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Islamophobic Texas Gun Instructor: All Muslims Have ‘Sworn The Annihilation Of The United States’

Islamophobic gun instructor Crockett Keller

In an interview with the New York Times, a state-certified gun instructor in Texas doubled down on Islamophobic comments he made in a radio ad to attract new customers. As ThinkProgress reported, Crockett Keller of Mason, Texas, said in the ad that he refused to teach Muslims, telling local news outlets and advocacy groups, “I would give up my license to teach before I will teach them,” because he considered all Muslims “enemies.”

Keller, who, as the Times reporter approached him, put his hand on his holstered sidearm because, he said, of death threats, told the newspaper:

Why would I teach people who have sworn the annihilation of the United States and who can lie, cheat, steal and murder Americans in order to further Islam? Why would I arm someone like that? Why would I enable them to carry a weapon legally? I don’t want to be a part of that. [...]

I don’t care what your religion, what your creed is. That makes no bearing. But when people consider themselves a particular religion that has proven itself to be anti-American, well, then, I’m anti-them.

The Texas Public Safety Board, which regulates gun instructors, launched an investigation and said in a statement that an instructor who “denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor’s certification by the department at risk of suspension or revocation.”

Throughout all his interviews with the media, Keller has made no distinction between the tiny minority of radical, militant Muslims and the faith at large. Of more than a billion Muslims worldwide, up to about seven million live in the United States. “[I]f you are a devout Muslim, how can you pledge allegiance to the United States of America? You can’t,” Keller said. “The ideologies are diametrically opposed.”


Congressman From Koch Mike Pompeo: ‘We’re Trying’ To Defund The EPA

ThinkProgress filed this report from the Defending The American Dream Summit in Washington DC

The Koch brothers and the foundation they fund, Americans for Prosperity, are among the biggest backers of the right’s anti-environment movement, pushing for the repeal of environmental laws and regulations on both the state and federal level. Those efforts continued at AFP’s annual Defending the American Dream Summit this weekend, as attacks on the EPA came from seemingly every prominent speaker and in multiple panels.

Former pizza magnate Herman Cain (R) drew some of his largest cheers when he declared that the EPA “needs an attitude adjustment,” while former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) decried the burden of federal regulations on job creation. But while Romney has insisted in the past that Republicans aren’t “anti-regulation” and other conservatives have insisted that the party doesn’t want to defund the EPA, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) — the Congressman from Koch — made it clear during an environmental panel that that was exactly his goal:

POMPEO: We’re trying. Indeed, I personally tried. … We’ve got a Senate that has a deeply different worldview, and there my bill sits. We won’t be able to slow down the growth of the EPA dramatically until we change the view of folks in Congress, and I speak mostly of the Senate here, and we get a new leader in the White House.

Watch it:

Pompeo is hardly the only Republican to state plainly that defunding the EPA is one of the GOP’s primary goals. In July, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) said the EPA “would be discontinued” if the GOP gained control of the Senate and the White House.

Pompeo, however, seems perplexed that President Obama and House and Senate Democrats aren’t willing to do the Kochs’ bidding by joining him in his anti-environmental campaign. Perhaps that’s because they have no desire to aid the efforts of what Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) called the “most anti-environmental House of Representatives in American history.”


Tennessee Lieutenant Governor Calls Unemployment Benefits A ‘Lifestyle’

Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (R)

Despite the necessary aid that unemployment benefits provide for those who have been laid off (not to mention the boost they give to the entire national economy), Republicans continue to attack and deride people who collect those benefits. In September, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) dismissed unemployment benefits as “welfare for people that won’t work,” and an Ohio state representative suggested his state drug test all benefit applicants. (He got the idea from Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), who signed a law in June requiring drug tests for all welfare recipients.)

Now Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (R) thinks receiving unemployment benefits (an average of $285 per week in Tennessee) is simply a “lifestyle“:

Ramsey, during his “Red Tape Road Trip” luncheon highlighting government’s negative effect on business, said he’s been getting an earful from employers about people opting for an unemployment check rather than seeking a job when the state’s jobless rate remains well above 9 percent.

