Secret Service knocked on Eskin's door and asked him to stop selling the rubber stamps that people use to stamp "Where's George?" on bills.

This, they told him, was advertising, and it's illegal to advertise on bills. Consequently, he no longer sells the stamps or encourages the practice. But some dollar-tracking hobbyists keep stamping bills, anyway.

It's probably the same thing with Paul: He's not the one doing it.

Eskin says he filters out political and religious references from the comments people post on his site, because it's about tracking currency, not belief systems.

"I've been getting comments about Ron Paul bills for years now," Eskin said. "I'm sure they're still doing it."

Is there any wonder why some Paul fans lack basic respect for the dollar?

"There will be a rejection of the dollar," Paul warned in a speech last year. "The rejection of the dollar is a big, big event."

Yeah, especially when his name is on it.

(Al's Emporium, written by Dow Jones Newswires columnist Al Lewis, offers commentary and analysis on a wide range of business subjects through an unconventional perspective. The column is published each Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. ET. Contact Al at al.lewis@dowjones.com or tellittoal.com)

Posted by editor on Sunday, November 13 @ 12:13:27 PST (50 reads)
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 Confirmed: "Runaway Major" Jill Metzger reinstated to Air Force service
International Politics

© MilitaryCorruption.com

Once again, MilitaryCorruption.com, which never gave up digging for the truth in the face of one of the most odious cover-ups in Air Force history, breaks new ground in the investigation of the female Air Force officer who some feel faked her "abduction" in Kyrgyzstan just four years ago.

We can now confirm, both from our sources on the ground and a kindly Air Force public affairs officer, who we are not naming for obvious reasons, Maj. Jill Metzger is back on active duty.

For the past three years, the well-connected two-time winner of the Air Force Marathon has been sucking up a lucrative tax-free 100% "disability" pension while genuinely disabled and wounded vets from Iraq and Afghanistan returned to this country and received only a fraction of Metzger's largesse. The long-distance runner even took time in 2008 to compete in both the Air Force and Marine Corps Marathons, a neat trick for someone drawing the same "disability" pay as a war-wounded paraplegic. No one ever accused abrasive Jill of being humble.


Now, apparently, Jill's total "disability" has vanished, gone with the wind. She's off the TDRL (Temporary Disability Retired List). The pampered and protected one can start hauling down some $80,000 a year as an Air Force major. Some disgusted officers at Andrews AFB, where Metzger was slipped under the radar into the job of chief of community programs, speculate the lucky lady may even be in line for a promotion to lieutenant colonel, as soon as her enablers can arrange it.

"This is a slap-in-the-face to all of us who live and work by the rules," said a furious major who feared retaliation if his name be known. "If Metzger had performed all the heroics she claimed - overpowering a guard and running 30 miles barefoot - you can be damn sure the Air Force would have pinned a medal on her at the Pentagon. The silence from the chief of staff's office has been deafening. Don't even ask me what I think of North."


Much of the e-mail that has steadily poured into MilitaryCorruption.com since our first URGENT BULLETIN two days ago (see "related stories box" below), has been equally bitter. Without exception, Air Force officers and enlisted members, retired personnel and members of the Air Guard and Reserve, have expressed immense anger and frustration at the way Gen. Norton Schwartz, the "politically-correct" chief of staff, has allowed the cover-up to continue. As for Metzger's chief protector, bully-boy Gen. Gary North, we are unable here to reproduce many of the comments received about him.

The biggest loser in this shameful scandal is not just the U.S. taxpayers, who footed the bill for the multi-million dollar effort to "find" Metzger's fictional "kidnappers" in Kyrgyzstan, or the strained relations between our two countries after Jill's specious claims were headlined around the world. No, the greatest loss comes from the knowledge among the Air Force rank-and-file that "core values" are empty words at the highest levels of "leadership." They now know there are two standards of justice. One for the favored ones, like Jill Metzger, the other for everyone else.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We appeal to all members of the OSI, past and present, who still maintain their honor and integrity, please contact us and help us force the top brass to do the right thing. We know the original OSI report on the Metzger investigation would likely have led to court-martial charges being filed. Without those documents, justice cannot prevail. We don't need your name. But we can't stop the mailman from delivering packages to us not bearing a return address. This is not an invitation to receive a letter bomb. We always take every precaution to prevent that. But we pray to God that someone will have the courage to give us the ammunition needed to end this cover-up once and for all. In reality, justice for some, is justice for none.]

Posted by editor on Friday, November 11 @ 08:42:23 PST (44 reads)
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 Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A ''Dictatorship''
International Politics

Posted on November 9, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) says President Obama's continued use of the executive order "brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship."

"That is arrogant," Paul said of Obama frequently using the executive order function as of late. "It is flaunting the Constitution and the whole principle of how we’re supposed to operate. The idea they can just do this and take over the legislative function and brag about it -- and Congress does nothing and the courts do nothing about it, it's very, very bad."

"He's dictatorial, is what he is," Rep. Paul said before the end of the interview...

Posted by editor on Wednesday, November 09 @ 15:05:11 PST (56 reads)
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 new: A String of Saturdays: The New Southern Romance
International Politics

by Todd Brendan Fahey
November 8, 2011

“I said, ‘Man, why don’t you come on in? I mean: we got a keg of codeine, five hundred cubic meters of nitrous oxide, a crateful of Special K—in those extra large ampoules you like.’ And Stan kind of kicks at the dirt and checks his watch: ‘Alright… But I only have fifteen minutes’.”

It is one of those delayed-megaton deliveries that pass into the cerebrum, whirl about for a bit, hit home as one is finishing the unfortunate angel food cake. And whilst speaking to the Dean.

Dr. Bryant Andersson turns his head just quickly enough, but nothing can save him—a fluffy and unnecessary concoction ridden of, flown from mouth and nostrils, so rude. But tenured, so nothing she can do about it—other than to suck her teeth, even though she got it, too.

