Bill O’Reilly Does The Java Jive In The No Spin Zone And Jesus Wept
Reported by Aunty Em - Sun 4:27 PM
Happy Holidays, Bill. Can I call you Bill? Can I still say “holidays?” I know you have fought your phony War on Christmas for many years now. Yet, you have never shown an iota of concern for the POWs of that conflict—the collateral damage, if you will, of your phony little war. I have never understood why you, and all the other little Sugar Plum Fairies (not that there’s anything wrong with that) at Fox “News,” simply refuse to accept and accommodate other people who might celebrate other holidays. Having said that, Bill, it always amuses me when you try and take credit for saving Christmas. Like Friday night, when you read a viewers’ letter:
Continue reading »Defending Occupy Wall Street A No-No On Fox News Sunday
Reported by Ellen - Sun 3:37 PM
During a Fox News Sunday discussion today about the presidential campaign, panelist Juan Williams tried to make the point that Republicans are the “protectors of the super rich.” Unfortunately for Williams, he also said, “in this time of Occupy Wall Street.” Host Chris Wallace immediately interrupted, attacked OWS, and never let Williams finish his thought.
Continue reading »Alan Colmes On Fire Defending Occupy Wall Street Protests
Reported by Ellen - Sun 1:14 AM
There are plenty of "Democratic strategists" on Fox who could take a lesson from Alan Colmes on how not to just sit there and take it but speak out. Colmes has been on Fox since its inception so he knows as well as anyone what the right-wing is up to and ways to fight back. Go Alan! Even though he's a Fox News employee (normally a disqualifying factor), I hereby appoint him our latest Top Dog.
Continue reading »Neil Cavuto Sucks Up To Rick Perry: I Think You’ve Got Your Political Sea Legs Back
Reported by Guest Blogger - Sat 11:55 PM
By Brian
Rick Perry got nearly 12 ½ minutes of Republican rehab on Your World Friday (11/18/11) as Neil Cavuto vied with Sean Hannity for the Most Sucking Up To A Republican Candidate Award for 2011.
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly Pushes Back On Rick Perry’s Anti-Obama Ad
Reported by Ellen - Sat 4:46 PM
Rick Perry visited The O’Reilly Factor last night and the first thing Bill O’Reilly did was to challenge Perry’s new anti-Obama ad. The ad echoes the right-wing “lazy” attacks that take President Obama’s words out of context and accuse him of calling Americans “lazy.” O’Reilly didn’t just challenge Perry’s ad, he played a video of the fuller context and said, “So he really wasn’t talking about the folks, he was talking about trying to get investment to come to the U.S.A.” O’Reilly also went on to challenge Perry for calling Obama a socialist.
Continue reading »Save The Date! Lincoln Scholars To Discuss Bill O'Reilly's New Book
Reported by Priscilla - Sat 1:14 PM
If any of you happen to be in the area of Springfield Illinois on December 7th, stop by the Lincoln Presidential Museum where Lincoln scholars will be discussing Bill O'Reilly's recent tome, "Killing Lincoln." Further details have not been posted; but I'll let you know when they become available. So far the "folks" in the land of Lincoln have not warmly embraced O'Reilly's best seller. Obviously, they're part of the "forces of darkness" from whom Bill is "under fire" because, according to the Chicago Sun-Times (must be part of the evil, librul Fox hating media), O'Reilly's best seller is "being spurned by major Lincoln destinations in the state where the 16th president matters most."