He cited a trucking company that wants but can’t find drivers and a heating and cooling firm with unfilled technician positions.

When does it become a benefit and when does it become a lifestyle?” Ramsey, R-Blountville, asked of the current unemployment compensation system. [...] Beneficiaries aren’t pressed hard enough to look for work, Ramsey said.

While Jordan Young, Ramsey’s special assistant, insists there are jobs available, people should not have to forego benefits while they look for one (even assuming that they could move to where jobs are available). Nationally, there are more than four job applicants for every open position.

While Republicans like to claim that those on benefits are not looking for work, research from the San Francisco Fed has found that workers who qualify for unemployment benefits stay unemployed just 1.6 weeks longer than those who do not qualify for benefits. Meanwhile, without extended unemployment benefits, the United States economy would lose $57 billion, or 0.38 percent of GDP, in the first three months of 2012. Clearly Ramsey has not considered how this could impact Tennessee businesses during his “Red Tape Road Trip.”


Mississippi Catholic Bishop, Religious Leaders Denounce Personhood Anti-Abortion Bill

This Tuesday, Mississippians will vote on Initiative 26, a “personhood” amendment to the state constitution that defines a person as “every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof.” This “profoundly ambiguous” amendment will deliberately trample on a woman’s reproductive health and privacy, essentially criminalizing abortion, outlawing contraception like the birth control pill, and even preventing couples from having a child through in vitro fertilization.

It is these consequences that leave even the most staunch anti-choice activists cold. The National Right to Life organization has refused to promote it. Even the Catholic Bishops have refused to endorse the amendment, noting that the bill is so extreme, it could jeopardize their more serious efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade:

In the letter [Jackson Bishop Joseph Latino] called Personhood Mississippi “a noble initiative.” However, he said, “I join with Catholic bishops in several other states in not endorsing personhood petitions to be circulated in our Catholic parishes. We have committed ourselves to working for a federal amendment and feel the push for a state amendment could ultimately harm our efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Numerous religious leaders, who joined Bishop Latino at a press conference to speak out against the bill, were more forthright in their denunciations. “It is a blunt instrument which, if passed, will harm Mississippi women and their families both physically and spiritually,” said Rabbi Debra Kassoff. “Because God has sanctified not only fetal life, but all life, we urge Mississippians to vote against Initiative 26.”

In fact, religious leaders are taking issue with the personhood movement’s foundational idea that such amendments comply with “divine law” as defined by biblical text. The Interfaith Center of New York’s Rev. Chloe Breyer and Rabbis for Human Rights’ Rabbi Jill Jacobs both insisted that the biblical text that “life at conception” activists often rely on is actually “invoked to support the rights of a woman to have an abortion” as it conveys the idea that “the fetus does not achieve personhood until emerging from the womb.”

Breyer also notes that Christian representatives have long argued against the idea that life beings at conception. Saint Augustine actually wrote on the question of “personhood” and “ascribed to the idea of delayed ‘ensoulment” in which the fetus did not “receive a human soul” until a certain number of days after conception. In 1994, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church expressed its “unequivocal opposition” to any action that would “abridge the right of a woman to reach an informed decision about the termination of her pregnancy, or that would limit the access of a woman to safe means of acting upon her decision.”


Scientist Who Testified In Support Of Mining Around The Grand Canyon Stands To Make $225,000 From It

By Jessica Goad, Manager of Research and Outreach, Center for American Progress Action Fund.

As ThinkProgress reported yesterday, Republican members of Congress have been waging a war to open 1 million acres around the Grand Canyon to uranium mining. Last week Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar took one of the last steps in withdrawing the area from new mining claims. But in response, Republicans have introduced H.R. 3155, the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act of 2011, to keep the decision from moving forward. The issue has become “one of the top legislative priorities of Republicans in Congress” as Energy and Environment Daily reported this morning.

