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October 24, 2011
Tom Tomorrow:
New print available
I’m releasing a special artist’s print featuring the cover art from my last book. This is a signed and numbered edition of only twenty copies, and will not be made available again. They’re printed in archival ink on high quality fine art paper using a high-end professional printer, which produces beautiful, vivid prints. Paper size is 17×22, actual image size is approximately 12.75 x 20.
Also: the s/n edition of my poster for Eddie Vedder’s Hartford show is available again, after a bit of a delay (I had to discontinue sales over the summer due to the chaos of a move).
More information on both here.
Tom Tomorrow:
Breaking news!
This week’s cartoon: poverty eliminated!
October 19, 2011
Tom Tomorrow:
I was hoping …
… someone would have the time for a definitive smackdown of yesterday’s egregioius David Brooks column (as opposed to the previous egregious David Brooks column, or the one before that, etc.). Happily for us all, Charles Pierce steps up to the plate.
He does, however, interview some very well-spoken poll results, and proceeds to interpret them in ways that make you wonder if he’s dropped in from Alpha Centauri. He notices that poor people are having fewer babies, which makes him sad. But, things are looking up! People have stopped using their “bank-issued” credit cards as much. (These would be the cards they used so as to support the overstuffed suburban lifestyle that David Brooks so celebrated in his earlier, funnier work.) This means, to Brooks, “Quietly but decisively, Americans are trying to restore the moral norms that undergird our economic system.”
Jesus H. Christ in a fking Volvo, no, it doesn’t. It means people are broke. People are broke because the end product of 30 years of economic theorizing and political action that you supported has resulted in a shattered middle-class. People are broke because the Wall Street casino that your politics created and celebrated and enabled finally broke the entire country and took the rest of us down with it. People are broke because you and the rest of your “conservative” pals latched onto a crackpot scheme called supply-side economics, married it to a deregulatory frenzy and free trade, and then pitched it to the Bobos as economic liberty. You got rich. You got important. Now people are not using their credit cards because they can’t afford to buy the overpriced, Chinese-made crap that you once proposed as the new staple of American society. That is not a conscious mass moral choice. You’ve got to be on mushrooms to believe that.
The rest.
October 17, 2011
Tom Tomorrow:
And another
October 6, 2011
Tom Tomorrow:
A slogan for #OWS
… by request, downloadable high-res versions: .pdf or .tif.
Tom Tomorrow:
Tea Party says #OccupyWallStreet is “too white”
Tom Tomorrow:
People used to get upset about things like this, when George Bush did them
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House’s National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.
The rest.
October 4, 2011
Tom Tomorrow:
Occupy your town
Chris Bowers over at Kos has started a resource page for Occupy events around the country.