Continue reading »Imus And Cavuto Go At It Over Imus' Inconsistent Ratings
Reported by Ellen - Sat 10:58 AM
Neil Cavuto, Senior VP of the Fox Business Network as well as a Fox News host, is not pleased with Don Imus blaming his viewers for his inconsistent ratings. The two got into it, with Cavuto telling Imus that it's not the viewers' fault "that your show is awful." It was all supposedly in good humor but the humor got more than a little testy. I wonder how Roger Ailes will take being called "the fat guy" and Chris Wallace "a schmuck" who would be "stocking shelves at Best Buy" if his father weren't Mike Wallace. (H/T TVNewser)
Continue reading »How Bill O’Reilly Lied When He Demanded An Apology From Ellen Barkin And Joy Behar For Lying—Another Annotated Aunty Em Transcript
Reported by Aunty Em - Sat 1:57 AM
This is one of those ‘inside baseball’ stories we see all too much of these days. It’s all about the media reporting on the media, which had earlier reported on the media, only to find itself reported on in the so-called media: aka the Fox “News” Channel. This article untangles Bill O’Reilly’s latest lies about the media. While it seems convoluted, it’s really quite simple. Short Story: Bill O’Reilly lied to his viewers over and over again in a segment ironically called “The Decline Of American Media.” Ironic because it’s a subject O’Reilly knows a great deal about, since he has contributed so much to it. It’s doubly ironic because O’Reilly had to resort to lies to claim that someone lied about him. Triply ironic because it’s also a classic case of projection on Bill O’Reilly’s part. Watch while I explain in detail:
Continue reading »Dennis Miller: I Spent Five Hours Fantasizing About Hitting The Muslim Kid Next To Me On A Plane
Reported by Ellen - Sat 1:34 AM
Dennis Miller visited the O’Reilly Factor Wednesday night (11/16/11) for another dose of his mean-spirited, aging-hipster prattle that passes for humor on Fox News. Wednesday night’s “joke?” Miller quipped, “I just flew five hours from L.A. to New York next to an Islamic kid who was in his 30’s. I couldn’t even watch the movie. I just fantasized about hitting him an elbow if he went up to take a whizz.” I’m not sure which was worse: the joke or the fact that host Bill O’Reilly obviously didn’t mind a bit.
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly Still Complaining About The Fictitious $16 Muffins
Reported by Ellen - Fri 11:44 PM
As I previously posted, Bill O’Reilly has been putting forth the myth that the government paid $16 per muffin at a conference. PolitiFact has investigated the claim and concluded, “Because the federal government didn't pay $16 for a muffin even if it paid too much for breakfast, we rate O’Reilly’s statement Mostly False.” But for some reason, O’Reilly not only won’t issue a retraction, he keeps repeating the falsehood. He did it again tonight in his Talking Points Memo.
Continue reading »Van Susteren Enables Bachmann To Call Obama Administration “Criminal” And Then Pushes Her To Back Off
Reported by Ellen - Fri 2:31 PM
Greta Van Susteren interviewed Michele Bachmann last night in a lengthy, friendly interview in which Van Susteren teed up the ball for Bachmann to call the Obama administration “criminal.” Once said, Van Susteren challenged the use of the word and Bachmann backed away from it.
Continue reading »Steve Doocy Defends Addition Of FDR Prayer On FDR Memorial
Reported by Priscilla - Fri 12:24 PM
It's nice to know that in this time of economic insecurity, our House of Representatives has its priorities in the right place. They were sent to Congress to fight against "big government" and dammit, they're gitten er done! Recently, in an effort to remind the president about the "National Motto," they passed a resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as our national motto. As Jon Stewart pointed out, Fox fiend Gretchen Carlson said it was sad that they "needed" to do this. But "God's" work is never done. As we know from watching Fox & Friends, evil secularists are out to rid this Christian nation of any reference to the divine being who is always on ours and Tim Tebow's side. And as we know, Roger Ailes feels that this secularism is a "wall threatening to cut America off from its Judeo-Christian roots." And this creeping secular terror, enabled by the evil Obama administration, is now affecting the FDR Memorial in Washington DC. The right wing media world is abuzz with talk about how God's BFF in the GOP are outraged, outraged I say, because the evil "Obama administration " refuses to add FDR's D Day Prayer to the memorial. The Fox website, earlier this month, had an article about it. Thus, it wasn't surprising to see Jesus BFF, Steve Doocy, interview the GOP rep who has sponsored a bill to put the prayer on the memorial. Thank God for the GOP who are taking care of America's business!
