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11.05.2011 — 11:55 PM

Cain, Gingrich Hold Horndog Debate

For reasons I'm not sure I can explain or understand, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich held a one on one debate this evening in Texas, which they dubbed a 'Lincoln/Douglas style' debate. Here's our report on what happened.

— Josh Marshall

11.05.2011 — 09:50 PM

Elixir of Life

With the passing of Andy Rooney today, I couldn't help but notice one thing. In addition to taking your fish oil supplements, monitoring your colesterol and having a dog your best shot at living a long life seems to be working at 60 Minutes.

Now I hope this doesn't sound too flippant. I'm sure an analysis of everyone who's ever worked at the show over 40+ years would show a more balanced picture. And longtime 60 veteran Ed Bradley died a few years ago of leukemia at 65. Still, the folks who most stick out in my mind as associated with the show, the folks associated with the brand for decades, lived or are living to ripe old ages.

Let's run down a few examples.

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— Josh Marshall

11.05.2011 — 02:28 PM

Check Out the New TPM

Click here to check out the new TPM redesign. Let us know what you think.

— Josh Marshall

11.05.2011 — 07:34 AM

Andrew Aitken Rooney, 1919-2011

CBS News has announced the death of Andy Rooney. He was 92.

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— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 10:39 PM

Car Rams Protestors at OccupyDC

Reports are very sketchy. But something pretty dramatic seems to have happened in DC tonight with the 'Occupy' protestors. I'm piecing together what happened from the Twitter feed of Washington Post reporter Tim Craig.

From what I can make out, Occupy protestors tried to blockade the Koch Brothers backed conference (Americans for Prosperity) put on today in DC -- blockade in the sense of keep people from leaving the convention hall. Then someone drove a car into protestors acting as this sort of human blockade.

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— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 09:59 PM

TPM Redesign Explained

As you know, we debuted the beta version of our new site design yesterday evening. You can see it here and switch over to the new design now. But I also wanted to walk people through how the new sections of the site work and why we made the decisions we made in the redesign process. So join me after the jump for a quick video explaining the new TPM design.

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— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 09:05 PM

Scurvy Pirates

'An Alabama couple who considered themselves 'sovereign citizens' -- who required their tenants to pay rent in silver coins and buried $350,000 worth of gold coins in their backyard -- were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and three counts of tax evasion on Friday.' And there's more.

— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 06:12 PM

Herman Cain, Come On Down!

Campaign In 100 Seconds interrupts its regular programming to bring you this special game show edition.

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 04:40 PM

Alone And Exposed

Herman Cain really needed his accusers and their lawyers, or the press -- or, heck, even the National Restaurant Association -- to be demonstrably more tawdry than the allegations against him. None of the other actors on this stage are proving to be up to that role

Politico and other media covering the story haven't overreached. The NRA is conducting itself with prudence and caution. The accusers have avoided the spotlight. And now the one accuser's lawyer to have ventured into the glare of national TV seems neither grasping nor self serving.

It leaves Herman Cain alone on the stage very much exposed. He doesn't strike me as someone who will notice or much care. But at some point even his supporters will see it, whether they are willing to acknowledge it or not.

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 03:32 PM

Stay Tuned

Things are still a bit muddled but it looks like the lawyer for one of Herman Cain's accusers is going to be making a statement to the press shortly. We're still nailing down specifics, but we have a reporter heading to the site of purported press conference. That's where things stand at the moment. We should have a better handle on it shortly. We'll keep you posted here.

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 02:49 PM

Just Gets Weirder

Questioned about his ties to the Koch brothers, Herman Cain tells reporters: I'm a Koch "brother from another mother."

— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 01:45 PM

That Should Clear Things Up

Anti-Hindu Kentucky Republican clarifies: I'm not criticizing Hindus, I'm inviting them to "love and know Jesus."

— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 12:54 PM

We Who Are About to Flake, Salute You!

Notorious dead-beat-dad congressman receives Family Research Council award for "unwavering support of the family."

— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 12:13 PM

TPM Browser Usage (Geeks Only!)

Alert: This post has nothing to do with politics. It's about what browsers people use to read TPM. So if that ain't your bag, by all means, skip down to the next post. If you're geeky enough to be interested, follow me after the jump.

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— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 10:23 AM

Talk's Cheap, Buddy

Cain campaign manager says campaign has "discussed" suing Politico.

— Josh Marshall

11.04.2011 — 10:12 AM

The Other Shoe

Corzine retains criminal defense attorney.

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 10:08 AM

Chart Of The Day

This is for real -- not mere editorializing.

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 10:04 AM

Quick! Look Over There!

An amusing compendium of the most off-the-wall attempts to distract from the underlying sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain.

My favorite, from Cain himself: "They ought to be asking questions to President Obama about his relationship with Bill Ayers, not asking me."

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 09:55 AM

Bad Loophole Alert

Michigan Republicans insert provision into state's new anti-bullying law exempting any bullying based on "moral convictions."

— David Kurtz

11.04.2011 — 09:54 AM

Make the Switch!

This is a special note for our most avid readers. TPM's coming up on its 11th anniversary. Next week we're celebrating the official launch of our new TPM2012 site vertical. And today we're rolling out our first full-scale site redesign in more than four years. Last night we launched it in beta. So you're probably not seeing it now. But one click and you'll be there.

If you'd like to see it and switch over now, just click the "Try The New TPM Design" link at the top of the page. Once you click there, your browser will default to the new design. And if you're not quite ready to take the plunge, you can click back to this old design.

We're excited about the new look. And I'll be sharing more with you shortly about our aims with the new design and look. For now though, we're mainly interested in your reaction. Take a look and tell us what you think.

— Josh Marshall