So many American families, including my own, celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a traditional feast and an overabundance of food. In many homes, the sight of a table with enough food for everyone to eat and to get seconds and even thirds is actually nothing special. For some families Thanksgiving may be the only meal of the year where they pause long enough before eating to truly give thanks for the food in front of them. The tablecloths and menu might be a little fancier on that day, but every night there's something in the house for dinner and everyone goes to bed full, regardless. However for millions of others this is not the case, and they cannot always count on the next meal.
The latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency about Iran's nuclear armament exploded like a bomb onto the world of Washington think tanks.
The war by America's carbon and nuclear energy industries and their right wing allies against our country's burgeoning cleantech industry is damaging our economy and subverting our national security, just as it has in the past led us into oil wars.
Why is there not a booming outcry about the creeping of "Black Friday" into Thanksgiving Thursday? Why are we letting greedy merchants steal this unique national family valued event from their clerks, stockboys, cashiers, and managers?
Remember, if your stress is related to debt be strong before you hit the computer for those pre-Black Friday deals or set your alarm for 3 a.m. to be there when the doors open.
For a government that spends $1.9 billion every single day on the military, Washington's unwillingness to follow through on its $1.33 billion pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria to save millions of lives is a new depth of cynicism and recklessness.
Here are 15 ways the media would be different if it were run by 97% women and only 3% men.
What those who criticize and poke fun at the deal-starved camper don't consider is that many of them weren't there for the sport of Black Friday -- it's a necessity.
Can a country that prides itself as the leader and protector of democracy in the world, and one which implores other countries to include the word "women" in their constitutions (Afghanistan and Iraq), still not protect the rights of women in its own?
There are four stories to be told in Tahrir: tear gas suffocation and death; extreme police brutality; incredible acts of sacrifice, and the foundation of a new social contract.
Despite the dreadful recession, a broken political system, and other woes, Americans have many reasons to be thankful. Here is my top ten list.
The unfairness, hypocrisy, and barbarism of the American criminal justice system is increasingly the subject of serious comment. Indeed, almost everything about the American system is wrong.
How did Gingrich end up with such appalling ideas? I can't plumb his personality, but one of his worst liabilities, on a personal and political level, is his astonishing pseudo-intellectualism.
So how did my divorced parents find themselves in an exclusive relationship, again? I'd like to think I had something to do with it.
J.P. Morgan Chase is buying a stake from MF Global in the London Metals Exchange that will make it the largest single share holder ahead of guess who? Right, Goldman Sachs!
Martin Luther King Jr. warned that a country in continuous war approaches spiritual death. I wonder if he realized that this extinction would play out in the nation's shopping malls.
In spite of all of her accomplishments, Sabrina Spielrein will now mostly known as the patient who slept with Carl Jung.
We have a secret. When we go wine shopping, we like to play a game. It's called the Cheaper and Better Game. The rules of this game are simple: find the best wines we can for $15 and under.
As we take that last bite of pumpkin pie tonight, let us take a minute to think about the importance of pursuing the goal of feeding those hungry children whose faces haunt us, but more importantly, to give them the tools they need to feed themselves in the future.
My brief moment in Israel has put me in touch with a pride that, here in America, had waned for me. I go about my days like so many, hearing and seeing things that too often are at odds with my sense of what should be.
The spread of affordable college education made upward mobility a truly plausible American goal. No more. On this Thanksgiving we have been cheated of the bounty of that harvest.
I've been thinking a lot about my eating habits lately -- probably because the holiday season is so full of temptation. Here are some guideline to follow, whether eating in or eating out.
Context matters. How a situation is framed, our expectations of what's to follow... these are anything but trivial considerations in predicting how we will think, feel or behave.
As a Christian who does his best to take reason as seriously as I take faith, I find it impossible to understand America as a "Christian nation" -- and I believe that there are vibrant possibilities in the fact that it is not.
During the holidays most of us want to spend time with friends and family, while at the same time avoiding the negative comments and unnecessary disagreements that often come with these celebrations.