Bill O’Reilly Kicks Off The Holiday Season By Blackmailing Retailers On The Wrong Side Of The “War On Christmas”
Reported by Ellen - Fri 12:49 AM
The holiday season is upon us: time for carols, shopping, family get togethers – and Fox News’ annual whinefest about the "war on Christmas.” While other people might think of this time of year as “the season of good cheer,” for Fox, it’s a cornucopia of new opportunities for divisiveness. In 2009, Bill O’Reilly got in the Christmas holiday spirit by ambushing an elementary school official because an annual holiday “gift room” fundraiser banned Christmas items (along with items of any other religion). This year, O’Reilly’s getting his ho, ho, ho’s by threatening to attack on the air any company that refuses to allow its employees to say “Merry Christmas."
Betsy McCaughey Still Lying About Health Care On Fox News
Reported by Guest Blogger - Thu 8:53 PM
By Brian
Documented liar Betsy McCaughey is still lying about health care and Fox News is still promoting her lies. On Monday (11/14/11), Your World discussed President Obama’s plan to use $1 billion from the health care law to create health care jobs. More jobs and health care for the country? Only on Fox News would that be a terrible thing. Maybe they just couldn’t find anyone more credible to attack the plan.
Continue reading »Criminal Charges Filed Against The Beck-Promoted Goldline
Reported by Ellen - Thu 7:11 PM
We've posted many times about the questionable activities of Goldline, the gold dealer that Glenn Beck has relentlessly promoted. Now, the Los Angeles Times has reported that criminal charges have been filed against the company, accusing it of running a "bait and switch" operation that sold investors gold coins at a huge markup instead of the gold bullion they sought to buy. (h/t/ Hula)
Continue reading »Brian Kilmeade Insults Hispanics With "Piñatas Before Patriotism" Message?
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 6:08 PM
Along with the cross of Jesus, the gang on the curvy Fox & Friends couch worships the American flag. The morning red, white and blue crew are there to defend the flag, and those patriots who are being persecuted for displaying it, from those who seek to destroy the very fabric of this country. And as we have seen from the coverage of immigration issues, on Fox & Friends, it could be - wait for it - Mexicans and other Spanish speaking furrin types who are doing the destroying by celebrating furrin holidays like Cinco de Mayo (which isn't celebrated in Mexico but real Merkins don't know that). Last year, four real Merkin students, at a northern California high school, were sent home because, in their patriotic zeal, they wore American flag T-shirts on May 5th. The principal did so because he feared, based on an incident from the year before, that these shirts could foment violence. Their real Merkin parents of these boys, upset that those Mexico lovers were allowed to wear their filthy Mexican flag, sued the school. A US District Court judge ruled in favor of the school so - surprise, surprise - one of the students, along with their lawyer, showed up on Monday's Fox & Friends for some warm and very patriotic validation from Brian Kilmeade who just couldn't contain his outrage over this insult to Old Glory by those treasonous Mexico lovers.
Continue reading »Sean Hannity And Fox News Help Thwart The Scott Walker Recall
Reported by Ellen - Thu 5:14 PM
In a segment Fox News called “Wisconsin Union Wars,” Sean Hannity trotted out Governor Scott Walker for a pep talk about why Wisconsin voters should not recall him. Predictably, there was no discussion about any of the questionable tactics the Wisconsin Republicans are using to fight the recall. Nor was there any mention of how Walker celebrated recalls before he was against them. There was time, however, to run what Hannity described as “a powerful new internet ad” touting Walker’s record of “positive progress.” At the end, Hannity gushed over Walker’s “great act of political courage” initiating the measures that have prompted the recall efforts. Fair and balanced? Don’t make me laugh - or cry.
