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11:55 PM ET, November 19, 2011


 Top Items: 
Crank / UCDavis Bicycle Barricade:
Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi  —  I am a junior faculty member at UC Davis.  I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, and I teach in the Program in Critical Theory and in Science & Technology Studies.  I have a strong record of research, teaching, and service.
Garance Franke-Ruta / The Atlantic Online:
Too Much Violence and Pepper Spray at the OWS Protests  —  The dousing of seated, non-violent students with a chemical agent at U.C. Davis should provoke a call for restraint  —  Police dressed in riot gear at U.C. Davis on Friday afternoon used pepper spray to clear seated protesters …
Peter Moskos / Washington Monthly:
Dumb-ass Training and the U.C. Davis Pepper Spray Incident: Thoughts From a Fromer Cop  —  Facebook Twitter Digg Reddit StumbleUpon Delicious  —  This UC Davis pepper-spray incident from yesterday, in which campus police sprayed a group of protesting “Occupy” students who were sitting on the ground, was just brought to my attention.
Discussion: TalkLeft and Balloon Juice
Davis Faculty Association:
DFA Board Calls for Katehi's Resignation  —  The DFA Board calls for the immediate resignation of Chancellor Katehi.  The Chancellor's authorization of the use of police force to suppress the protests by students and community members speaking out on behalf of our university …
James Fallows / The Atlantic Online:
Pepper-Spray Brutality at UC Davis  —  See numerous UPDATES below.  —  In case you haven't yet seen the YouTube footage of what happened yesterday at UC Davis, here it is.  The first minute has the main drama:  —  Let's stipulate that there are legitimate questions of how to balance …
Chancellor creates task force to review Friday's incident  —  Dear Member of the UC Davis Community:  —  Yesterday was not a day that would make anyone on our campus proud; indeed the events of the day need to guide us forward as we try to make our campus a better place of inquiry, debate, and even dissent.
Jason Cherkis / The Huffington Post:
UC Davis Police Pepper-Spray Seated Students In Occupy Dispute (VIDEO) (UPDATE)
Brian Stelter / The Lede:
U.C. Davis Calls for Investigation After Pepper Spraying
Linda P.B. Katehi /
Chancellor addresses Friday's removal of tents from the Quad
Discussion: Crooked Timber
Zaid Jilani / ThinkProgress:
Police Attack Peaceful UC Davis Students With Pepper Spray
Discussion: Associated Press and US Politics
Xeni Jardin / Boing Boing:
Police officer pepper-sprays seated, non-violent students at UC Davis
The Aggie:
Protesters face off with UC Davis campus police
Discussion: The Stranger … and Balloon Juice
Up with Chris Hayes /
Exclusive: Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street (VIDEO)  —  (crossposted from MSNBC's “Open Channel” blog)  —  A well-known Washington lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street and politicians …
Josh Feldman / Mediaite:
Retired Police Chief Arrested At OWS Protest Tells Chris Hayes: NYPD Close To Being ‘Wall Street Mercenaries’  —  This week was a breaking point for Occupy Wall Street protestors in New York, after Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered the police to evacuate Zuccotti Park.
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
Romney Shifts in Iowa, Playing to Win Quickly  —  DES MOINES — The answer to one of the great lingering questions about the Republican presidential race has suddenly turned up here along Ingersoll Avenue, where Mitt Romney's Iowa campaign headquarters is opening for business.
Jamie Klatell / Ballot Box:
Social issues take center stage for GOP candidates in Iowa  —  The Republican presidential field was in Des Moines, Iowa, for the Thanksgiving Family Forum on Saturday night — all except for Mitt Romney, that is.  —  This event, sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Leader …
Discussion: CNN
Richard W. Stevenson / The Caucus:
‘Exceptionalism’ Argument May Prove Potent for Republicans
Simone Wilson / The Informer:
Shepard Fairey Designs ‘Occupy Hope’ Poster, Replaces Obama's Face With ‘V for Vendetta’ Mask  —  ​Here we go again.  L.A. street artist Shepard Fairey has released a second original design for the Occupy Wall Street movement — and this time, instead of playing it safe with a wistful scene …
Discussion: Power Line
Kathleen Parker / Washington Post:
The Palinization of the GOP  —  The headline on Democratic strategist Paul Begala's recent Newsweek essay dodged subtlety: “The Stupid Party.”  —  “Republicans used to admire intelligence.  But now they're dumbing themselves down,” was the subhead.  —  Democrats couldn't agree more.
Allison Klein / Washington Post:
Occupy D.C. protesters claim vacant Franklin School  —  Authorities removed protesters Saturday evening from an abandoned school in downtown Washington that had been entered by members or sympathizers of the Occupy D.C. movement.  —  By 7:15 p.m. 11 people had been brought …
Discussion: Weasel Zippers
Paul Krugman:
Incredible Europeans  —  I had some hopes for Mario Draghi; he has just done his best to kill those hopes.  In his view, it's all about credibility, defined thusly: … Unbelievable.  Right now, the ECB has too much credibility on the inflation front; the spread between German nominal …
 New Item Finder: 
30 minutes ago
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Slandering the Red States, Part VI: Laura Sullivan Responds   Find
45 minutes ago
Jamie Klatell / Ballot Box:
Social issues take center stage for GOP candidates in Iowa   Find
1½ hours ago
Garance Franke-Ruta / The Atlantic Online:
Too Much Violence and Pepper Spray at the OWS Protests   Find
3 hours ago
Allison Klein / Washington Post:
Occupy D.C. protesters claim vacant Franklin School   Find
3 hours ago
Brian Stelter / The Lede:
U.C. Davis Calls for Investigation After Pepper Spraying   Find
 Site News: 

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 More Items: 
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Slandering the Red States, Part VI: Laura Sullivan Responds
Anthony Watts / Watts Up With That?:
Dr. James Hansen's growing financial scandal, now over a million dollars of outside income
Zaid Jilani / ThinkProgress:
Rep. Deutch Introduces OCCUPIED Constitutional Amendment To Ban Corporate Money In Politics
New York Times:
Libyans Seize Qaddafi's Son Seif al-Islam, Last at Large
Wall Street Journal:
What Iowa Voters Want in a Republican Nominee
Ezra Klein / Washington Post:
The do-nothing plan: now worth $7.1 trillion
NY Daily News:
Protester Brandon Watts, who was first to pitch a tent at Zuccotti Park, is now the bloody face of ‘Day of Action’
Trip Gabriel / New York Times:
Niche Voters Giving Paul Momentum in Iowa Polls
 Earlier Items: 
Wynton Hall / Big Government:
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: The Kerrys' Curious Stock Trades
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Perry: ‘Obama is a socialist’
Discussion: CNN
New York Times:
‘Near Poor’: Not Quite in Poverty, but Still Struggling
New York Times:
Lenders Flee Debt of European Nations and Banks
New York Times:
Deadline Near, Deal on Deficit Remains Elusive
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Aspects of Gingrich divorce story distorted
Discussion: Mediaite and Connecting.the.Dots
Jennifer Griffin / Fox News:
Panetta Warns Israel on Consequences of Iran Military Strike
Discussion: Pat Dollard and Weasel Zippers

From Techmeme:

Molly Wood / CNET News:
How Facebook is ruining sharing

Christina Warren / Mashable!:
“A Charlie Brown Christmas” Makes the iPad Feel Like Magic

Anand Lal Shimpi / AnandTech:
Galaxy Nexus & Ice Cream Sandwich: Initial Performance Analysis

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