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The Ruse of the Religious Right’s Call for ‘Racial Reconciliation’ Federal Judge Threatens Oakland Police Department With Court Takeover Over Ongoing Abuses Cain's Dumbfounding Press Conference Regarding Sexual Harassment Charges Why is the DOJ Assaulting California's Legalized Medical Marijuana Instead of BP? Watch Out America, Some Greedy Companies May Be Headed Your Way![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- New Documents Shows News Corp. Approved $1.2 Million Payoff After Learning Of ‘Fatal’ Evidence
- Federal Judge Threatens Oakland Police Department With Court Takeover Over Ongoing Abuses -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why is the DOJ Assaulting California's Legalized Medical Marijuana Instead of BP? -- Jacqueline Marcus, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Republican Ray LaHood: GOP Doesn't Care About Jobs
- Rick Perry’s Wacky Speech in New Hampshire Sparks Rumors He Was Drunk
- The Ruse of the Religious Right’s Call for ‘Racial Reconciliation’ -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Cain Opening Up Doesn't Mean a Thing
- "A favorite conservative pastime since the financial crisis of 2008 struck is to try and deflect blame away from Wall Street and its excesses and onto Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and government housing policy. No matter how many times the theory that the government mortgage giants caused the crisis gets debunked, it keeps on coming back to life."
- Experts Warn Deficit Panel About Failure
- Romney Supporters Banned From Free Republic
- Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan: "The War is Unwinnable. It is a Stalemate. There is No Military Victory"
- Department of Homeland Security to Step Up Monitoring of Twitter and Other Social Network Sites
- William Rivers Pitt | Republicans Crack Me Up
- Senators Who Oppose Infrastructure Spending are Putting the Rich’s Interests First
- Rick Perry Falls Victim to a Fake Anti-Occupy Email Foward
- The Tea Party Pork Binge
- Supercommittee of the One Percent Won’t Even Think of Taxing Wall Street
- Naomi Wolf: The People Vs. The Police
- Jewish-American Leaders Denounce Right-Wing Attempts To Smear 99 Percent Movement As Anti-Semitic
- Are Big Banks Feeling Pressure from Occupy Wall Street?
- The GOP’s War On The 99% Is A Battle That They Are Destined To Lose
- Noam Chomsky | Occupy the Future
- No Fee May Cost Billions for Bank of America
- Occupy Veterans Movement Growing Across U.S
- Herman Cain's Planned Parenthood 'Genocide' Slur
- Georgia’s Shorter University Tells Workers to Sign Pledge They Are Not Gay
- Ann Coulter: ‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’
- Right-Wing Bloggers Use Fake Quotes To Criticize Occupy Wall Street. Try to Contain Your Shock
- Syria Reaches Final Deal with Arab League on Ending Unrest
- It's the 1% Doctrine, Stupid
- "The federal government sued one of the nation's largest privately held mortgage brokers on Tuesday, saying its decade-long fraudulent lending practices cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars and forced thousands of American homeowners to face eviction."
- Scores of Police Brutality Cases Prompt Federal Investigations
- From the Ha! Files: Bank of America Calls Off Debit Fee Plan
- Tennessee Judge Halts Occupy Nashville Arrests
- Why the Supercommittee Should Disband
- Governments Turn to Hacking Techniques for Surveillance of Citizens
- Who was Behind the Cain Story? Not Us. Not Us. Not Us.
- VA GOP Condemns Picture of Obama As Zombie Shot In The Head
- Conservative Media Says Sexual Harassment Claim Against Cain Is an Attack from the Left
- Oakland Braces for General Strike
- Same-Sex Marriage Looms Large in Iowa bRace
- Bringing Up the Issue of Population Growth
- Getting Hairy: "Six leading members of Greece's governing Pasok party have called on Prime Minister George Papandreou to resign, the day after he called a referendum on the proposed EU bailout."
- After UNESCO Palestine Vote, Could US Defund Nuclear Watchdog IAEA, Too?
- Oil Price Falls With Stocks on Europe Worries
- "A law firm which represented Rupert Murdoch's London tabloids has turned over to the British parliament documents which could embarrass his son James when he returns to testify before a committee investigating a phone-hacking scandal."