Continue reading »Fox News More Interested In Vilifying Occupy Protesters Than In Attempted Obama Assassination
Reported by Ellen - Thu 3:25 PM
On the home page right now, the big headline is "Cops Hurt in Occupy Clash." You have to look way down the page for the "urgent" news that a suspect in the White House shooting has been charged with attempting to assassinate President Obama. Of course, considering that readers were openly sorry the shooter missed, it's not surprising whose safety the home page would be more interested in. Query: Shouldn't a "fair and balanced" news site be interested in everyone's safety - including that of the protesters?
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly Declares Occupy Wall Street Movement “Dead,” “Finished”
Reported by Ellen - Thu 1:32 PM
Bill O’Reilly continued his nervous obsession with the Occupy Wall Street movement last night. He opened the show with a Talking Points Memo called, “The Failure of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” But now, citing a Wall Street Journal poll saying that 63% of Americans do not consider themselves supporters of the movement, O’Reilly pronounced the movement dead. Americans are on to the “reprehensible” and “all kinds of depraved” behavior and, therefore, the movement it's over.
Continue reading »Perry Steps In It Again: Obama “Grew Up In A Privileged Way”
Reported by Ellen - Thu 2:50 AM
Hannity Was The Go-To Show For Republican rehab last night featuring interviews with the beleaguered Rick Perry and Scott Walker. Perry has tanked in the polls but you’d not know that from watching the Hannity suck-up fest. But even with all that support, Perry managed to “step in it” all over again by ludicrously claiming that President Obama grew up “privileged” and “never had to really work for anything.” In fact, Obama grew up with a single mother and worked his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans. Hannity, not surprisingly, failed to correct the record.
Continue reading » Readers Lament White House Shooter Missed The President, reported by Ellen,
Shades of Dr. Tiller! O’Reilly Maliciously Posts Photo Of “Liberal” Occupy Judge, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Uses Gold Star Father To Attack CA Mayor, reported by Priscilla,
Van Susteren Rescues Palin From Saying She'd Like To Lynch Sandusky, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Discusses Occupiers’ Anti-Semitism With His Favorite Bigot, reported by Ellen,
Bill O’Reilly’s Misleading Defense Of The Accuracy Of His Lincoln Book, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Thinks Tim Tebow Is "Picked On" For His Faith, reported by Priscilla,
"Journalist" (?) Steven Crowder Freaks Out About "Scumbag" Occupiers, reported by Priscilla,
Fox And Friends Outsource Smears To Comedian Brad Stine Again, reported by Aunty Em,
28 News Corp. Staffers Linked To Phone Hacking, reported by Ellen,
Greta Van Susteren To Herman Cain: You Were Almost Like A Stalker, reported by Ellen,
Fox’s John Bolton: The Arab States Will Be “Very Happy” If Israel Bombs Iran, reported by Ellen,
Fox’s Jonathan Hoenig: Unions Have Crushed Every Industry, reported by Guest Blogger,
Maltese Knight Peter Johnson Jr. Praises Catholic College Opposition To Birth Control Mandate, reported by Priscilla,
How Hannity "Corrected" Cain's Smear Against Harassment Accuser And Politico, reported by Ellen,
Special Report Panel Bashes Obama Over Pipeline Decision, reported by Guest Blogger,
UK’s Guardian: News Corp. Spied On Parliamentary Committee Investigating It, reported by Ellen,
Monica Crowley: Americans Are Sick Of Attack Politics (But Pay No Attention To My Record Of Attack Politics), reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends & Fr. Jonathan Morris Don't Need No Stinking Atheist Chaplains In US Military, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Trots Out Two Doctors To Assure Us That Rick Perry’s Brain Freeze Was No Big Deal!, reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Alveda King Disses OWS, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and ACORN, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Lincoln” Book Full Of Errors, reported by Ellen,
