Your World Helps Rep. Joe Walsh Blame His Near Meltdown On Coffee And An Empty Stomach
Reported by Guest Blogger - Thu 5:15 PM
By Brian
Deadbeat Dad Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) got another dose of Republican rehab from Your World and host Neil Cavuto yesterday, this time to help explain away Walsh’s near meltdown during a gathering with constituents. A video of the episode went viral. As Priscilla posted, Fox Nation gave Walsh its own rehab by blaming the constituent who had the nerve to ask Walsh a question. Cavuto was somewhat critical of Walsh’s behavior but never challenged his excuse: "I made the mistake of doing this on a very empty stomach with a little too much coffee, which sort of got me a little too fired up." Of course, there were no embarrassing questions about child support.
Continue reading »In The Wake Of Debate Debacle, Rick Perry Heads To Fox & Friends
Reported by Ellen - Thu 3:07 PM
As soon as Rick Perry’s cringe-worthy “Oops” was emitted during the debate last night, it was almost a certainty he’d be on Fox & Friends for a little Republican rehab this morning. To the curvy couch’s credit, they didn’t minimize or shrug off the seriousness of Perry’s gaffe – but then again, it would be hard to see how they could and still retain a shred of credibility. But they nevertheless found other ways to be supportive.
Continue reading »Bill Hemmer Thinks Rep. Joe Walsh's Freak Out Was Awesome?
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 1:06 PM
As I reported yesterday, GOP Rep. and "deadbeat dad" Joe Walsh freaked out during a casual get together ("cup of Joe") with his constituents at a bar and grill. Now that this video has gone viral and has been featured on other networks, Joe is making appearances on Fox News so that he can joke about how his inappropriate behavior was the result of not having eaten. He was on Neil Cavuto's show yesterday and he and Neil joked about how Walsh should drink de-caf coffee. And today, he and alleged "news" host, Bill Hemmer, had lots of laughs about Walsh's bizarre and offensive treatment of his constituents. And in the process, Walsh got to clarify GOP talking points without interruptions from those troublemaking (that's how Fox Nation described them!) constituents. It was Republican rehab at its finest.
Continue reading »Fr. Jonathan Morris Continues Attack On Vanderbilt Non Discrimination Policy
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 11:20 AM
In October, Fox & Friends ran a mini marathon of misinformation about Vanderbilt's non-discrimination policy which states that campus groups cannot require that their leaders hold the same views as the membership. Thanks to Fox and the religious right, this latest "outrage" to persecuted Christians has reached a national level with Christian GOP members of congress weighing in. The coverage that "fair & balanced" Fox has provided has been very one sided with the principal argument being that this policy will force good Christian groups to have atheists and other servants of Satan as their leaders. This distorted and exaggerated perspective, articulated by Fox's resident and only official clergy, Fr. Jonathan Morris, avoids the real reasons why the policy was put in place; i.e. to address anti-gay discrimination which is part of the charters of four Christian campus groups. That the real issue of free speech on a private campus has been lost on Fox which focuses on what "could" happen and not what did happen. In October, Fr. Morris did his best jazz hands in accusing the non discrimination policy of being sleazy. (Funny, considering that Morris was a member of the very sleazy Legion of Christ whose members facilitated the debauchery of their founder). And last Sunday, Morris was back with mor anti-Vanderbilt histrionics which, once again, avoided the real issue in order to advance the ongoing Fox meme of persecuted Christians.
