There were three big stories this week: the sex abuse scandal at Penn State, Mississippi voters' rejection of the so-called personhood amendment, and "the, uh, what's the third one there? Let's see... sorry. Oops." Wait, I just remembered the third one: Rick Perry's epic debate brain freeze! Over in Hollywood, the Academy Awards had more drama than a Best Picture winner, with show producer Brett Ratner self-immolating then resigning, first-time host Eddie Murphy following Ratner out the door, and Billy Crystal riding to the rescue. But it was Penn State -- with its unconscionable cover-up, legendary coach Joe Paterno's rapid fall from grace, and the deeply misguided student protests -- that held the spotlight. It was a harsh but vital reminder that our moral obligation to do the right thing goes well beyond our obligation to follow the letter of the law.
Continuing our journey toward a more perfect union won't be easy. It never is. But as women throughout our country fight for change -- for equal rights and equal opportunity -- the White House will be a partner in their work.
Sometimes life comes down to a few key moments. A path taken -- or not taken. Sadly for Joe Paterno, a life richly filled with good choices will forever be stained with one, inconceivable decision.
With Penn State students protesting and rioting over the firing of football coach Joe Paterno, many have wondered what those students could possibly be thinking. With that in mind, we here at Funny or Die decided to find the six dumbest protests ever.
Decisions are being made on a regular basis that are prolonging the economic crisis. And there are plenty of steps we can take that would produce tangible positive results in the lives of millions of people.
The effort by junior administration officials to prevent the addition of any references to God from the speeches recorded on plaques at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, DC, is an outrage.
"If I knew then what I know now" doesn't count for Paterno or Penn State. There is no excuse. There is no apology. Just tell the truth. The truth is what we all want and they should all spend the rest of their lives working on behalf of the victims and their recovery.
Bear in mind that by "happy," I am not referring to endless bliss. Despite what many in the media proclaim these days, such a state is neither achievable nor desirable.
To all the good folks pitching tents at OWS, this song's for you. We support you, hope you keep warm this winter, and ask you to keep a spot open in your tent for us.
I hope that our being there gives them a little break from the realities of the day and lets them know that people from around the world care about them and the Japanese people overall.
Pneumonia is a disease that often flies under the radar of not just the public but even the global health community. It kills more children under 5 years old every year than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Yes, read that last line again.
While it is remarkable to see the variations in social media use by area of focus among nonprofits, the bottom line is that your main concern should be to cultivate conversations, relationships, and interactions within your own specific community.
Although portrayed as opposites, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street protesters are essentially kissing cousins.
In developing countries, people are forced to choose between sickness or purchasing expensive packaged or bottled water from untrustworthy sources. We believe that's an unfair choice.
I am over people not understanding that rape is not a joke -- that we should have a sense of humor about it. And I am so over the students at Penn State who protested the justice system instead of the alleged rapist pedophile.
As the Senate Judiciary Committee takes up the Respect for Marriage Act today, we mark a major milestone on the path to equality for all American families.
Ohio has made it clear: these dedicated public servants still need a seat at the table to demand fairness, dignity and respect -- especially in tough economic times. Through their unions, they have a voice in their workplace, in their future and, most importantly, in our future.
Many alleged human trafficking victims have never faced violence or physical threats, but claim they are victims of a modern form of slavery nonetheless.
Instead of asking whether teachers are overpaid, the AEI/Heritage researchers should have asked what it would take to recruit and retain highly effective teachers for all students.
Each Veteran's Day we spend a great deal of effort honoring those who have served. And rightly so. But this year let's also honor the loved ones here at home who serve every day in unsung roles.
In 1776, had the American revolutionaries tried the Barack Obama approach of "reaching out" in a spirit of "cooperation" with the Tories and the British Crown there never would have been a United States of America in the first place.
If we truly value humanity, life and all that it represents in its highest form, then we need to do all that we can to promote quality of life over the quantity of life.
It's time for our leaders to be honest about actually addressing the problem of gross overleveraging in finance, because the Eurozone mess isn't going away.
Regardless of what level of detail he was provided, in my opinion there is no exculpatory explanation to be offered on Paterno's behalf. Maybe that's why he released a statement last weekend when the story broke, before this week's events led to his firing
November 8, 2011 will be remembered as the day conservatives broke with the tea party.
This is a historic moment. Australia's Parliament has put the nation's first carbon price into law. With this vote, the world has turned a pivotal corner in the collective effort to solve the climate crisis.