Activist Radio — Culture, Politics and Life

9/11 Responders Legislation: a NAME AND SHAME campaign

NPR reports today that OK Sen. Tom Coburn still plans to actively block the Zagroda Bill, aka the 9/11 Responders Bill - the legislation Jon Stewart has dubbed "the least we can do/no-brainer act of 2010."


Now we get the same word on the US Chamber of Commerce. (Warning: the following may induce vomiting.)

Licensing Journalists? Hmmm.

Who's a journalist? What's journalism? And can journalism be treasonous? Dan Gillmor ponders the fallout from Wikileaks. A worthy read - thanks, Dan.

The "Tax Compromise" and Social Security

It was only when the first cries over President Obama's compromise with the Republicans began to settle that calmer analysis over its impacts kicked in.

Thomas Schegel, one of my Well colleagues, grasped immediately the potentially grim scenario ahead. It's not so much a matter of numbers and percentages. It's about handing the Republicans yet another tool to hype their alarm cries over the Social Security "crisis". And ironically, it could make that crisis a reality.

Tom's given me permission to excerpt his thoughts on the issue. Added emphasis is mine.

This one's easy - but up to you.

Most progressives agree (to at least some extent) that President Obama is overly conciliatory to the Right; pulls his punches before they even feint; and needs to toughen up to get anything done in the next two years.

There's no particular evidence that he has the slightest clue how emphatically (nay, desperately) we wish he'd get his shit together and wield the power of the office we gave him. Some hope gleams in Elizabeth Warren's arrival and Larry Summers' departure. I still think that, within his circle, the demands from the center are presented as fringe whinging from the Left.

Over on my longtime hang-out The Well, the idea has emerged to send Balls to Obama.

Brass Balls


I Wish the Notre Dame Suicide were Surprising **Update appended - scroll to the end**

But it's not.

I took a news hiatus during the long holiday weekend. So it was the Jezebel post on the tragic death of Lizzy Seeberg that told me nothing's changed in my home town.

The story in short: a young girl reported an assault by a Notre Dame football player. Her charges seemed to lead nowhere; despite her following to the letter every single step advised in the wake of a sexual assault, authorities inside and outside the school apparently let her down. She took her own life. In the wake of her death, the university clammed up; the football player plays on; the coach cracked wise.

Oh, how to boil down for you how - well, how normal this is for life in South Bend. How football rules all. How Notre Dame has called the shots there forever, and always will; how the Lizzy Seebergs of this world publicly or silently fall away in the name of money, of privilege, of patriarchy and theocracy. And how I wish I believed that this will change. It will not.

Let me share with you my own tangle with the Great God Football in South Bend.

Can Sound Mental Health and Fundamentalist Beliefs Co-Exist?

Yet another unsettling episode illustrating the mind of the fundamentalist conservative.

Gift Giving. Discuss.

Gotta deal with it every year. I'm sure you can tell my enthusiasm is seeping from every pore.

Bah HumCat

Illustration by RebeccaR195

The Depression Chronicles

Sad Kitty


In addition to our ongoing political and arts/culture programming, we're developing a series of conversations about depression. I'd very much appreciate your suggestions as to topics and guests.

The reality of depression

Time for some frank discussion.

I've made it a point throughout the course of my radio career to be honest about my chronic depression. The same way that - when relevant to the conversation - I'll mention my bum knees or my less-than-perfect spine, I've never flinched when it's natural to say I suffer from depression.

Correction: sometimes I've flinched, but I've done it anyway.

People see me as a high achiever. Because they hear me on the radio; because I come across as bright and somewhat accomplished; because I have a quick wit and sound like someone you might want to have coffee or a cocktail with, it's easy to see me in your mind as a person who pretty much gets what she wants and needs out of life.

Visa, MasterCard blocking of WikiLeaks is a stunt

Much fanfare was made by payment house MasterCard about closing the WikiLeaks account last week, blocking their access to inbound funds. Not to be outdone, Visa followed suit, announcing