Continue reading »Eric Bolling Adds Media Matters To The Cain Conspiracy
Reported by Aunty Em - Thu 10:01 AM
Glenn Beck had his Caliphate Clues, now The Five’s Eric Bolling has his Cain Conspiracy Cabal™. News Hounds reported Tuesday how Bolling blamed shadowy “Democrat” operatives for the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations. Against all logic and evidence to the contrary, he contended the Democratic Party has been working behind the scenes to tear down Republicans and Right Wing candidates; this is just Cain’s turn in the dunk tank. Not content to leave it there, Bolling doubled down the next night. He added “the left wing nutjobs at Media Matters and all the other leftie blogs” (which includes News Hounds, I guess) to the clandestine group trying to take down Herman Cain. Watch:
Continue reading »Fox and Friends To Florida Inmates: Let Them Eat Soy
Reported by Aunty Em - Thu 7:31 AM
The Foxy Friends on Fox and Friends proved Wednesday morning they don’t even need guests to push the Fox “News” agit-prop, or to have some fun at someone else’s expense. At issue was Eric Harris, an inmate in central Florida who is suing for “cruel and unusual punishment” because the prison system is serving a soy-laden, meat-free vegan diet. According to the Florida News Journal “Harris is claiming that it has threatened his thyroid, caused painful gastrointestinal cramping, and compromised his immune system, all things which he says are medical problems for him and are listed as possible side effects of eating too much soy.” However, you wouldn’t hear any of that from The Three Stooges, who seemed to be echoing Bizarro Marie Antoinette. Watch:
Continue reading »No Questions For Cain About Sexual Harassment!
Reported by Ellen - Wed 11:20 PM
Herman Cain appeared on On The Record with Greta Van Susteren tonight for an interview following the GOP candidates' debate. Yet host Greta Van Susteren didn't ask a single question about the mushrooming sexual harassment scandal dogging him. You'd think that the woman who was so outraged over Bill Maher "degrading" a woman (Sarah Palin) by calling her a "dumb twat," and who tore apart her own colleague, Tucker Carlson, for printing Mike Tyson's sexually violent comments about a woman (Sarah Palin) would have at least some concern about the growing body of evidence that a presidential candidate may be a sexual predator. But apparently not. Van Susteren didn't even ask Cain about his remark calling Minority Leader and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, "Princess Nancy." But maybe it's only when Palin gets degraded that Van Susteren objects.
Continue reading »Bret Baier Launches A Google + "Hangout" With Republican Candidates
Reported by Ellen - Wed 6:25 PM
Special Report's Bret Baier will begin a series of Google + Hangouts with Republican presidential candidates, starting on November 15. The Special Report Google + page says, "Throughout the weeks leading up to Election 2012, Bret will moderate a Hangout with each of the GOP presidential candidates and several members of the public. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer!"
Continue reading »Hannity: The Go-To Show For Race-Baiting Against African Americans
Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:58 PM
Recently, Ann Coulter made a lot of waves when she announced on the Hannity show that “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks.” Did host Sean Hannity object? Heck, no. In fact, he implicitly endorsed the sentiment with his accepting response. Sadly, this is just the latest example of race baiting on Hannity. In several other instances, guests have accused the majority of African Americans of being racists – without receiving so much as a question in the way of a challenge. In fact, in one instance where a guest accused “most blacks” in Tennessee of being racist, Hannity refused to allow his other guest an opportunity to rebut.
Continue reading »GOP Rep. Freaks Out - Fox Nation Claims Calm Constituent Was "Troublemaker"
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 11:21 AM
Fox Nation had no problem with good, ole Merkin teabaggers who screamed incoherently during town hall meetings. Flash forward to a recent Q& A session, held at a local restaurant, hosted by GOP Illinois congressman Joe Walsh who is such a fine paragon of conservative, Christian "family values" that he owes his wife lots of money in back child support. And because he's such an example of manly Christian responsibility, he received an accolade from the hate group "Family Research Council." Anyway, during the casual meet and greet, Walsh's constituents asked him questions in a calm and rational manner. Walsh's response - not so much! In fact, he had a total freak out about how these folks shouldn't blame the banks for causing the foreclosure crisis. There is video to show that Walsh overreacted to questioning that was not innappropriate. Yet, Fox Nation's headline is "Tea Party Rep. Blows Gasket At Town Hall Troublemaker..." First, it wasn't a "town hall." Second, "trouble maker" is wildly unsubstantiated and off the mark. It's funny. There is video available one of which is Martha MacCallum's coverage of Walsh's apoplexy. There is another video of the entire session. Neither were posted on Fox Nation. "Fair & Balanced?" You Bet!