A collective wrack of guilty pleasure. A human buckling, at least one shot-through into the pool, fistpoundings on Home Depot outdoor dining sets and the general upset of disposal kitchenware. Fuck a Shriners roast: George Carlin would have shat himself.

From across the terrace, Stan nods mildly and stands a salute; Jack Jump flips him off and at ease. Infamy, notoriety: states to which he has always held a big brass Key.


Posted by editor on Tuesday, November 08 @ 11:48:44 PST (48 reads)
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 How Did Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' Predict an America Spinning Out of Control?
International Politics

By Onkar Ghate
Published October 31, 2011

Nearly thirty years after her death, Ayn Rand’s novels continue to be wildly popular—"Atlas Shrugged" alone is selling more today than it did when it was first published in 1957 -- more than one million copies have sold since the 2008 elections.

Especially among Tea Partiers, Ayn Rand is being hailed a prophet. How could she have anticipated, more than 50 years ago, a United States spinning out of financial control, plagued by soaring spending and crippling regulations?

How could she have painted villains who seem ripped from today’s headlines?

There’s Wesley Mouch, who in the face of failed government programs screams like Rep. Barney Frank (D) of Massachusetts for wider powers. 

There’s Eugene Lawson, “the banker with a heart,” who like former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is ever ready with a bailout. 

There’s Mr. Thompson, who like President Obama seeks to rally the country behind pious platitudes. 

There’s Orren Boyle, who like President Bush says that we must abandon free-market principles to save the free market.

And in the face of this onslaught, what can you do? Should you, like Rand’s heroes, “go Galt,” stop working, retreat to a secluded valley, and try to rebuild only when the country has collapsed?

Rand was asked these very questions in her own lifetime. Her answers might surprise you. 

In the 1970s, America was in a deep financial crisis (a new word, stagflation, had to be coined), urban violence was rampant, and power-seeking politicians like President Nixon instituted wage and price controls that led to, among other things, gas stations with no gas. 

How, people wondered, could Rand have foreseen all this? Was she a prophet? No, she answered. She had simply identified the basic cause of why the country was veering from crisis to new crisis.

Was the solution to “go Galt” and quit society? No, Rand again answered. The solution was simultaneously much easier and much harder. “So long as we have not yet reached the state of censorship of ideas,” she once said, “one does not have to leave a society in the way the characters did in Atlas Shrugged. . . . But you know what one does have to do? One has to break relationships with the culture. . . . [D]iscard all the ideas—the entire cultural philosophy which is dominant today.”...

Posted by editor on Monday, November 07 @ 14:35:19 PST (70 reads)
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 Could Ron Paul Wind Up Running as an Independent in 2012?
International Politics

By Juan Williams
Published November 04, 2011

Last week Ron Paul refused to rule out running as a third party candidate if he loses the Republican nomination.

That opens the door for Ron Paul to run as an independent in what could the most the biggest, most consequential third party candidacy in American history. Yes, one that is even bigger than Ross Perot’s candidacy was in the 90s.

According to a Gallup poll taken in May, 52% Americans say a third major political party is needed. Only 40% say the two current parties do an adequate job of representing the American people. 

In the same vein, a CNN poll in September found that 54 percent of people have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party and 48 percent feel the same way about the Democrats.

Republicans are legitimately worried that the 74-year-old Texas Congressman with superstar appeal among young, conservative leaning Libertarians will run as a third party candidate in 2012...

Posted by editor on Sunday, November 06 @ 04:00:06 PST (61 reads)
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 Todd Brendan Fahey interviews Dave Sperling (of Dave's ESL Cafe)
International Politics

by Todd Brendan Fahey

TBF is undertaking the first in-depth interview with Dave Sperling, founder and "Chief Bottle Washer" of www.eslcafe.com--the world's premier information source for expat teachers. Stay tuned for an enlightening and learned back'n'forth.

Posted by editor on Friday, November 04 @ 20:15:40 PST (63 reads)
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 ''Sneak Peek:'' George Will's Fantasy Question on the Gold Standard
International Politics
Written by Ralph J. Benko
Friday, September 02, 2011

This just in:  

Politico, the favorite newspaper for political junkies, gives a "Sneak Peek" for George F. Will's Sunday "fantasy question" for the upcoming presidential debate providing ideas for Wednesday’s moderators, John F. Harris and Brian Williams:  

For Rick Perry: …Would you solve the problems inherent in fiat money by returning to the gold standard?

Where candidates stand on the gold standard --  the obvious alternative to the paper dollar standard  -- is very much becoming part of the presidential debate.  While this question is unsettling to the "Paper Tigers" -- the defenders of the Nixon Paper Dollar Policy, it is a perfectly understandable reaction to the soggy economy struggling under an unreliable monetary policy inherent in inconvertible paper money.

The paper dollar is becoming, for an increasing number of commentators, such as CNBC's Steve Liesman a "prime suspect" in the persistent unemployment and anemic economic growth plaguing America and the world.

And also, now, even to senior members of the Commentariat like George Will.

George Will Gold Standard

Posted by editor on Tuesday, November 01 @ 20:54:21 PST (105 reads)
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 Far Gone Travels: Photographs by Todd Brendan Fahey
International Politics
Far Gone Travels
:: Far Gone Travels ::
Lost in Thailand
:: Lost in Thailand ::
The Logbook of the Ship 'Henry David Thoreau'
:: "The Logbook of the Ship 'Henry David Thoreau'" ::
:: Cambodia ::
Yoo Jeong-sook (times sweet and bitter)
:: Yoo Jeong-sook (times sweet and bitter) ::
:: bretagne ::
:: bali_gili_and_nusa_lembongan_indonesia ::
Posted by editor on Friday, October 21 @ 10:12:58 PDT (119 reads)
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 Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis
International Politics



To know what is wrong with the Federal Reserve, one must first understand the nature of money. Money is like any other good in our economy that emerges from the market to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Its particular usefulness is that it helps facilitate indirect exchange, making it easier for us to buy and sell goods because there is a common way of measuring their value. Money is not a government phenomenon, and it need not and should not be managed by government. When central banks like the Fed manage money they are engaging in price fixing, which leads not to prosperity but to disaster.

