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Remote Vote Tampering Attack on a Sequoia AVC Voting Machine by Argonne National Lab


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Uploaded by on Sep 19, 2011

Argonne National Lab's Vulnerability Assessment Team (VAT) demonstrates how to tamper with a Sequoia AVC Advantage (Direct Recording Electronic or DRE) voting machine in a way that could flip the results of an election with almost no possibility of detection. This same machine is used in many states, including almost all of New Jersey. Hack demonstrated May 2009. | See for more details...

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  • @scoobydoobydoo72

    You think the hackers are going to have access to the secure storage? Can get into the locked machines, locked inside a cabinet, with seals on them?

    If you think they can then I ask one question, name a fool proof way that elections can be held without any possibility of cheating.

  • @kilzzz18 Hand-marked paper-ballots, hand-counted in front of the public and all parties and video cameras at the precinct, at the end of the Election Day, with results posted decentrally at each precinct before ballots move anywhere. "Fool proof"? Nothing, of course, is full proof. But the system I've just described makes it extraordinarily difficult to get away with manipulation without detection or otherwise in a way that could have much chance of flipping the results of an election.

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  • IMPORTANT: The presidential race is like a shell game run by a con man. No matter who you vote for you lose. This is because both choices are controlled by the manipulator of the game. In the presidential race this is done by limiting the winner of the primary to someone who is owned by the real power brokers behind the scene.

    So long as the winner of the primary (in both party’s races) is owned by these people then it does not matter who the public votes for in the final race.

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  • @gesmache "Things can go wrong"? So it's okay to count votes in secret w/ no way to verify them? If the process is 100% transparent, things needn't go wrong, and nobody need be "trusted". Our system is not built on trust, but rather, checks and balances. As to "you have to trust somebody or something", that's almost exactly what Tony Anchundo 18-yr Registrar of Voters in Monterey, CA told me. Then this happened: [DOT] bradblog [DOT] com [SLASH] ?p=4362 -- So, um, no thanks.

  • Why dont you just writing the person you want as president on a slip of paper and drop it in a bock. KISS keep it simple stupid.

  • Can you get this in WEBM?

  • @killzzz18 and anyone else asking how this is an issue..

    Its not outside hackers using this exploit thatr should be alarming but the fact that anyone with the right connections can implement this for so little moeny and in little time as long as they can get private access to the machine.

    The only way to avoid voting fraud is to be %100 open. The only item that should be descreate is the individuals voting. Otherwise every step shoudl be open and easily seen by the public.

  • could also put your ticket in another box which would then be sampled by the voting authority to ensure all check out OK.

    My guess is that many voting systems would show errors with this method.

    And the receipt would contain the results of your vote (although without your name on it).

  • @mdblack98 If you mean that people should be contacted at the end of the day and asked whether they really voted for "X," this is insane...paper ballots would be faster and provide the same purpose. The whole reason for electric machines is faster counting, and with this method to "verify" them, one would be counting the slow way, twice, and that's assuming that you could reach everyone who had voted quickly and that they remembered who they voted for (and didn't change their minds)...


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