Continue reading »"Civil," "Tolerant" Fox Nation Readers Discuss Murdering OWS Protesters
Reported by Ellen - Tue 11:55 PM
Once again, Fox Nation, the website that boasts about its civility and tolerance is talking murder. Today's targets are members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The comments are disturbing but even more disturbing is that Fox Nation seems unwilling to put a stop to this kind of talk. (H/T Aria Prescott)
Continue reading »Cain Campaign Steps In It Again! Spokesman Wrongly Insists Accuser’s Son Works For Politico
Reported by Ellen - Tue 11:04 PM
Ruh-roh! Cain spokesman Mark “the smoker” Block appeared on Hannity tonight to reinforce Herman Cain’s press conference in which he denied having harassed anyone (but did not say he had never groped nor propositioned any of his employees). As part of Cain’s defense, Block went after the credibility of one of the newest accusers, Karen Kraushaar, by saying "We've confirmed that (her son) does indeed work at Politico.” Unfortunately, Politico has confirmed that’s not true.
Continue reading »Eric Bolling Takes Herman Cain’s Conspiracy Theory One Crazy Step Further
Reported by Aunty Em - Tue 9:09 PM
The accusations that Herman Cain allegedly sexually harassed several women is a classic “She said/He said” news story, with no corroborating evidence for either side (at the time of this writing). When one woman came forward to make allegations, Cain was pretty much forced to hold his own presser to push back at the charges. And there it stands. However, while he denied all, Cain also said he knew who was responsible for his troubles: the “Democrat Machine.” When Fox “News” cut to an abridged version of The Five, Herman Cain was obviously going to be the topic. That’s when it got crazy. Eric Bolling was only happy to echo Cain’s conspiracy and Bob Beckel kept trying to (figuratively) knock some sense into him. But Bolling wasn't having any of that because he took the conspiracy to new heights: He practically blamed every problem that every conservative has ever had on a mysterious Democratic cabal that he would never name, no matter how many times Beckel tried to drag it out of him. Watch the fireworks:
Continue reading »Jon Stewart Nails Fox News’ Hypocrisy On Anonymous Sources In Cain Scandal
Reported by Ellen - Tue 6:15 PM
Bottom line: Anonymous sources are bad on Fox News… unless used in accusations against a Democrat. Fox’s Megyn Kelly and the Fox & Friends are caught in red-handed, hilarious hypocrisy. (H/T John M. and Raw Story)
Continue reading »O’Reilly Sleight Of Hand Redirects Attention From Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Scandal To Rev. Wright And Bill Ayers
Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:00 PM
Another night, another Fox News sleight of hand that deflected attention away from the Herman Cain sexual harassment scandal and dredged up animosity toward some favorite targets instead - in this case President Obama and the media. On last night’s O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly cited a NewsBusters study showing more CNN coverage of the Cain scandal than of President Obama’s “campaign troubles” with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko. Yet neither O’Reilly nor his guest Bernard Goldberg managed to explain the significance of this vis-a-vis the Cain scandal.
Continue reading »"Fair & Balanced" Fox Nation Runs Article From Anti-Abortion Website
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 12:35 PM
According to its "statement of purpose," Fox Nation is "committed to the core principles of tolerance, open debate, civil discourse, and fair and balanced coverage of the news." Yet, they have an article, from the rabidly anti-choice website "Life News," which touts the awesomeness of the closure of several Texas Planned Parenthood as a "victory" for women. The thread is illustrated with the perfunctory anti-choice icon of the thumb sucking fetus. If Fox were "fair & balanced," they would have an article about how these closures are very detrimental to low income women who use these facilities for their gynecological health. They could run the article from RH Reality Check which discusses how Texas alternatives to Planned Parenthood don't really exist. But they don't and I'm not holding my breath waiting for one. So does this mean that Fox Nation isn't "fair & balanced?" Oh, nooooooo.....