The Federal Reserve has caused every single boom and bust that has occurred in this country since the bank's creation in 1913. It pumps new money into the financial system to lower interest rates and spur the economy. Adding new money increases the supply of money, making the price of money over time—the interest rate—lower than the market would make it. These lower interest rates affect the allocation of resources, causing capital to be malinvested throughout the economy. So certain projects and ventures that appear profitable when funded at artificially low interest rates are not in fact the best use of those resources.

Eventually, the economic boom created by the Fed's actions is found to be unsustainable, and the bust ensues as this malinvested capital manifests itself in a surplus of capital goods, inventory overhangs, etc. Until these misdirected resources are put to a more productive use—the uses the free market actually desires—the economy stagnates.

The great contribution of the Austrian school of economics to economic theory was in its description of this business cycle: the process of booms and busts, and their origins in monetary intervention by the government in cooperation with the banking system. Yet policy makers at the Federal Reserve still fail to understand the causes of our most recent financial crisis. So they find themselves unable to come up with an adequate solution.

In many respects the governors of the Federal Reserve System and the members of the Federal Open Market Committee are like all other high-ranking powerful officials. Because they make decisions that profoundly affect the workings of the economy and because they have hundreds of bright economists working for them doing research and collecting data, they buy into the pretense of knowledge—the illusion that because they have all these resources at their fingertips they therefore have the ability to guide the economy as they see fit.

Nothing could be further from the truth. No attitude could be more destructive. What the Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek victoriously asserted in the socialist calculation debate of the 1920s and 1930s—the notion that the marketplace, where people freely decide what they need and want to pay for, is the only effective way to allocate resources—may be obvious to many ordinary Americans. But it has not influenced government leaders today, who do not seem to see the importance of prices to the functioning of a market economy.

The manner of thinking of the Federal Reserve now is no different than that of the former Soviet Union, which employed hundreds of thousands of people to perform research and provide calculations in an attempt to mimic the price system of the West's (relatively) free markets. Despite the obvious lesson to be drawn from the Soviet collapse, the U.S. still has not fully absorbed it.

The Fed fails to grasp that an interest rate is a price—the price of time—and that attempting to manipulate that price is as destructive as any other government price control. It fails to see that the price of housing was artificially inflated through the Fed's monetary pumping during the early 2000s, and that the only way to restore soundness to the housing sector is to allow prices to return to sustainable market levels. Instead, the Fed's actions have had one aim—to keep prices elevated at bubble levels—thus ensuring that bad debt remains on the books and failing firms remain in business, albatrosses around the market's neck.

The Fed's quantitative easing programs increased the national debt by trillions of dollars. The debt is now so large that if the central bank begins to move away from its zero interest-rate policy, the rise in interest rates will result in the U.S. government having to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in additional interest on the national debt each year. Thus there is significant political pressure being placed on the Fed to keep interest rates low. The Fed has painted itself so far into a corner now that even if it wanted to raise interest rates, as a practical matter it might not be able to do so. But it will do something, we know, because the pressure to "just do something" often outweighs all other considerations.

What exactly the Fed will do is anyone's guess, and it is no surprise that markets continue to founder as anticipation mounts. If the Fed would stop intervening and distorting the market, and would allow the functioning of a truly free market that deals with profit and loss, our economy could recover. The continued existence of an organization that can create trillions of dollars out of thin air to purchase financial assets and prop up a fundamentally insolvent banking system is a black mark on an economy that professes to be free.

Mr. Paul, a congressman from Texas, is seeking the Republican presidential nomination.

Posted by editor on Friday, October 21 @ 02:38:01 PDT (145 reads)
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 Bryan Ferry's "Olympia" (2010): a Review
General News
by Todd

Todd Fahey Listening now to the newest (2010) Bryan Ferry solo album. Was supposed to be a Roxy Music reunion album (the first since Avalon, back in 1982), but sounds straight out of Bete Noir--Ferry's solo work of 1987. Really, almost exactly like Bete Noir. No progress whatsoever. A lot of synth backgrounds, some pretty good tinkling of the ivories (he is a very underrated pianist); a mannered, whispery Ferry--none of the vocal power and originality of the first four Roxy Music albums, every track of which is genius.

Pretty fukkin disappointing. :-(

What is a 67-year old dude doing writing/performing this kind of "get-laid"/laid-back lounge music still? (& why is he using Chic's Nile Rogers and the...Scissor Sisters...whoever the fuck they are, as backing musicians?) Bryan Ferry was SO AHEAD OF HIS TIME from 1972-1974; now, in 2010/11, he sounds stuck in 1987.

Oh, yeah: It's called Olympia and has Kate Moss on the cover. I should have known...

Posted by editor on Tuesday, October 18 @ 19:25:25 PDT (111 reads)
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 Ron Paul proposes $1 trillion in specific budget cuts
International Politics

By DAN HIRSCHHORN | 10/17/11 5:06 AM EDT Updated: 10/17/11 9:15 PM EDT

Ron Paul is seen in a Sept. 5 file photo. |AP Photo
Paul is expected to say his plan would balance the budget by the third year of his presidency. | AP Photo Close

Ron Paul’s opinions about cutting the budget are well-known, but on Monday, he got specific: The Texas congressman laid out a budget blueprint for deep and far-reaching cuts to federal spending, including the elimination of five Cabinet-level departments and the drawdown of American troops fighting overseas.

There’s even a symbolic readjustment of the president’s salary to put it in line with the average American salary.

