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    Minnesota: Agreement Reached on Alternative Teacher Licensure

    In Minnesota an agreement has been reached on alternative teacher licensure.   There was emphasis placed on ensuring the quality of education while allowing new types of teachers into the classroom. I wonder if this will qualify us for Race to the Top funding.

    Here’s the letter (.pdf file) sent from Governor Dayton to MN Rep. Garofalo and [...]

    Manipulation 101: Cox says Shoot Wisconsin Working Families, America Responds

    Jeff Cox @JCCentCom, who used to be in the Indiana Attorney General’s office tweeted:

    “use live ammunition”

    in response to this tweet:

    @motherjones Sources in Wisconsin say riot police have been ordered to clear protesters from the Capitol at 2am.

    What happened as a result of this call for violence?  Here’s People for the American Way reporting that Indiana [...]

    Dayton Budget Plan Protects Middle Class, Pays Back Schools

    When money is tight, it’s best to think before we pay.  Most of us take a look at the whole picture and cut back as wisely as we can. Governor Mark Dayton is asking Minnesota legislators to do precisely that. The newly Republican Minnesota legislative body has been cut, cut, cutting, without taking into account the [...]

    Minnesotans Struggle, American Dream?

    We’ve reached a critical point, and we need to ask for what we want.

    Will fairness and righteousness prevail?  In one corner, the uber rich, making money off of money.  In the other, the rest of us, struggling just to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads.  Since the 1980′s, the wealthy have [...]

    Changes to MNVoter

    Hi dear reader,

    I’ve made changes to my blog.  If you view my site you’ll see a featured video section which will periodically change.  There’s also a bunch of new rss feeds which are set up to show the last two stories of people/blogs I like.  By watching the rss feeds in my sidebars, you can now [...]