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On Our Radar This Week Reuters

On Our Radar This Week

What to watch for in culture from Drake's new album to Duke basketball

Is Bangkok Doomed? Reuters

Is Bangkok Doomed?

Deepening environmental problems mean Thailand's capital will face even worse flooding in the future

New Greek Leader Faces Bad Options, High Stakes Reuters

New Greek Leader Faces Bad Options, High Stakes

Former European Central Bank VP Lucas Papademos is taking over as Greece's new prime minister

Set Sail on the Salmon Sea Carl Warner

Set Sail on the Salmon Sea

How Carl Warner sculpts miniature landscapes out of actual food

India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley Reuters

India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley

You might not know it, but a key cog in the global innovation machine is hiding in plain sight in the world's largest democracy

At Occupy Camps, Veterans Bring the Wars Home

Some veterans are finding new purpose in the streets

Hollywood's Cross-Dressing Double Standard

When a man plays a woman, it's funny. When a woman plays a man, it's drama. Why?

Joe Paterno and the Law

The disgraced coach may now face criminal and civil charges. What would that mean for him and Penn State?

Entrepreneurs, Stay Out!

If America wants to solve its innovation problem, solving its immigration problem would be a good start

The Technologists of War

Vintage photos of the drone operators, mechanics, and machine repairmen who contributed to war efforts of the past

Is God Really Telling Rick Perry to Run for President?

Maybe the Texas governor misinterpreted the signs from above

4 Reasons Why Italy's Economy Is Such a Disaster

Italy is too big to fail—and may be too big to bail out. How did it get so bad?

Did Obama Just Mend the U.S.-New Zealand Breakup?

Plans for a U.S. military presence in Australia could help address a diplomatic crisis

Europe: Like a Deer in Headlights

Why can't countries avoid a collision with debt that would shatter the EU and throw the world into recession?

Poor Rick Perry: Seriously, How Could This Have Happened?

Is Rick Perry too old? Or is he too inexperienced?

Amherst Class Notes: Old Roomies Clash Over Leading Greece

A classmate remembers George Papandreou and Antonis Samaras

Will the Oscars Finally Stop Trying to Be Hip, Please?

The Brett Ratner-Eddie Murphy gimmick was just the latest bad idea

The Runaway Presidency

Nixon's Watergate testimony has been unsealed. In 1973, The Atlantic detailed the danger in the White House.

U.S. Marines Go Down Under

Building a base in Australia shows America will refocus on the Pacific after a decade in Afghanistan and the Mideast

Happy to Be Fed to Death?

A defender of factory farming for foie gras claims ducks "run up" to eat, but video shows that is not necessarily true

Is It Over for Rick Perry?

The candidate showed a lack of basic competency when he couldn't name which agencies he would cut as president

What I Lost in Libya

While covering the Libyan civil war, the author was seized by Qaddafi’s forces and imprisoned in Tripoli

It's Not Too Late to Peacefully Keep Iran From a Bomb

Tehran may open up if the West promises not to punish past transgressions

How Herzog Filmed Death Row

The director interviewed an inmate eight days before he was executed for the new documentary, Into the Abyss

Unions and Young People: A Winning Combination in 2012?

The defeat of an anti-union bill in Ohio may show the future of Occupy Wall Street

Steve Case: The Man Behind the Sharing Economy

The founder of AOL saw the future in Zipcar and LivingSocial

It's Harvest Time in America's Marijuana Country

Inside a legal gray zone between state and federal law on the West Coast

I Was Wrong, and So Are You

A libertarian economist discovers that our political leanings leave us more biased than we think

Special Report
Is a Better, Faster, Stronger Internet Possible? WikimediaCommons Is a Better, Faster, Stronger Internet Possible?
The latest wizardry from Silicon Valley -- and more from The Secrets of Innovation. Read more ›

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National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

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