“Our debt is too big, our government is too big, and we have to recognize how serious the problem is,” Paul said during an afternoon speech in Las Vegas ahead of Tuesday’s GOP debate there.

The plan, Paul said, would cut $1 trillion in spending his first year in the White House and create a balanced federal budget by the third year of his presidency.

“All the current candidates and many in Washington, they sort of talk around [the problem],” Paul said. “A lot of people will say, ‘well cutting a trillion dollars in one year is radical.’ Well, I operate under the assumption that the radicals have been in charge for way too long.”

Many of the ideas in Paul’s 11-page Plan to Restore America are familiar from his staunch libertarianism, as well as tea party favorites, like eliminating the Education and Energy Departments. But Paul goes further, proposing an immediate freeze on spending by numerous government agencies at levels from 2006, the last time Republicans had complete control of the federal budget, and drastic reductions in spending elsewhere. The Environmental Protection Agency would see a 30 percent cut; the Food and Drug Administration would see a 40 percent cut; and foreign aid would be zeroed out immediately. He’d also take an ax to Pentagon funding for wars.

Appearing on CNN ahead of the speech, Paul was pressed by Wolf Blitzer on how eliminating about 221,000 government jobs across five cabinet departments would boost the economy. He responded: “They’re not productive jobs,” he said.

“You cut government spending, that money goes back to you. You get to spend the money,” Paul said during his speech. “I am absolutely convinced it is the only road to prosperity.”

Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, food stamps, family support programs and the children’s nutrition program would be block-granted to the states and removed from the mandatory spending column of the federal budget. Some functions of eliminated departments, such as Pell Grants, would be continued elsewhere in the federal bureaucracy.

And in a noticeable nod to seniors during an election year, when Social Security’s become an issue within the Republican presidential primaries, the campaign says that plan “honors our promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out.”

The federal workforce would be reduced by 10 percent, and the president’s pay would be cut from $400,000 to $39,336 — a level that the Paul document notes is “approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.”

Paul would also make far-reaching changes to federal tax policy, reducing the top corporate income tax rate to 15 percent, eliminating capital gains and dividends taxes and allowing for repatriation of overseas capital without tax penalties. All tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush would be extended.

And like the rest of his GOP rivals, Paul would repeal President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, along with the Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform law enacted last year. A longtime Federal Reserve critic, Paul would also push a full audit of the central bank, as well as legislation to “strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66114.html#ixzz1b8HH4fI7

Posted by editor on Tuesday, October 18 @ 05:41:01 PDT (137 reads)
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 Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed
International Politics

Ron Paul loyalists have been vindicated. After months of observations that the mainstream media was ignoring the libertarian standard-bearer, a new study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism shows just that: the Texas Congressman, who has consistently polled in the high single digits -- Real Clear Politics's aggregate poll currently has him at 8 percent -- has received the least overall coverage of any candidate. From May 2 to October 9, Paul appeared as the "primary newsmaker in only 2% of all election stories."

The study measured mainstream exposure by compiling a list of 52 mainstream news outlets across "newspapers, cable news, broadcast television, the 12 most popular news websites in the country, and radio news." To register as a story about the candidate, he/she had to be the focus of at least 50 percent of the story. Interestingly, while Paul gained short shrift from the mainstream press, the blogosphere was an entirely different story, where the tone of his coverage was more favorable than for any other candidate:

Paul generated a good deal of attention on blogs, registering as the fifth most-discussed candidate with more than 89,000 opinions tracked about him.

Moreover, he and his candidacy fared better than any other candidate in the tone of that conversation. In all, 48% of the blogging conversation about Paul was positive compared with only 15% negative and 38% neutral. The next highest positive rating for any Republican was 34%, for Romney, and the next lowest negative rating was 24%, for Cain.

While complaints about a lack of media coverage are typical coming from any struggling candidate, Paul boosters, and even some independent observers, have argued that Paul's media blackout is particularly striking considering his concrete successes on the campaign trail. By our count those successes include:

As The Washington Post notes. "Paul’s support has been stable at 10 percent or 11 percent of Republican and GOP-leaning independents in the three most recent Washington Post-ABC News polls." The question is, why is that not a story for the political media?

Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author at jhudson@theatlantic.com. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire.

Posted by editor on Tuesday, October 18 @ 05:19:28 PDT (148 reads)
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 Alabama immigration law decried, applauded as some flee state
International Politics

MOBILE, Ala | Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:43pm EDT

MOBILE, Ala (Reuters) - A climate of fear and panic has taken hold in Alabama's immigrant community since a federal judge let stand much of the nation's toughest state crackdown on illegal immigration, advocates say.

Farm laborers have picked up their checks and headed out of town. Parents have pulled their children out of school or put in place emergency plans for their care should the parents be detained or deported for lacking proof of citizenship.

"People are just taking off without knowing where they are going," said Rosa Toussaint-Ortiz, co-chairwoman of the Hispanic/Latino Advisory Committee in Huntsville.

"They even own houses and are abandoning them. They are leaving their stuff behind."

Just how many immigrants are fleeing the state is unclear. The departures began soon after the law passed earlier this year, and advocates, educators and employers say they have seen an uptick since a September 28 court order that put into effect many of the challenged provisions.

U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn ruled that Alabama could authorize police to detain people suspected of being in the country illegally if they cannot produce proper documentation when stopped for any reason.

The judge also upheld provisions requiring public schools to determine the legal residency of children upon enrollment and barring illegal immigrants from getting a driver's license or business license.

Lawmakers who backed the anti-illegal immigration measure, passed by large margins in both chambers of the Republican-led legislature, aren't surprised by the anecdotal evidence of its effect.

"The purpose of it was to cut back on the number of illegal immigrants that we have in Alabama, and obviously the law is doing that," said Republican Representative Mike Ball of Huntsville...