Herman Cain Shrugs Off His Anita Hill Joke: Herman Is Going To Be Herman!, reported by Ellen,
"Fair And Balanced" Fox Nation Calls Occupy Protesters "Savages", reported by Ellen,
Michele Bachmann Analyzes The Country’s Ills: We Have Too Much Socialism, reported by Ellen,
Bill Hemmer Ramps Up The Fox News Witch Hunt Against Eric Holder By "Asking" If He Committed Treason, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Still Longing For Occupy Protesters To Be Murdered, reported by Guest Blogger,
Perry Gets A Debate Do-Over From Fox, reported by Ellen,
Gloria Allred Debates Hannity About Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Allegations, reported by Ellen,
Your World Helps Rep. Joe Walsh Blame His Near Meltdown On Coffee And An Empty Stomach, reported by Guest Blogger,
In The Wake Of Debate Debacle, Rick Perry Heads To Fox & Friends, reported by Ellen,
Bill Hemmer Thinks Rep. Joe Walsh's Freak Out Was Awesome?, reported by Priscilla,
Fr. Jonathan Morris Continues Attack On Vanderbilt Non Discrimination Policy, reported by Priscilla,
Eric Bolling Adds Media Matters To The Cain Conspiracy, reported by Aunty Em,
Fox and Friends To Florida Inmates: Let Them Eat Soy, reported by Aunty Em,
No Questions For Cain About Sexual Harassment!, reported by Ellen,
Bret Baier Launches A Google + "Hangout" With Republican Candidates, reported by Ellen,
Hannity: The Go-To Show For Race-Baiting Against African Americans, reported by Ellen,
GOP Rep. Freaks Out - Fox Nation Claims Calm Constituent Was "Troublemaker", reported by Priscilla,
"Civil," "Tolerant" Fox Nation Readers Discuss Murdering OWS Protesters, reported by Ellen,
Cain Campaign Steps In It Again! Spokesman Wrongly Insists Accuser’s Son Works For Politico, reported by Ellen,
Eric Bolling Takes Herman Cain’s Conspiracy Theory One Crazy Step Further, reported by Aunty Em,
Jon Stewart Nails Fox News’ Hypocrisy On Anonymous Sources In Cain Scandal, reported by Ellen,
O’Reilly Sleight Of Hand Redirects Attention From Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Scandal To Rev. Wright And Bill Ayers, reported by Ellen,
"Fair & Balanced" Fox Nation Runs Article From Anti-Abortion Website, reported by Priscilla,
Gretchen Carlson Sympathizes With Ex Border Agent Who Violated "Illegal's" Rights, reported by Priscilla,
Dick Morris Smears Cain Accuser: I Look Forward To Her Spread In Playboy, reported by Ellen,
O’Reilly Uses Herman Cain Scandal To Make Racial Attacks On Sharpton And Jackson, reported by Ellen,
FoxNews.Com Uses Michael Jackson To Distract From Herman Cain Scandal, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly & Mike Huckabee Play Defense For Mitt Romney On "Personhood", reported by Priscilla,
Huckabee Suggests Sexual Harassment Is Like Being Called “Sweetie”, reported by Ellen,
On Fox & Friends: Right Wing "Comic" Brad Stine Says Liberals Responsible For "Wussification" Of American Men, reported by Priscilla,
Jeanine Pirro Skewers Kim Kardashian, reported by Ellen,
Is Fox Nation Inadvertently Or Deliberately Negligent In Not Correcting Its Grossly Inaccurate Smear Of EPA Head Lisa Jackson?, reported by Ellen,
Art Laffer Lies About Stimulus - And Cavuto Lets Him, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Raps Religion With Dennis Miller, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Thinks Romney Support For "Personhood" Is No Big Deal?, reported by Priscilla,
Peter Johnson Claims Occupy Movement Is Unacceptable, reported by Aunty Em,
Sean Hannity Waterboard Watch: More Than 2 ½ Years Since Hannity Agreed To Be Waterboarded For Charity, reported by Ellen,
Peter DeFazio Smacks Down Cavuto's Right-Wing Objections To A Stock Transfer Tax, reported by Guest Blogger,
Geraldo Thinks O’Reilly An “Old Fogey” For His Occupy Wall Street Vitriol, reported by Ellen,