At a hearing yesterday on the bill in the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forest and Public Lands, Republicans called a witness to the stand who is a retired United States Geological Survey scientist. Dr. Karen Wenrich noted in her testimony supporting the bill that the Bureau of Land Management has “vastly overstated the environmental harm caused by past and potential uranium development.”

However, under questioning from Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), it became clear through public Securities and Exchange Commission filings that Wenrich stands to make $225,000 by selling 61 uranium claims that she owns only if the Interior Department’s withdrawal does not go forward.

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Occupy Philly Marches To Romney Fundraiser And Holds Its Own ‘Photo-Op’ With Picture Of Mitt

Today, former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is holding a fundraiser at a swank hotel in downtown Philadelphia, offering $2,500 photo-ops to wealthy donors inside.

Responding to Romney’s fundraising with the city’s elite, Occupy Philly and allied groups marched to the hotel and rallied outside of it. Demonstrators propped up a large poster of Romney and staged their own photo-ops with him, joking that they don’t need to be super-wealthy to take a photograph with a fake version of the candidate.

Here’s some video of the protesters rallied outside the hotel from the CloutDailyNews YouTube account:

Here are some pictures from the demonstration, taken by local demonstrators and reporters:

“The fact that we were able to pull this off so quickly says a lot about how passionate people are here in Pennsylvania about tax cuts for the rich and corporate greed,” said Jamie Mondics from Keystone Progress, which joined the protests.


Mississippi Personhood Bill Could Criminalize Doctors Who Perform An Abortion To Save A Woman’s Life

Physicians and medical associations are now speaking out against Mississippi’s personhood amendment, warning that it is “a dangerous intrusion of criminal law into the provision of medical care.”

Specifically, by criminalizing abortion, the measure could “criminalize routine medical practice that intentionally or not terminates a pregnancy” because, according to the measure, any fertilized egg — regardless of if and where it implants — could be considered a “person.” And because the measure has no exceptions for health of the mother (let alone rape or incest), Mississippi physicians are worried that termination of such a life-threatening pregnancy could still be considered a form of homicide:

[Mississippi Medical Association President Dr. Tom] Joiner and other opponents of Initiative 26 are concerned that by attempting to criminalize abortion, the initiative will criminalize routine medical practice that intentionally or not terminates a pregnancy. There is no mention in the initiative of an exception for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, nor for the health of the mother, as in the case of life-threatening conditions such as ectopic or molar pregnancies. (In an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube; in a molar pregnancy the fertilized egg becomes an abnormal growth such as a tumor rather than a fetus.)

“These pregnancies were not meant to go on to be people and we don’t think calling them persons is going to do any good for the patients that carry them nor the pregnancies themselves,” said Tupelo obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Wayne Slocum, vice chair of the Mississippi section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Slocum said because ectopic and molar pregnancies never result in live births, casting those fertilized eggs as “persons” does not make sense. “They just need to be treated either with medication or surgery,” he said. “If not the mother can bleed to death or have dire consequences.”

Ultimately, as the Mississippi State Medical Association warns, the bill “will place in jeopardy a physician who tries to save a mother’s life by performing procedures and employing techniques have used for years.” Even while some of the doctors belonging to the association oppose abortion, Dr. Joiner says “nearly all of the association’s members oppose Initiative 26.” Dr. Slocum considers himself “pro-life” but says, “we feel like passing this amendment to the state constitution would do more to harm our patients than it will do to stop abortion.”


Ohio GOP Candidate Josh Mandel Insists Ohio Anti-Labor Law ‘Is About Respecting Police And Firefighters’

On Tuesday, Ohioans will vote on Issue 2, a referendum on Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s (R) anti-workers’ rights law Senate Bill 5 (SB5). The bill strips teachers, police, and firefighters of their rights to collective bargain for better wages and working conditions. The bill is deeply unpopular.

This, however, has not stopped right-wing groups from flushing the pro-SB5 campaign with money or conservatives from insisting that the law helps local governments by preventing layoffs.