Posted by editor on Thursday, October 13 @ 03:43:40 PDT (174 reads)
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 China Must Abide by Humanitarian Principles [in Repatriating North Koreans]
International Politics

englishnews@chosun.com / Oct. 13, 2011 13:43 KST

The Chinese government has told South Korea that it is determined to repatriate 20 North Korean defectors who were arrested in Shenyang and elsewhere last month. Seoul asked Beijing to let them go to South Korea, but Beijing said this would encourage an unmanageable flood of copycats.

China signed up to the UN Refugee Convention in 1982. Article 1 of the convention classifies a refugee as a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or… is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country". Article 33, Clause 1 stipulates that signatories of the convention must not send refugees to places where they are under threat of death and also bans forced repatriations.

If China now sits face to face with the U.S. to discuss global political and economic issues, it is also bound to abide by the UN convention and cooperate with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to investigate whether North Korean defectors are indeed refugees or criminals on the run. Once they are found to be refugees, China must offer them humanitarian treatment.

The world is fully aware of the fact that North Korea defectors who are sent back face imprisonment in political prison camps and beatings, brutal torture and even public execution. China is probably more aware than any other country of such abuses. The North Korean Human Rights Resolution which the UN General Assembly has adopted each year since 2005 also sheds light on the torture and executions of North Korean defectors. But China continues to send North Korean defectors back, citing a border treaty it signed with Pyongyang in 1998.

In 2000, China sent back seven North Korean defectors who had already been granted refugee status by the UN and in 2004 it sent back another seven who wanted to live in South Korea. Whenever the issue of North Korean defectors arises, China drags its feet until international attention wanes, and then quietly sends them to their doom.

China may put its own satellite into orbit, launch its own aircraft carrier and trade in trillions of U.S. dollars worth of goods, but it cannot be regarded as a responsible global power unless it starts abiding by international laws and agreements. That is the first step to becoming a world leader. The South Korean government should not abandon its efforts in the belief that they are futile but take active steps with the help of the international community to remind China of its basic responsibilities under international law.

Posted by editor on Thursday, October 13 @ 03:35:01 PDT (160 reads)
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 Rick Perry’s not so honest run for the White House
International Politics

By Frosty Wooldridge
October 12, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry overseas the second highest poverty rate of any state besides Mississippi.  Why?  His state, through his own support, houses one of the largest illegal alien populations in the country estimated at 1.5 million.

Out of all the jobs he boasts that Texas added during his reign as governor, illegal aliens commandeered fully 81 percent of those jobs.  Additionally, Perry rammed through an in-state tuition bill that gives illegal aliens a free ride over and above Texas citizens and takes slots away from other American students at all Texas colleges.

Perry also supports open borders and stands against any laws that imitate Arizona’s SB 1070.

If elected president of the United States, Rick Perry would support displacement of American workers on every level in favor of Mexican workers.   In other words, the 45.2 million Americans subsisting on food stamps would not be able to compete for the slave wages so coveted by Mexicans and other illegal migrants.  (Source: Reuters News)

My long time colleague, D.A. King, director at www.TheDustinInmanSociety.org , gave a few thoughts on the subject of Rick Perry’s run for president.

“Perry supporters who were miffed at reading inconvenient facts that made them ask themselves why they picked him as candidate in the first place,” said King. “Granting instate tuition to illegals is only a small part of Perry's problematic record.  We noted that Perry had dismissed any consideration of a state immigration enforcement law such as Arizona, Georgia and other states struggled to put in place; had proposed a bi-national health insurance program with Mexico (PerryCare?); has expressed his support for legalizing the fugitive illegals who have escaped capture at American borders (it's not amnesty, it's a guest worker plan!); and refused to use the power of his office for any E-Verify legislation in Texas. So what if that state has one of the highest number of illegals in the country?”


To educate readers on the state of the state of Perry's Texas, I included a quote from the Jacksonville, Ill., Courier-Journal: "Texas has the second-highest poverty rate among the 50 states, behind only Mississippi. It has the second-highest percentage of population without a high school diploma. Texas leads the nation in the percentage of people with no health insurance, over one quarter. It is tied with Mississippi for having the biggest percentage of workers paid at or below the minimum wage."

“Perry is still standing on a magical "jobs creation" in Texas myth,” said King. “Let's add to the facts with this from Mark Krikorian on National Review Online:

"Jobs for Whom?" - citing a report from his Center for Immigration Studies. "Remember all those new jobs in Texas Gov. Perry keeps talking about? Would it surprise you to learn that the overwhelming majority went to newly arrived immigrants and not to Americans? Surprise! From 2007 to 2011, 81 percent of the job growth went to recently arrived foreign workers - about half legal, half illegal." Krikorian writes.  "Nor did all this wonderful job creation for foreigners seem to benefit Americans indirectly - native-born Texans saw the same doubling of unemployment that Americans elsewhere experienced during the recession. So, to the extent Perry has anything to do with all this - and he's the one boasting of his role in making it happen - his main accomplishment seems to have been to dissolve the workforce and elect a new one. Maybe this is what the plantation owners want, and certainly their immigrant laborers aren't complaining, but what's in it for the rest of us?"

Finally, King said, “Like former Mexican president Vicente Fox, Perry, the would-be guardian of American security and sovereignty has proclaimed his support for open borders more than once since becoming governor of Texas.”

In the final analysis, if America is to survive the next few decades, it must shut down the borders to mass legal immigration and stop all illegal immigration.  Otherwise, 15 million unemployed Americans and another 7 million underemployed Americans don’t stand a chance.  That 45.2 million Americans subsisting on food stamps and other welfare empty all our pockets.   Their poverty becomes our poverty.

Let’s put them to work for our tax base instead of Mexico’s.

