If you know me you know that I love the Tune Inn, a taxidermy-filled, three-generation-in-one-family hole-in-the-wall bar and grill three blocks from the Capitol. When people come to the Tune Inn, they try to be nice folks, or they are shunned. They can talk politics, but they can't do it in a mean, exclusivist way. You can be childish but you can't be a jerk. You'll be shunned, or thrown out. If only the congressional super committee held its secret deliberations in a booth at the Tune Inn, under the watchful eyes of the dead deer and the salty waitresses of a certain age, we would have a deal well before the third pitcher of Natty Boh was served.
If belief in the integrity of the Supreme Court frays, the Court's power will fray as well. This is in no one's interest. We need a system of justice, but a system of justice that serves all of us.
Tomorrow, tens of thousands of people all over the country will leave the big banks and move their money to community banks and credit unions, where people remember things like customer service and loyalty.
We must not balance the budget on the backs of our babies who need health care and nutrition, quality education and good jobs to build a strong America. Children did not cause the budget deficit and they must not be sacrificed to help solve it.
Justin Bieber serves as an allegory for the way we treat American teens: leading them to temptation, unprotected and unprepared, and expecting more of them than we do of ourselves.
Creativity is born of chaos. Could online gaming be the coffee house of our children's generation?
Wednesday's general strike in Oakland pointed up some of the promise, and the problems, of the loose-knit Occupy Wall Street movement.
How much poorer do we want women to get in the world? It's really hard to imagine. Despite the successes of feminists during the past century, even in the U.S. we have a persistent and growing feminization of poverty.
Anti-choice extremists never take their eye off the prize: making abortion illegal in the United States. Right now, they have their sights set on Mississippi.
Plato's aversion to democracy is shared by a lot of powerful people these days. But politicians, especially those whose party derives its name from the democratic principle, would be better off remembering another Greek philosopher: Aristotle.
Not surprisingly, gaps in literacy lead to wholesale academic failure -- a pattern that repeats itself over generations. The conditions of poverty that beset families hinder literacy and academic growth; conversely, academic failure spawns more poverty -- and so on.
It's time to ask whether the organizational forms and tactics which birthed the #Occupy mass protests are adequate to building a long-term movement which can change the country and the world.
My father was not Hannibal Lecter crossed with Mussolini, as a few have apparently thought I've depicted him in my book. His teasing sometimes hit the wrong note, but I think half the time he said things simply because they were too clever to suppress.
Unquestionably, there is a dark, fundamentalist side to American evangelicalism. They plot to use their political influence to push the U.S. in a theocratic direction. If they could. The thing is, they can't.
Whatever our differences we should all be able to agree that Hitler was not sent by God to convert Jews to Christianity; that Catholicism, Mormonism and Islam, like all religions, are protected by the Constitution; and that Oprah Winfrey is not the Antichrist.
The dramatic rise in depression diagnoses over the last two decades is a great challenge to modern medicine. The reasons for the increase are complex, but one important theory deserves special consideration.
It would appear Forever 21 is too sexy for Facebook! Yesterday I wrote a post about Forever 21′s close up camel toe snap shots. We spoke of flesh, bits, arousal factors. A good time was had by all. Well, it turns out all except Facebook.
Even though biologists have yet to discover a gay gene, from a scientific perspective, genetic, hormonal, and structural-anatomical data show that homosexuality is definitely rooted in our biology.
I'm pretty sure that if students at a suburban high school ever found themselves in the kind of danger in which South L.A. students routinely find themselves some state of emergency would be declared.
Until we reverse the trend toward inequality, the economy can't be revived. But the biggest question in our nation's capital right now has nothing to do with any of this.
As long as consumers remain strapped, it's hard for me to see why corporations sitting on trillions in cash reserves would invest here as opposed to expanding, emerging economies elsewhere.
There is sharia, and then there is sharia. And before going on and on about regression and glaciation, we would do well to know what we're talking about.
15-year old David Okot seemed angry, and he had every right to be. He suffers from a mysterious condition that preys only on children.
Deepak discusses simple habits that support a healthy lifestyle in accord with one's biological rhythms.
At a time when the federal government should be focused like a laser beam on job-creating investments and targeted tax relief, the majority takes a pass. They choose instead to rehash standard attacks on women's health.
Shariah is a personal relationship between a Muslim and God. The First Amendment forbids Congress from passing laws that restrict the free exercise of religion--particularly private exercise.