Continue reading »Gretchen Carlson Sympathizes With Ex Border Agent Who Violated "Illegal's" Rights
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 11:29 AM
As documented on Media Matters, Fox "News" treatment of the immigration issue is not exactly "fair & balanced." Fox & Friends, in keeping with the Fox stance, never wastes an opportunity to talk about those "illegals" who are, according to Fox, causing chaos on the border. This morning, Gretchen Carlson got to combine the scary "illegals" meme with the ongoing Fox & Friends meme of conservative victimhood. And as an added plus, former Miss America also did a little right wing rehab for a former border patrol agent who was sentenced to prison for violating the civil rights of an "illegal." But as he told a very supporting Gretchen, he was just following orders so it should have been all good. And the reason that it wasn't is because a district court found that Gretch's new friend's use of excessive force violated the rights of the "illegal." The decision was upheld by a federal court of appeals. Gretch didn't mention this. But Gretch isn't a lawyer. She's host of a Fox opinion show where opinion takes precedence over the facts so it's all good. And as Gretch was able to work in another Fox meme; i.e. criticism of Eric Holder in the "fast & furious" thing - it's even better!
Continue reading »Dick Morris Smears Cain Accuser: I Look Forward To Her Spread In Playboy
Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:20 AM
Hot on the heels of Mike Huckabee likening sexual harassment to being called “Sweetie,” Fox News pundit Dick Morris dismissed Monday’s Herman Cain accuser, Sharon Bialek, as little more than a slut looking for a way to cash in. No investigation was necessary, to hear Morris tell it last night. The only facts he cared about were that Bialek is unemployed and had joined forces with Democratic attorney Gloria Allred. The facts that he and host Sean Hannity didn't care about? That Bialek is a Republican, that Cain blames the Rick Perry campaign for starting this scandal and – most importantly – that the Cain campaign is Morris' client.
Continue reading »O’Reilly Uses Herman Cain Scandal To Make Racial Attacks On Sharpton And Jackson
Reported by Ellen - Mon 6:09 PM
Bill O’Reilly didn’t come right out Friday night (11/4/11) and blame liberals for the Herman Cain sexual scandal, as Ann Coulter did a few days previously, but the sleight of hand was the same. Instead of discussing Cain’s bungled reaction to the scandal or, more significantly, the fact that Cain thinks the campaign of his Republican competitor, Rick Perry, was responsible for the Politico article that launched the scandal, O’Reilly used it as an excuse to paint Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as racial hypocrites for not defending Cain.
Continue reading »FoxNews.Com Uses Michael Jackson To Distract From Herman Cain Scandal
Reported by Ellen - Mon 4:23 PM
All of a sudden, loves Michael Jackson!
Continue reading »Megyn Kelly & Mike Huckabee Play Defense For Mitt Romney On "Personhood", reported by Priscilla,
Huckabee Suggests Sexual Harassment Is Like Being Called “Sweetie”, reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Right Wing "Comic" Brad Stine Says Liberals Responsible For "Wussification" Of American Men, reported by Priscilla,
Jeanine Pirro Skewers Kim Kardashian, reported by Ellen,
Is Fox Nation Inadvertently Or Deliberately Negligent In Not Correcting Its Grossly Inaccurate Smear Of EPA Head Lisa Jackson?, reported by Ellen,
Art Laffer Lies About Stimulus - And Cavuto Lets Him, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Raps Religion With Dennis Miller, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Thinks Romney Support For "Personhood" Is No Big Deal?, reported by Priscilla,
Peter Johnson Claims Occupy Movement Is Unacceptable, reported by Aunty Em,
Sean Hannity Waterboard Watch: More Than 2 ½ Years Since Hannity Agreed To Be Waterboarded For Charity, reported by Ellen,
Peter DeFazio Smacks Down Cavuto's Right-Wing Objections To A Stock Transfer Tax, reported by Guest Blogger,
Geraldo Thinks O’Reilly An “Old Fogey” For His Occupy Wall Street Vitriol, reported by Ellen,