Posted by editor on Wednesday, October 12 @ 08:34:34 PDT (177 reads)
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 Can press freedom be a reality in Burma?
International Politics Anonymous "

By Zin Linn
Asian Correspondent
Oct 08, 2011 6:01PM UTC

The director of Burma’s authoritarian state censorship board – the Press Scrutiny and Registration Department – gave a rare interview to the Washington DC based Radio Free Asia (Burmese Branch) Saturday. Tint Swe, a retired major and head of PSRD, said that he believes press freedom will come in accordance with democratic norms within an appropriate time in Burma, which has been ruled by a nominally civilian government since March this year. He even expressed his personal view that his own censorship office should be shut down, RFA broadcast Saturday.

Tint Swe said that the PSRD has been created since 1962 under the late Gen Ne Win’s regime. The Printers and Publishers Registration Law was introduced shortly after the 1962 military-coup that brought Gen Ne Win and his Burma Socialist Programme Party to power forcibly. Under this law all printers and publishers are required to register and submit copies of books, magazines and periodicals to Press Scrutiny Boards (PSB) for scrutiny prior to publication or production, or in some cases after. The PSB, which was under the Ministry of Home and Religious Affairs, had general powers to veto publications and command revision in line with the junta’s policies, often at a large cost to the publisher.

In 1989, sentences under the Printers and Publishers Registration Law were increased to seven years imprisonment and fines of up to 30,000 kyats ($5,000). Tint Swe told Radio Free Asia that censorship should come to an end as part of democratic reforms under the new civilian government.

“There is no press censorship office in most countries in the world including our neighbors and as it is not compatible with democratic norms, press restrictions should be abolished in the near future,” he said in an interview with RFA Burmese Service. But he added that newspapers and other publications should accept press freedom with responsibilities. In response to the question concerning democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, Tint Swe said that news journals and periodicals have been allowed to publish photos and news reports on pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi exclusive of restrictions that were previously forced. “The coverage for Aung San Suu Kyi’s activities is not restricted now and further press freedom is predictable in the near future as the nation go through democratic change,” he told the RFA Burmese Service.

Since the new President Thein Sein’s government came to power in March after controversial November elections, Burma’s information minister has announced an insignificant moderation of inflexible censorship rules for some journals and periodicals, whereas keeping rigid limitations on political and economic news issues. In June, sports journals, entertainment magazines, and other publications have been allowed to publish without permission in advance from the PSRD. In September, Internet users in Burma could access banned media websites for the first time, including the BBC and exiled media organizations such as the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB). Journalists in Burma have received draconian jail sentences for reporting information challenging the regime. In January 2010, DVB reporter Hla Hla Win received a 20-year sentence for violating the Electronic Act, and is now in jail serving 27 years; her helper, Myint Naing got seven years.

There are a total of 17 DVB journalists behind bars. Photojournalist Sithu Zeya was sentenced to eight years in jail last December. Zeya was sentenced by the military controlled court in Insein prison for his photos of the scene of an explosion at a traditional water festival pavilion in Rangoon in April 2010. Sithu Zeya’s father, Maung Maung Zeya, also a video reporter for DVB, was sentenced on February 4, 2011 to a total of 13 years in prison by an arbitrary court in Rangoon. Paris based Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) ranks Burma 174 out of 178 countries in its 2010 press freedom index.

The country is one of the few in the world to operate such a strictly censored system. Burma’s ranking was expected and well deserved. In fact, there is no press freedom at all in Burma. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also said last month that Burma’s press freedom remained among the world’s most restricted, calling for an end to “draconian” reporting laws and for the freeing of jailed journalists. Unless the Thein Sein government guarantees human rights including the freedom of expression and freedom of association, people will not believe that the government is on the right track of reforms.

Posted by editor on Sunday, October 09 @ 11:45:03 PDT (170 reads)
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 California Governor Jerry Brown signs tuition bill for illegal immigrants
International Politics


by Christopher Cadelago 12:16 p.m., Oct. 8, 2011

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to apply for state-funded college financial aid, the second chapter of a package known as the California Dream Act.

“Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking," Brown said on Saturday. "The Dream Act benefits us all by giving top students a chance to improve their lives and the lives of all of us."

In July, Brown signed the first part that permits undocumented students to apply for private financial aid. Assembly Bills 131 and 130, respectively, were authored by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles.

Currently, undocumented students may pay in-state tuition rates if they graduate from a local high school and can show they are in the process of applying to legalize their immigration status. Assembly Bill 131, effective Jan. 1, 2013, will make the limited pool of students eligible to apply for Cal Grants and other aid.

Proponents maintain the legislation will give students a route to success, particularly because they would stay and work in the state and their immigration status could change in through marriage, employment or other factors.

"This bill will ensure educational opportunities for young people who already live in California and who have demonstrated a true desire to improve their lives through education and careers," said Chancellor Constance Carroll, of the San Diego Community College District. "This is an investment in young people that will, in the end, benefit the whole economy of the state."

The state Finance Department has estimated that 2,500 students would qualify for Cal Grants as a result of the measure at a cost of $14.5 million – about 1 percent of the $1.4 billion program. Other published estimates to expand the program range from $23 million to $40 million a year.

In an interview Saturday, Carroll applauded state lawmakers for spurring an environment in which young people could have access to the information needed to get a job and emerge as a contributor.

"The alternative would be a drain on the economy of California," she said.

The legislation requires that grants first be given to U.S. citizens and legal residents before being awarded to undocumented students. Still, critics assert the measures could be seen as rewarding illegal immigration.

They also pointed to the sagging economy in contending the bills would burden scarce resources.

"California families are struggling to make ends meet and send their kids to college," said Sen. Joel Anderson, R-La Mesa. "For the state to prioritize and subsidize the tuition of non-Californians over Californians is flat-out wrong."