But while most Republicans at least acknowledge that the law disadvantages public employees, one Republican thinks the opposite. This summer, Ohio Treasurer and U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel said he supported Senate Bill 5 because the law, in his mind, actually “respect[s] police, and firefighters, and teachers” by giving “fiscal conservatives” the tools to ignore collective bargaining rights, which somehow “insur[es]that there is a state and there are local governments” down the road:

MANDEL: Well I’ve been supportive of Senate Bill 5…In my mind, it’s not about going after police, and firefighters and teachers. It’s about respecting police, and firefighters, and teachers and insuring that there is a state and there are local governments long into the future so that we have communities here in the state. The current level of spending in our state and our country? Simply unacceptable. And I think we need to put the tools in the tool belts of local government leaders and also people who are fiscal conservatives to bring this state into a sense of fiscal health. And that’s one of the reasons I’ve been supportive.

Watch it:

In what must come as a surprise to Mandel, Ohio’s teachers, police, firefighters, and even veterans feel slighted — not respected — by this bill. SB5 strips unions of the right to negotiate wages, eliminates pay increases, and completely bans the right to strike. As public officials and unions both note, teachers and safety forces have already made substantial sacrifices — including zero pay raises and paying more for health insurance — to accommodate the tough economy.

Read more


Microsoft Funds Koch’s Climate-Denying Tea Party Conference | Microsoft Corporation, which argues that climate pollution requires a “comprehensive and global response,” is sponsoring the Koch brothers’ Tea Party convention taking place in Washington, DC. Microsoft is a “gold sponsor” of the Americans For Prosperity Foundation’s fifth annual Defending The American Dream Summit, cheek and jowl with top climate denial front groups like the Heartland Institute, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Speakers at the conference include climate deniers Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS), Ken Cuccinelli, Ann McElhinney, Chris Horner, Myron Ebell, and Carly Fiorina. Their prominent involvement was captured in a photograph by reporter Dave Wiegel.


Gov. Jan Brewer Can’t Explain Her Partisan Political Tampering In Arizona’s Redistricting Process

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has been under fire recently for her dramatic political move to interfere with the state’s bipartisan redistricting commission. Annoyed that the commission did not redraw congressional districts to benefit Republicans, Brewer convinced the GOP-controlled state Senate to impeach the commission’s independent chairwoman, Colleen Mathis.

State officials are only supposed to be impeached for “neglect of duty and gross misconduct.” But during an interview this week on Alan Colmes’ radio show, Brewer became completely incoherent when trying to defend her actions. She could not explain what offenses Mathis had committed that could possibly justify her impeachment:

COLMES: What did Colleen do that was inappropriate, Colleen Mathis?

BREWER: Well she acted, uh, inappropriately. Well it was very, pretty much obvious that she in communications, and doing things, uh, not in the public, and the people of Arizona deserve that –

COLMES: You mean she was doing things secretly? Like what?

BREWER: They just simply need to operate in a lawful and open fashion…

COLMES: I’m trying to understand what she did. What are you accusing her of having done?

BREWER: Well she wasn’t operating in the proper manner.

Listen here:

The Huffington Post reported that Brewer moved to impeach Mathis after being lobbied by incumbent GOP congressmen who wanted to protect their seats. Democrats have been calling for Brewer herself to be ousted for such an egregious attempt to compromise the integrity of the democratic process to rig elections for the GOP.


News Corp. Journalist Arrested As Hacking Scandal Widens | The News Corp. phone hacking scandal spread to another publication today as police in the U.K. arrested a reporter for the Sun newspaper, the country’s largest circulation daily, on charges of bribing police officers. This latest development is a major blow to News Corp., which has maintained that illegal activity was restricted to the now-defunct News of the World. Meanwhile, police announced today that they believe almost 5,800 people were targeted in the company’s phone hacking operations — 2,000 more than originally thought.


Michigan City Removes Streetlights In Desperate Budget Cut

States and cities around the country have desperately slashed spending in the face of record budget deficits, including unpaving roads, shrinking schools, closing libraries, and even a failed attempt to decriminalize domestic violence.

