Welcome to FDL TV!

Firedoglake is an online news site featuring original reporting and commentary including the FDL News Desk, FDL Action, Emptywheel, TBogg, Laura Flanders, Spencer Ackerman (Attackerman), the Seminal and La Figa. The FDL Book Salon also features online discussion with book authors every Saturday and Sunday at 5pm ET.

All posts © 2010 Firedoglake.

Jane Hamsher — Founder & Publisher

Jane Hamsher is the founder and publisher of Firedoglake.com, a leading progressive blog. Her work has also appeared on The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, AlterNet, The Nation, and The American Prospect. She has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, Al Jazeera, PBS, and the BBC. She is the author of the best-selling book Killer Instinct, and she has produced such films “Natural Born Killers” and “Permanent Midnight.” Jane currently lives in Washington, D.C. Email address is janehamsher AT firedoglake DOT com


News Desk Editor: David Dayen

Book Salon Editor: Bev Wright

Weekend Editor: Ellie Elliott

Entertainment Editor: Lisa Derrick

Work in Progress: Michael Whitney

Emptywheel: Marcy Wheeler

FDL Action: Jon Walker

Online Director: Michael Whitney
