Comment Policy

Please take the time to read this through. This site is meant to be a safe space for adoptees, it is also a place to have rich dialogue. But I will not tolerate hate speech, ignorance, or other hurtful comments anywhere on this blog. If you are not respectful in your post, I will not allow for the comment to be posted.

If you disagree, that is fine, please be respectful when stating your opinion and others will follow.

I thank you for considering this when you post in the future.

One response

14 09 2008

In the past I have served on adult adoptee panels for new prospective couples who are interested in international adoption. I really enjoyed sharing my experience as an international interracial adoptee (from Korea) and I think it is important to provide this counsel as well. I used to do the panels in Minnesota, at Children’s Home Society & Family Services, but I recently moved to New York City, does anyone know of somewhere I could do a similar type of thing here?


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