Michele Bachmann’s Extremism Gets Warm Reception From Neil Cavuto, reported by Guest Blogger,
Bill O’Reilly Can’t Admit He Was Wrong About The $16 Muffins, reported by Ellen,
Bill Hemmer Say Congressional Prayer Caucus Is Awesome, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity Shows Will Air Anti-Choice "Heartbeat Bill" Ad, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Tries To Shame Those Who Voted Against Ridiculous “In God We Trust” Bill, reported by Ellen,
Jon Stewart Skewers Ann Coulter Over Her "Our Blacks" Comments, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Joins The Republican War On (Democratic) Voting, reported by Ellen,
Rick Perry The Destroyer? Says He Plans To “Take A Wrecking Ball To Washington”, reported by Ellen,
Bill O'Reilly Enlists Deepak Chopra In War On Richard Dawkins & Continues Claim That Jesus Guided Evolution, reported by Priscilla,
No Embarassing Questions For Rick Perry About Herman Cain Scandal!, reported by Ellen,
Georgia Terrorism Suspect Allegedly Found Inspiration In Fox News Expert’s Novel, reported by Ellen,
More Occupy Wall Street Bashing!, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox Nation Ignores White Militia Domestic Terrorism?, reported by Priscilla,
Brit Hume Suggests Sexual Harassment Law To Blame For Herman Cain’s Problems, reported by Guest Blogger,
Fox & Friends Not Happy About "Disrespectful" Anti-War Recruiters, reported by Priscilla,
Brian Kilmeade Warns About Unpatriotic "Anti-War Recruiters" In OR Schools, reported by Priscilla,
The Five Get The Herman Cain Story Right. Not So Fast, Gutfeld!, reported by Aunty Em,
Herman Cain Ready To Go To War Against Iran, reported by Ellen,
Cain: I Was Prepared For Attacks But Not The Sexual Harassment Scandal, reported by Ellen,
Fox’s Andy Levy Challenges Coulter For Playing The Race Card Over Herman Cain, reported by Ellen,
Ann Coulter Thinks Herman Cain And Supporters Are “Much Better" Blacks Than President Obama And His Supporters, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Says In State Texas Tuition "Basically Free", reported by Priscilla,
A Little Detail Van Susteren Left Out Of Her Cain Interview: Her Husband's A Supporter, reported by Ellen,
No Questions From Van Susteren About Herman Cain’s Contradictory Statements On Sexual Harassment Allegations, reported by Ellen,
Geraldo Assures Herman Cain: You’ve Got Friends Here, reported by Ellen,
Bill Maher The Latest Target Of Fox Nation Death Threats, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Helps Minimize Herman Cain Sexual Allegations Scandal, reported by Ellen,
“Objective” Harris Faulkner Helps Validate Cain Talking Points Re Sexual Harassment Allegations, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Outraged That "Irresponsible" Immigrants Don't Speak English, reported by Priscilla,
Ann Coulter Blames Liberals For Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Report, reported by Ellen,
Geraldo To Cain Spokesman: We Like You But Your Refusal To Confirm Or Deny Sexual Harassment Allegations Is “A Recipe For Disaster” , reported by Ellen,
From Rick Perry’s Campaign To Fox News’ Website, reported by Ellen,
Dr. Keith Ablow's Attack On Jenna Lyons Isn't Homopobic? , reported by Priscilla,
Hannity Guest Smacks Down Right-Wing Talking Points About Businesses Being Too Afraid Of Obama To Invest, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Mocks Transgender Grinnell College Students?, reported by Priscilla,
"Civil," "Tolerant" Fox Nation Finds Oakland Police Attacks On Occupy Protesters "Inspiring", reported by Ellen,
It’s Muslim Vs Muslim On Fox And Friends And Muslims Lose, reported by Aunty Em,
Bill O’Reilly Lectures Guests To Back Up Allegations, Then Takes Credit For Drop In Public Approval For Occupy Wall Street, reported by Ellen,
Judge Andrew Napolitano Debates Libertarian Philosophy With Jon Stewart, reported by Ellen,
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