- Glenn Greenwald: Middle East Propaganda 101
- Occupy Wall Street Protesters' Own Security Detail Sets Standards for Conduct in Zuccotti Park
- The Republican 'Voter Fraud' Fraud
- Christian College In Georgia Forces Staff To Sign Pledge Against Homosexuality Or Be Terminated
- Did Van Susteren Violate Ethics Standards With Cain Interview?
- Hillary Clinton's Mother Has Passed Away
- World Faces Years of Social Unrest as Economies Falter
- Occupy Wall Street’s Elegant Message
- GOP Strategy: Root for Failure
- The Art of the Shakedown, from the Nile to the Potomac
- Protesters Turn Their Backs on Eric Cantor During His University of Michigan Speech
- "The findings of a federal investigation released Monday raised new questions about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s handling of the 2008 bailout of American International Group. The report, by the Government Accountability Office, says that New York Fed officials have offered inconsistent explanations for their decision to pay other financial companies the full amounts they were owed by A.I.G., and that some of the explanations were contradicted by other evidence."
- "Nabors Industries CEO Eugene Isenberg is stepping down, and he's taking $100 million with him."
- Who is Occupy Wall Street? After Six Weeks, A Profile Finally Emerges
- "As a critical deadline for the supercommittee nears, Social Security appears to be on the negotiating table."
- Corzine-Led Firm Is Said to Be Eyed on Missing Money
- "Members of Congress had a collective net worth of more than $2 billion in 2010, a nearly 25 percent increase over the 2008 total."
- Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Brokers Who Allegedly Helped Perpetrate $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme
- Herman Cain's Not Good Very Bad Day
- Our Ethically Permissive Supreme Court
- Long Day Looms for Markets after Surprise Referendum on Greek Aid
- Tax Wall Street to Heal America
- Occupy Des Moines Activists to Propose 'Shutting Down' Candidate Offices During Iowa Caucuses
- Palestine becomes member of UNESCO, US cuts funds
- It's Not Just You: Panel Says There Is Definitely More Wild Weather Than There Used to Be
- Stay Classy: GOP Group Depiction of Obama Shot in Head Draws Fire
- Iran Demands US Apology After 'Plot' Allegations
- A New Declaration of Independence: 10 Ideas for Taking America Back from the 1%
- San Diego: Two California high school students became one of the first lesbian couples crowned homecoming king and queen in the nation this weekend.
- Homeless Stake Claim at OWS Protests
- Herman Cain campaign’s financial ties to Wisconsin charity questioned
- Watch Out America, Some Greedy Companies May Be Headed Your Way Paul Buccheit, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- GOLDMAN SUX? Giant Squid Strikes Again at Occupy Wall Street's Credit Union
- Cain's Dumbfounding Press Conference Regarding Sexual Harassment Charges -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Anthrax Attack That's Still Not Solved
- Cain Now Admits At Least One Sexual Harassment Settlement
- Why You Should Attend An Occupy Meeting
- Katrina vanden Heuvel: Thinking Big on Poverty
- Washington Post Front-Page Journalistic Malpractice on Social Security Draws Backlash
- Palestine Statehood Bid: US Cuts Off UNESCO Funding After Palestine Vote
- As World Welcomes "7 Billionth Baby," UN Says Empowering Women is Key to Stability
- Churches Consider Response to Concealed Carry
- Taxing the Kindness of Strangers: Foster parents like us willingly pay a heavy price. The GOP wants us to pay more.
- Despite Iraq Vet’s Cracked Skull, Department of Justice Sees No Evil in Occupy Crackdown
- Poverty, Addiction, and Medicaid Cuts: A Former Addict’s Call to Occupy Wall St.
- Chris Hedges: A Master Class in Occupation
- Bank of America Rethinking Debit Card Fee
- Occupied Territory: We're not camping, and the Bill of Rights is our PERMIT...
- Plain Talk: Participating in democracy just got tougher for elderly
- Cain Smears Planned Parenthood: Accuses Group of "Genocide"
- Scientists Tweak Bugs to Zap Disease
- How to feed 7 billion of us without ruining the planet
- AFL-CIO Joins Global Effort to Support Fair Union Elections at Atento Mexico
- As Public Conversation Moves Left, Supercommittee Democrats Move Right
- Poll: Majority of Americans of All Income Levels Agree that The Middle Class is Being Reduced
- Fox News Downplays LGBT Teen Suicide, Bullying
- The One Percent Win Again (This Time in Baseball)
- Veterans and GIs: "The only occupations in our interests are here in the US"
- Wisconsin Allows Concealed Guns in Capitol
- Glenn Greenwald: The Importance of Protests
- Solving America’s Teen Sex Problem: The Dutch have dramatically reduced adolescent pregnancies, abortions and STDs. What do they know that we don't?