California joins Texas and New Mexico in allowing illegal immigrants to seek private and public college funding.

christopher.cadelago@uniontrib.com • (619) 293-1334

Posted by editor on Saturday, October 08 @ 18:09:57 PDT (190 reads)
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 Feds Announce Obama Flip-Flop [on California marijuana laws]

Yesterday, dozens of California medical marijuana dispensaries got letters like this one from Obama's Department of Justice that warned they must shut down "even if such activities are permitted under state law."

This afternoon, four DOJ attorneys held a press conference and said this:

"We are making these announcements together today so that the message is absolutely clear -- that commercial marijuana operations are illegal under federal law, and that we will enforce federal law."

That's a shame. I don't doubt that many customers of pot dispensaries have no medical need. But who cares? Our drug laws do more harm than good.

Don't campaign promises mean anything? On the campaign trail, President Obama promised: "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this [medical marijuana.]"

Then, once he was in office, a spokesman confirmed that: "The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws."

Never mind, I guess. It's one of a long list of Obama's broken promises.

Posted by editor on Saturday, October 08 @ 07:09:16 PDT (210 reads)
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 Justice Department Asks Appeals Court to Block Alabama's Immigration Law
International Politics

Published October 07, 2011

| FoxNews.com

The Obama administration asked an appeals court on Friday to block the enforcement of Alabama's strict immigration law -- widely considered to be the toughest in the nation -- arguing it invites discrimination against foreign-born citizens and legal immigrants and is at odds with federal policy.

The Justice Department filed the challenge to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. It claimed Alabama's new law "is highly likely to expose persons lawfully in the United States, including school children, to new difficulties in routine dealings."

The overhaul allows authorities to question people suspected of being in the country illegally and hold them without bond. It also lets officials check the immigration status of students in public schools.

A federal judge in Alabama upheld those two key aspects of the law, which have already taken effect.

Those provisions that took effect are what help make the Alabama law stricter than similar laws passed in Arizona, Utah, Indiana and Georgia. Other federal judges have blocked all or parts of the laws in those states.

Immigration became a hot issue in Alabama over the past decade as the state's Hispanic population grew by 145 percent to about 185,600. While the group still represents only about 4 percent of the population, some counties in north Alabama have large Spanish-speaking communities and schools where most of the students are Hispanic...

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10/07/justice-department-asks-appeals-court-to-block-alabamas-immigration-law/#ixzz1a8eOo6qU

Posted by editor on Friday, October 07 @ 16:43:43 PDT (177 reads)
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 Feds Set to Crack Down on California Pot Dispensaries

Published October 06, 2011

| Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO –  Federal prosecutors have launched a crackdown on pot dispensaries in California, warning the stores that they must shut down in 45 days or face criminal charges and confiscation of their property even if they are operating legally under the state's 15-year-old medical marijuana law.

In an escalation of the ongoing conflict between the U.S. government and the nation's burgeoning medical marijuana industry, at least 16 pot shops or their landlords received letters this week stating they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The state's four U.S. attorneys were scheduled Friday to announce a broader coordinated crackdown.

Their offices refused Thursday to confirm the closure orders. The Associated Press obtained copies of the letters that a prosecutor sent to at least 12 San Diego dispensaries. They state that federal law "takes precedence over state law and applies regardless of the particular uses for which a dispensary is selling and distributing marijuana."

"Under United States law, a dispensary's operations involving sales and distribution of marijuana are illegal and subject to criminal prosecution and civil enforcement actions," according to the letters signed by U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy in San Diego. "Real and personal property involved in such operations are subject to seizure by and forfeiture to the United States ... regardless of the purported purpose of the dispensary."

The move comes a little more than two months after the Obama administration toughened its stand on medical marijuana. For two years before that, federal officials had indicated they would not move aggressively against dispensaries in compliance with laws in the 16 states where pot is legal for people with doctors' recommendations...

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10/06/feds-set-to-crack-down-on-california-pot-dispensaries/#ixzz1a4qXHD00


ho ho. I smell a major window of opportunity for Ron Paul here, oh boy,

Posted by editor on Friday, October 07 @ 01:06:17 PDT (188 reads)
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 A Wise Man Once Said:
International Politics

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

Posted by editor on Thursday, October 06 @ 12:53:20 PDT (287 reads)
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 Herman Cain is the Uncle Tom of the Federal Reserve
International Politics

by SARTRE – October 2, 2011

Spending time at the Federal Reserve was a good learning opportunity for me. It helped me to understand economic philosophies and polices that I had not previously known about.
Herman Cain


Herman Cain is the Uncle Tom of the Federal Reserve

The drama being milked from the surprise Florida straw poll, that has Herman Cain on top, is just part of the media’s attempt to create another phony conservative to pacify mentally challenged GOP voters. The rush for a "politically correct" challenger to Barry Soetoro and his debauchery of the presidency, knows no bounds. The silly season is in full swing, especially for those Republican Party loyalists in the sunshine state. As any rap brother from Liberty City knows, Herman Cain is an oreo. Such a slur only fuels the national divide, but the real segregate has nothing to do with the pigment of one’s skin, but has everything to do with the cerebral gulf that separates rational thinking from emotional guilt repentance.

The prospects of a black on black presidential race cause multiple organisms in the liberal libido media. How great is it for a country that matures to a level where ethnic color is blind. Let the stark differences in the political ideology between Cain and Obama be the determining factor in casting your vote, so goes the script. Now those right-wingers have their own Frederick Douglass, just ask, Dennis Miller of Monday Night NFL fame. If you believe this trumped up scenario, you must be one of those golden oldies just waiting for your opportunity to vote with your Florida state cousins.

The truth about Herman Cain is that he shares many commonalities with Barack Hussein Obama. Both can deliver a stirring speech, both are establishment corporatist favored candidates, but the factor that ultimately bonds them together, is that each are beholden to their Wall Street masters.

Listen in his own words. Cain can spin the message but he cannot deny his complicity.

