The Nation

Capitalism vs. the Climate

Capitalism vs. the Climate

Denialists are dead wrong about the science. But they understand something the left still doesn’t get about the revolutionary meaning of climate change.

Posted November 9, 2011

Stanching the Flow of Corporate Dollars into Campaigns

Stanching the Flow of Corporate Dollars into Campaigns

When our nation arrives at a level of corruption we cannot bear, we shouldn’t.

Posted November 10, 2011

Field Notes From the Revolution: Activists Occupy California’s Imperial Valley

Field Notes From the Revolution: Activists Occupy California’s Imperial Valley

I thought I might find a simple meme of the Wall Street protest. What I discovered was a desert flower brought to blossom by an activist tradition, coalition-building and old-fashioned grit.

Posted November 9, 2011

Books and the Arts

Punitive yet salvific, austerity is the ideology of a country that has turned against its own culture.

Jem Cohen’s Newsreel No. 1, Aki Kaurismäki’s Le Havre, Andrew Niccol’s In Time

News and Analysis

Blaming themselves for their plight, the unemployed don’t look to protest—or to government—for a way out.

A Greek flag flies in Athens

It’s not surprising that  Greece’s proposed referendum elicited such outrage. Europe doesn’t work like that.

Riot police in Oakland, California

As Seattle police chief in 1999, my disastrous response to the WTO protests should have been a cautionary tale. Yet our police forces have only become more militarized.

A machine counts and sorts out euro notes

The crisis was caused by weak governance, excessive speculation and lax regulation. Austerity will only make the disease worse.

Steve Jobs

While our tech-obsessed media fondled their iPhones, it was left to a courageous and talented monologist to discover the real legacy of the company’s legendary founder.

Hank Skinner

Hank Skinner was scheduled to die on November 9, but his execution was halted by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Will the state finally agree to test the evidence in his case?

Returning to Chile decades after Allende’s death, I was no longer a soldier of the revolution. What changed?

Occupy Wall Street

The protesters have put their faith in the last seemingly credible force in the world: each other.

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