- Drive to Reverse SB 5 in Ohio is Labor's Last, Best Hope for 2011 Win
- Occupy Veterans Movement Growing Across US
- Nebraska Seeks a Say on the Route of a Pipeline
- Will G20 Control Hot Money? Southern countries pitted against US and France over capital controls.
- Sibel Edmonds: Halloween for the Children of the Nations of Mighty Oil
- Chicago cops sued for allegedly beating man who photographed them abusing other suspect
- Chris Hedges: The Christian Right and the Rise of American Fascism
- U.S. Seeks Aid From Pakistan in Peace Effort - Just a month after accusing Pakistan’s spy agency of secretly supporting the Haqqani terrorist network, the Obama administration is now relying on the same intelligence service to help organize and kick-start reconciliation talks aimed at ending the war in Afghanistan.
- Dozens of Occupy protesters arrested in Texas, Oregon
- Ernest Hemingway, Labor Journalist?
- Anonymous Takes on Mexican Drug Cartel Los Zetas
- The "personhood" amendment on the Mississippi ballot on November 8 doesn't just ban all abortions - it would also likely outlaw several types of birth control and possibly make all forms of hormonal contraception illegal in the state.
- Race, Class, and Rights in Mississippi: How A Reproductive Justice Campaign Can Save the Pill and Save the Vote
- Pentagon report says Afghanistan is more secure. But attacks say otherwise.
- Overwhelming Police Force at OccupyDenver
- Dr. Oz on Health Care in America: Enough Is Enough
- In Memoriam: Total number of allied service members killed in Iraq is 4,800; in Afghanistan, 2,789, of which 158 are Canadian.
- Seven Billion and Counting: The definition of overpopulation has less to do with raw numbers of people than their relationship with the planet's sustainable resources.
- Uncle Sam Helps Out With Student Loan Debt
- Federal Agencies Have Blown About 77 Percent of the Rule-Making Deadlines for the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill
- Another Bogus Attack on Obamacare
- U.S. Income Inequality Is 'Unsustainable,' Says Bill Clinton
- Occupy Oakland: Scott Olsen Gives "Thumbs-Up" to Messages of Support
- Volunteer Attorneys Steer Occupy Protesters Through the Legal System
- Skeptic Finds He Now Agrees Global Warming is Real
- Special Interests Woo Super Congress Members with Campaign Cash
- Occupy Oakland Protests Test Quan and Her Activist Background
- Herman Cain Accused by Two Women of Inappropriate Behavior
- Occupy Wall Street Protester, Arrested and Jailed for 30 Hours, Tells Her Story for the First Time
- Jay-Z Hypes a Brooklyn, New York Sports Arena That Failed to Deliver on its Jobs Pledge
- The Original Violence that Created Occupy Wall Street: Institutionalized Corporate Greed and Economic Injustice
- General Conference Admits Palestine as UNESCO Member State
- Elizabeth Warren's Winning Formula: Put up a Fight for the Middle Class and Against Corporations
- Former New York Sun Editor Accuses NYPD Of Sending Addicts to Occupy Wall Street
- Paul Krugman: Bombs, Bridges and Jobs
- Studies challenge wisdom of GOP candidates' plans
- Why Isn't the Anti-War Movement Claiming Victory for Withdrawal From Iraq?
- U.S. had advance warning of abuse at Afghan prisons, officials say
- People Holding Signs Are Not Considered Part of the Public-According to Chicago PD
- Peaceful Occupy Albany Welcomes the Snow
- Denver police use Oakland Police tactics to attack Occupy protest encampment after earlier scuffle near Capitol
- Occupy Wall Street Will Only Reach Critical Mass When It Attracts the Minorities of Brooklyn, Across the River -- Nikolas Kozloff for Buzzflash at Truthout The Brooklyn Bridge Separates a Class Divide (Except for the Gentrified Areas of the Borough). Wouldn't Brooklyn be America's Third Largest City if It Were Separated From NYC?