How many conservatives really know that Herman Cain’s tenure chairman (1995–96) of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, puts him squarely in opposition to genuine financial and tax reform? What makes this moneyman apologist worthy of all the attention? In a report - Herman Cain, the Federal Reserve shill – cites,

"If you want the real headline today it would say, ‘A star is born,’" Matt Towery, the conservative syndicated columnist and CEO of the nonpartisan InsiderAdvantage polling firm, told Newsmax Friday.

Only one of the 29-member focus group initially was a Cain supporter. By evening’s end, however, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, who also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, had won an overwhelming majority among those on Luntz’s focus group.

"I have never had this kind of reaction until tonight," said Luntz. "Something very special happened this evening."

Oh golly, is NeoCon Bobby Eberle, Texas Republican Party insider and publisher of GOPusa jumping ship? He writes in Is Cain's Victory a 'Protest Vote'?

"Before Rick Perry entered the race, people asked me what I thought about his candidacy. Without hesitation, I told each person who asked that if Perry ran, it would be a "game changer." It was. Perry vaulted to the top of the polls. He instantly become the front runner. The real question is... why? The answer is because conservatives were looking at the field and could not find "their candidate." Some who wanted an alternative to Romney focused on Michele Bachmann. But when Perry entered, that focus and attention shifted to him. He was now the choice of conservatives.

Game over, right? Wrong. With each passing debate, people are realizing that this race is still wide open. Because of some very poor advice on message and delivery, Perry has stumbled. Conservatives are having a real problem with his stances on some of the issues. So then comes the Florida straw poll. Now, if any of the top candidates were truly strong, then he or she would have won the poll even without massive campaigning. The problem lies in the fact that conservatives are once again scratching their heads and wondering what is going on with the top of the field.

If "none of the above" can win a poll, it means that people like Perry and Romney need to do a better job on the issues. It also means that "none of the above" represents a sizable block of voters who want someone who represents them. But most importantly, "none of the above" gives people an opportunity to hear more about a no-nonsense, conservative. "None of the above" now has a name, and his name is Herman Cain."

No, the nonsense from Eberle* is just another example of the establishment covering their bets. Cain is a bankster wearing a corporate logo and talking a counterfeit conservative jive. His presence on the national scene is often claimed as refreshing. Such characterizations are balderdash. He is not a traditional hard right populist and he certainly does not qualify as a radical reactionary.


Even the Classic Liberal in an article, The Mysterious Herman Cain, registers concerns. "We also know that Herman Cain . . . backed the Wall Street bailout in 2008 (which he called the "recovery plan"), advocated nationalizing the banks, slammed opponents of these programs (the majority of Americans) as "free market purists," and agitated against an audit of the Federal Reserve."

"We Mocked Soviet Central Planning; Why Not Mock America’s Central Planning?"

'Does anyone remember when people in this country used to mock Soviet central planning?' Well, central economic planning is what we have with the Federal Reserve.

Because of the Fed’s official policy to erode the value of our money, combined with its policy of holding interest rates to near zero, we receive almost no return on whatever money we manage to save.

Government loves inflation because inflation rewards borrowers, and the US government is the world’s largest borrower ... Inflation rewards them because they are able to repay their borrowed money with cheaper money.

The Fed’s manipulations and money printing are harming the nation and the world."


So is Herman Cain the newest champion of the conservative cause? Well, you had better rethink such an illusion. His 2005 book titled, They Think You're Stupid, is a Freudian slip if there ever was one. In an interview with The Root, a Black publication, Cain states,

"TR: How do you plan to take your message to black voters and convince them that the Republican agenda is good for them?

HC: First of all, I have a conservative agenda that is resonating with some Republicans. I separate the label of "Republican" from "conservative." I will run as a Republican in order to get the Republican nomination, but I am a conservative -- I have conservative ideological positions, and my ideas for dealing with problems come from a conservative approach."

Here lies the essential deception of the Cain rhetoric. A true conservative understands the root cause of our countries financial demise; namely, the fraudulent private central bank. If one defends fractional reserve banking and the proliferation of central planning under the auspicious and control of plutocrats, you cannot be an authentic conservative.

They think you are stupid for a very good reason. Most people are brainless dimwits. Those Republican Party stalwarts that swallow the feel good distortion of the Cain privileged version of "common sense", only hear what they yearn for and ignore the actual record of his servitude to the corporate plantation. When focus groups or straw polls eat up the Oreo cookies from an Uncle Tom pitchman, they demonstrate the extent of their own stupidity.

Just view the typical Frank Lutz focus group and hear the extent of the brainwashing culture, from selected voting zombies, in their own lips. Their aspirations for real reform are not misguided, but their trust in another slick ‘empty suit’ is unforgivable. Politics is not a spectator sport; it is blood drenched and tear shedding combat. There is nothing fair in this life nor few things easy about surviving the political shenanigans, all designed to protect the corrupt establishment.

People need to internalize a default distrust of any public figure that spreads a populist platform, while serving the fascist corporate government alliance. When your neighbor professes support for a mild modification of the current system, they are proving that Cain’s book is aptly titled.

As a Federal Reserve colleague, Herman Cain knows exactly what he is doing. Obviously, those who voted for him, in the straw poll, (if you can believe the count results) do not. Those who support him for the GOP presidential nomination are ready to vote their own financial future and eternal liberty away.

The site Black and White asks: Who Will Be the First To "Uncle Tom" Herman Cain? It goes on to say, "As we all know, black conservatives are the last group where intolerant attacks are encouraged and justified by the PC left. Should Herman Cain’s presidential campaign gather some serious momentum, the left’s true feelings will come out.’

Well, BATR is a Radical Reactionary paleo-conservative publication and is glad to claim the honor of dispelling the 9-9-9 attempt to slip in a national sales tax.

Posted by editor on Tuesday, October 04 @ 09:24:08 PDT (283 reads)
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