Protecting CEOs' Wallets

Chamber Protects CEOs not Jobs
U.S. Chamber’s Tax Repatriation Holiday

Windfall for Chamber company CEOs, not jobs for Americans.


Local Chambers vs. U.S. Chamber

Local Chamber Image
Local Chambers Are Distancing from the U.S. Chamber

Since 2009, over 50 local chambers have quit or denounced the U.S. Chamber for its partisanship and extremism. 


Buying Its Political Agenda

Capitol Building
U.S. Chamber Buys GOP Congressional Agenda for its Top Corporate Funders

Pledging $75 Million, the U.S. Chamber bought the 112th Congress - and its agenda - for its corporate funders.

Full Report

Inside Chamber's Political Machine

U.S. Chamber Watch, allies ask IRS to investigate Chamber's tax fraud
U.S. Chamber Watch, allies ask IRS to investigate Chamber's tax fraud

Did the Chamber commit tax fraud to shill for AIG during the 2004 election?


Laundering Corporate Cash

Who Pays for the Chamber’s TV Ads?

The Chamber spends millions on TV ad campaigns opposing reform. But it has never revealed who supplies the cash.



What They're Saying About the Chamber

Local Chamber Leaders

"Like most local Chambers, the Concord Chamber of Commerce has no affiliation with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Our revenue is derived entirely from membership dues and fees from membership events, and we receive no government or external funding.  We do not pay dues or contribute in any way to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and are an independent Chamber of Commerce serving Concord and the surrounding communities in Massachusetts."

– Stephanie M. Stillman, Executive Director, Concord Chamber of Commerce, MA, Submitted Quote, 03/10/2011

Public Interest Advocates

"The U.S. Chamber is in panic mode for two reasons. One, the FCIC [Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission] details in its 576 page report who the real job killers are, reckless Wall Street financial firms and negligent government officials who took a series of specific actions that resulted in 30 million unemployed and underemployed Americans. They are also panicked because the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law is kicking in to high gear…Unbelievably, the Chamber is fighting hard to protect the lucrative shadow banking industry from being dragged into the sunlight, rigorously protesting the new transparency, capital and margin requirements for all over the counter derivatives traders." 

– Mary Bottari, Center for Media and Democracy, Huffington Post, 01/27/2011

Local Chambers

"The board didn't say ‘just for this year,'...We're not renewing our membership...We heard so many complaints this year because of the advertising that the U.S. Chamber may have done in other parts of the country that was so partisan, that we felt that at this particular time when our membership comes up for renewal that we will not renew our membership.”  

– Michael Supranowicz, President and CEO, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, MA, Berkshire Eagle, 01/20/2011

Political Commentators

"The U.S. Chamber sometimes deploys the talking point that it's a membership group of local businesses, but that it draws the bulk of its money from larger companies, often with very specific agendas. The local membership may be a kind of strength on the optical margins, but [Jeanne] Cummings' [Politico] story suggests that it's actually a political weakness."

– Ben Smith, Politico blog, 12/07/2010