- Occupy Baltimore Wins Support of Police and Fire Fighters Unions
- High-Ranking Fiji Junta Officer Talks Nonviolent Resistance
- Words of Power: Occupational Hazards on the Path to Massive, Non-Violent Evolution
- Occupy: What if I Say That'll We'll Never Surrender?
- Assad: Foreign Intervention in Syria Will Create "Another Afghanistan"
- Occupy Oakland: Peace and Prosperity - Is That Too Much to Ask For?
- An NYC Standard for Sex Ed? Conservative Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth in 3, 2, . . .
- Plutocratic Government Tries To Beat Down #Occupy
- In Colorado, a Power Struggle Towards Moving to Municipally Owned Energy
- Gandhi Meets Monty Python: The Comedic Turn in Nonviolent Tactics
- SoCal Carwash Workers Win First-Ever Contracts
- A 51st State for Armed Robotic Drones
- Occupy San Francisco: the teenager who was refused cancer treatment
- Occupy Baltimore Wins Support Of Police And Fire Fighters Unions
- Delaware Attorney General Sues Mortgage Electronic Measuring System, Calls for Halt to Foreclosures
- Great Wall of Pizza Boxes: Herman Cain Backs Alabama's HB 56 Immigration Law
- Protests Awaken a Goliath in India
- VIDEO: Explosion at Illegally Operating Chinese Coal Mine Kills 29 Workers
- Oregon Police Arrest #Occupy Demonstrators
- GPS Devices and the 4th Amendment
- Occupy Brooklyn
- The Register’s Iowa Poll: Herman Cain, Mitt Romney lead GOP pack; Ron Paul third
- Former US Chief Prosecutor Condemns "Law-Free Zone" of Guantánamo
- Aussie Court Ends Qantas Strike, Fleet Grounding
- Gaza Militants Agree to Halt Rocket Fire against Israel
- Unequal Justice: Banker Arrests, 0; Protester Arrests, 2,511
- "Microfinancing" Human Organs in Bangladesh
- 2010's Most Tasteless Halloween Costume Party?
- Occupy Nashville
- The Scramble for Libya
- The Never-Ending "Military Footprint" Build-up: U.S. Planning Troop Buildup in Gulf After Exit From Iraq
- GOP Senators Kill Discussion of National Criminal Justice Commission Act
- Clerics Suppress Report on Bankers' Greed to Save Church Embarrassment
- NYT Editorial: The Bloated Nuclear Weapons Budget
- Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers
- Trader Joe's Literally Tears Up "Fair Food Agreement"
- Thomas Friedman: "CITIGROUP is lucky that Muammar el-Qaddafi was killed when he was."
- The Theft of the Top One Percent
- Report: Democrats’ Super Committee Proposal Is Far To The Right Of All Other ‘Bipartisan’ Compromises
- Oakland Police Violated 2004 Agreement Limiting Use of Militarized Weapons to Disperse Crowds -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Could There Be a More Reprehensible and Ignorant GOP Candidate Than George W. Bush? Yes, Several. -- Ann Davidow for Buzzflash at Truthout
- Women Are Everywhere at Occupy Wall Street
- Tenn. arrests Occupy protesters despite no legal authority for arrests
- Police Disguise Protest Sabotage As Public Safety
- Children Become a Fixture at Occupy Wall Street NYC
- Keep Our Schools Public
- Biden Blasts GOP Leadership
- Perhaps the Best Way to Occupy Wall Street Is by Pulling Our Money Out of Big Banks -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Pro-Israel Organization Chooses to Honor Anti-Semitic Stereotype Peddler Glenn Beck, While Condemning Occupy Wall Street -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- GOP Doubles Down on Giving Excessive Tax Breaks to Millionaires -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Big Banks Don't Want Your Money, Unless You Pay Them to Keep It -- For Real -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Man Who Helped Bush Steal 2000 Election and Wreck FEMA Now Advises Perry -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The OWS Battle to End Crony Capitalism Was Presaged in the Battle for Brooklyn -- Michael Galinsky for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Yet Another Rick Perry Limerick
- Limerick Ode To Herman “Straight Talker” Cain
- Cantor: Calling All GOP Lemmings
- Herman Cain, After Mis-Step, Introduces 9-9-9 Plan For Abortion