The latest consequence of extreme austerity is in Highland Park, Michigan, which has not only turned off all of its streetlights, but also ripped out the light poles — a telling sign that its darkening of the streets is permanent. With an unemployment rate at 22 percent and a city debt of $58 million, Highland Park could no longer afford to pay the electric bills:

The city is $58 million in debt and has many more people than jobs, plus dozens of burned-out or vacant houses and buildings. With fewer than 12,000 residents, its population has dwindled to half the level from 20 years ago. Faced with a $4 million electric bill that required $60,000 monthly payments, Mayor Hubert Yopp asked the City Council to consider reducing lighting. Council members reluctantly approved it, even in an election year.

In Highland Park, “the median household income is $18,700, compared with $48,700 statewide. And 42 percent of the city’s residents live in poverty.” The city has seen a precipitous drop in population over the last few decades.

The drastic measure arrives just after Michigan’s 2011-12 state budget went into effect Oct. 1 — a budget that cuts millions of dollars in funding to cities and schools. Michigan had its own budget crisis to close. However, Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and the GOP-led legislature felt it could afford a $1.7 billion tax cut to businesses, even as the state cut $400 million in school and city aid. Snyder’s budget shifts the economic burden entirely to low-income residents by cutting 86 percent of business taxes, as it slashed the social safety net.

Rebecca Leber

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Cain: ‘I Am The Koch Brothers’ Brother From Another Mother’ | Herman Cain may be the billionaire Koch brothers’ favorite presidential candidate, with strong ties between his campaign and the wealthy conservative patrons, and Cain hasn’t been shy about about showing his love for the pair. Today, at a conference sponsored by the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity, Cain declared to thunderous applause, “I am the Koch brothers’ brother from another mother.” He added, “And proud of it.” Watch it:


Romney Calls Reducing Deficits ‘A Moral Responsibility,’ After Proposing $6 Trillion In Deficits

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (MA) has pegged his latest campaign push to deficits, taking a shot at Gov. Rick Perry’s (R-TX) seeming disregard for balancing the country’s accounts. Today, Romney will be laying out a plan that he claims will cut $500 billion from the deficit in 2016; his biggest cut is block granting Medicaid, while pretending that repealing the Affordable Care Act saves money. Other than that, Romney’s “savings” come from favorite conservative bogeymen like Amtrak and the National Endowment for the Arts.

During an event in New Hampshire last night previewing today’s release of his plan, Romney explained that, in his view, reducing the deficit is “a moral responsibility“:

We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in, we have a moral responsibility not to pass onto our kids the spending of our generation,” he said. “It is a moral responsibility to believe in fiscal responsibility. We do, and I do.”

However, if it’s a moral responsibility to reduce the deficit, Romney may need to spend some time in an ethics course. He envisions federal spending at 20 percent of GDP, but his tax plan, as we found, will raise less than 17 percent of GDP in revenue. As Michael Linden has explained, the result of Romney’s plan “would be continued unsustainable deficits and more debt. In fact, Romney’s plan would yield approximately $6.5 trillion in deficits from 2013 through 2021.”

The revenue Romney envisions is “below the levels suggested by the House Republican Budget, which abolished Medicare as we know it, slashed Medicaid, and still didn’t balance the budget until 2040.” Nibbling away at Amtrak subsidies and slashing health care spending for low-income Americans doesn’t change the fact that Romney’s plan lets the richest Americans avoid paying their fair share, resulting in loads of red ink.

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Grover Norquist Suggests Alan Simpson Is Senile And Drunk | This week, former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson took on powerful anti-tax lobbyist Grover Norquist for holding the GOP to a strict anti-tax pledge, saying, “If Grover Norquist is now the most powerful man in America, he should run for president.” Norquist fired back by attacking Simpson personally, suggesting he’s “been drinking” too much. Today, Norquist continued his attacks, suggesting that Simpson is senile. “Alan Simpson is old enough to have been there,” Norquist said on MSNBC, referring to tax votes, “but too old to have remembered what happened.” Watch it:


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