Michele Bachmann’s Extremism Gets Warm Reception From Neil Cavuto, reported by Guest Blogger,
Bill O’Reilly Can’t Admit He Was Wrong About The $16 Muffins, reported by Ellen,
Bill Hemmer Say Congressional Prayer Caucus Is Awesome, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity Shows Will Air Anti-Choice "Heartbeat Bill" Ad, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Tries To Shame Those Who Voted Against Ridiculous “In God We Trust” Bill, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Skewers Ann Coulter Over Her "Our Blacks" Comments, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Joins The Republican War On (Democratic) Voting, reported by Ellen,
Rick Perry The Destroyer? Says He Plans To “Take A Wrecking Ball To Washington”, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Enlists Deepak Chopra In War On Richard Dawkins & Continues Claim That Jesus Guided Evolution, reported by Priscilla,
No Embarassing Questions For Rick Perry About Herman Cain Scandal!, reported by Ellen,
Georgia Terrorism Suspect Allegedly Found Inspiration In Fox News Expert’s Novel, reported by Ellen,
More Occupy Wall Street Bashing!, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox Nation Ignores White Militia Domestic Terrorism?, reported by Priscilla,
Brit Hume Suggests Sexual Harassment Law To Blame For Herman Cain’s Problems, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox & Friends Not Happy About "Disrespectful" Anti-War Recruiters, reported by Priscilla,
Brian Kilmeade Warns About Unpatriotic "Anti-War Recruiters" In OR Schools, reported by Priscilla,
The Five Get The Herman Cain Story Right. Not So Fast, Gutfeld!, reported by Aunty Em,
Herman Cain Ready To Go To War Against Iran, reported by Ellen,
Cain: I Was Prepared For Attacks But Not The Sexual Harassment Scandal, reported by Ellen,
Fox’s Andy Levy Challenges Coulter For Playing The Race Card Over Herman Cain, reported by Ellen,
Ann Coulter Thinks Herman Cain And Supporters Are “Much Better" Blacks Than President Obama And His Supporters, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Says In State Texas Tuition "Basically Free", reported by Priscilla,
A Little Detail Van Susteren Left Out Of Her Cain Interview: Her Husband's A Supporter, reported by Ellen,
No Questions From Van Susteren About Herman Cain’s Contradictory Statements On Sexual Harassment Allegations, reported by Ellen,
Geraldo Assures Herman Cain: You’ve Got Friends Here, reported by Ellen,
Bill Maher The Latest Target Of Fox Nation Death Threats, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Helps Minimize Herman Cain Sexual Allegations Scandal, reported by Ellen,
“Objective” Harris Faulkner Helps Validate Cain Talking Points Re Sexual Harassment Allegations, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Outraged That "Irresponsible" Immigrants Don't Speak English, reported by Priscilla,
Ann Coulter Blames Liberals For Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Report, reported by Ellen,
Geraldo To Cain Spokesman: We Like You But Your Refusal To Confirm Or Deny Sexual Harassment Allegations Is “A Recipe For Disaster” , reported by Ellen,
From Rick Perry’s Campaign To Fox News’ Website, reported by Ellen,
Dr. Keith Ablow's Attack On Jenna Lyons Isn't Homopobic? , reported by Priscilla,
Hannity Guest Smacks Down Right-Wing Talking Points About Businesses Being Too Afraid Of Obama To Invest, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Mocks Transgender Grinnell College Students?, reported by Priscilla,
"Civil," "Tolerant" Fox Nation Finds Oakland Police Attacks On Occupy Protesters "Inspiring", reported by Ellen,
It’s Muslim Vs Muslim On Fox And Friends And Muslims Lose, reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Lectures Guests To Back Up Allegations, Then Takes Credit For Drop In Public Approval For Occupy Wall Street, reported by Ellen,
Judge Andrew Napolitano Debates Libertarian Philosophy With Jon Stewart, reported by Ellen,
Fox News "Asks:" Does Harry Reid Have It All Wrong?, reported by Guest Blogger,
Hannity Distorts Catholic University Controversy To Beat His Anti-Islamic Drum, reported by Ellen,
Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights, reported by Priscilla,
Why Is Aunty Em Apologizing To Steve Doocy?, reported by Aunty Em,
What's Wrong With This Picture?, reported by Ellen,
Bill O’Reilly And Dick Morris Justify The Rich Getting Richer, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto Pretends Republicans Don’t Want To End Social Security, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox News “Asks” If President Obama Stole A Joke From Dennis Miller – That He Might Have Stolen, reported by Ellen,
Watch Video Of The News Corp. Protest, reported by Ellen,
Fox News War On Atheists Continues, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News “Democrat” Attacks Obama’s Nevada Trip, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox News Says ACORN Is Behind Occupy Wall Street Movement, reported by Ellen,
Sean Hannity Warns About Evil NYC Sex Education, reported by Priscilla,
Fox's Father Jonathan Morris Says Vanderbilt Leadership Is "Slimey?", reported by Priscilla,
Van Susteren And Hume Slam Birther Republicans – Promoted On Fox News, reported by Ellen,
Obviously Laura Ingraham Didn’t Get Memo On The Phony War On Halloween, reported by Aunty Em,
Donald Trump Goes Birther Again – And Fox News Lets Him Skate, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Promotes Effort To Save Jesus Statue On Government Land, reported by Priscilla,
Against All Facts Fox’s Phony War On Halloween Grows More Incomprehensible, reported by Aunty Em,
Marco Rubio Visits The O’Reilly Factor For Some Republican Rehab, reported by Ellen,
FoxNews.Com Readers React To NC School Shooting With Racist Hatred, reported by Ellen,
Fox Pundit To Rural America: If Privatized Postal Service Doesn’t Work For You, You Can Always Move!, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Continues To Attack Vanderbilt For Non Discrimination Policy, reported by Priscilla,
Lying Adulterer Mark Sanford Now A Fox News Contributor, reported by Ellen,
Sen. Lindsey Graham Thinks Of His Fox News Sunday Audience As The 2012 Republican Candidates, reported by Ellen,
Anonymous Targets Fox News, reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy Defends Persecuted Christian Vanderbilt Students From Evil Atheists, reported by Priscilla,
The Fox Phony War On Christmas Extended To A Phony War On Halloween, reported by Aunty Em,
Bobby Jindal Makes A Campaign Stop On Hannity, reported by Ellen,
Huckabee and Cavuto Get It Wrong Promoting The Faux Fisker Finland Controversy, reported by Guest Blogger,
British MP Warns Of New Allegations Against News Corporation, reported by Ellen,
John Bolton: Obama Sabotaged Negotiations With Iraq In Order To Withdraw Our Troops, reported by Ellen,
Fox Host Wastes No Time Attacking Obama Over Iraq Troop Withdrawal, reported by Ellen,
Sarah Palin Offers Her Special Insights On Qaddafi’s Death, reported by Ellen,
“Objective” Rick Leventhal Does His Part To Detract From Obama’s Success In Libya, reported by Ellen,
Breaking News: U.S. To Withdraw All Troops From Iraq By End Of The Year, reported by Ellen,
Listen To News Corp. Shareholders Meeting Live, reported by Ellen,
Does Stephen Colbert Read News Hounds?, reported by Aunty Em,
You Know Marco Rubio's In Trouble When..., reported by Ellen,
Occupy Fox Studios Tomorrow, reported by Ellen,
Fox Gushes Over Dennis Miller’s Classless Smears Of Democrat Bill Burton, reported by Ellen,
Cavuto Appreciates Ron Paul’s Goal Of Dismantling And Privatizing The FDA, reported by Guest Blogger,
Bill O'Reilly's Book Went Down In Flames!, reported by Priscilla,
Breaking News: Qaddafi Dead; Obama To Make Live Statement At 2 PM ET, reported by Ellen,
The Five’s Eric Bolling Calls OWS Every Name In The Book, Then Defends Doug Schoen’s Phony Poll, reported by Aunty Em,
Sen. John Cornyn Admits His Amendment Was A Publicity Stunt To Embarrass Eric Holder And The DOJ – And Gets A Pass From Fox News, reported by Ellen,
O’Reilly Trots Out A Psychotherapist To Diagnose Occupy Wall Street Protesters As Sickos, reported by Ellen,
Maroon 5 Tells Fox News: Don’t Play Our Music - UPDATED, reported by Aunty Em,
Gretchen Carlson Is Stunned By "Propensity" Of Disrespect To Flag Stories, reported by Priscilla,
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