Confuses 'minstrel show' with 'menstrual cycle'
Plus Digby, and others, on why all of this matters...

Hannah Giles played the "prostitute" in the highly-edited, heavily-overdubbed, secretly-taped ACORN sting videos, while James O'Keefe played her college student, aspiring politician boyfriend trying to save her from abuse at the hands of a dangerous pimp. She seems very nice

Unfortunately, she's also the same person who joined --- likely horribly disinformed --- in to the GOP's anti-ACORN junta (attacking, for purely partisan political reasons, those who help the least fortunate in our society), and then explained afterwards that "one day I was jogging after work and I saw an ACORN, um, I was like, hmm, you know, I’ve never seen them before, I don’t like them."

So when, in this Max Blumenthal video compilation of his weekend with the loons at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), she seems to confuse "minstrel show" with "menstrual cycle," I guess it shouldn't be much of a surprise. As she did with Washington Independent's David Weigel last week, she also, again, confirms that O'Keefe never wore his "pimp" costume into ACORN offices, despite the lies from propagandist Andrew Breitbart (employer of both Giles and O'Keefe, and publisher of the videos) about that point and others when he sold his original blockbuster, but fake, story to the public and one media outlet after another who bought it all hook, line and uncritical sinker...

As the "paper of record" the New York Times has still refused to correct their multiple, blatant misreports of this story, which helped lead to Congress passing unconstitutional legislation to defund ACORN, and with the reported news today that the national community group has been structurally broken by the loss of funds in the wake of the disreputable partisan hit job, the points that Digby made yesterday, as to why she believes the O'Keefe/Breitbart lie is an important one, are worth noting...

This is a big deal for a couple of obvious reasons and one not so obvious reason. The first is that it resulted in ACORN being delegitimized and defunded (at least temporarily.) This was a huge blow to the people ACORN serves and politically to progressives who would like to see the poor enfranchised, something that the right wing rightly sees as a political threat. Anyone on the left side of the dial should be concerned that they were able to do this so easily.

The second obvious reason this is a big deal is because after the "story" broke, the major media donned a metaphorical hair shirt and loudly announced their shame at failing to follow the wingnut radio and Fox news agenda more closely, and in rushing to that judgment they also failed in their journalistic duty to figure out if this story was true. I've rarely seen them issue mea culpas so quickly and decisively and one should wonder why.

But the less than obvious reason this is a big deal is that the pimp and ho costumes were a send-up of over-the-top racial stereotypes that both reinforced some very ugly notions about the African American community, but more importantly, made these ACORN workers look as though they were so dumb they shouldn't be allowed to cross the street, much less handle tax dollars. And this was done for a reason.
He used his stereotypical innocent, youthful, studiously upstanding looks to create a false impression with the ACORN workers and then turned around and filmed some bogus footage of him dressed in a ridiculous pimp costume to give a false impression to the mostly white audience. It was a very clever way to use racial stereotypes on both groups to get what he wanted.

This story is important. There's a long tradition of undercover muckraking that's initiated many an important social change in this country. But this isn't muckraking, it's political theatre. The level of cynical deception in this "story" runs several layers deeper than anything I've ever seen before.

As we've noted many times, the entirety of the GOP lie and smear campaign against ACORN has been little more than a war against the group for having the temerity to help legally register millions of low- and middle-income (read: Democratic-leaning) voters to legally participate in their own democracy. It doesn't run much deeper than that, despite what the disinformed wingnuts have tricked themselves into believing. (No, it's not about prostitution or government waste and corruption, this is about prostitution and government waste and corruption, but the indignant wingnuts haven't yet to offer a word of outrage about that. It's about the partisan bastardization of democracy and our very core Constitutional values.)

But the failure we've been detailing here over the last several weeks is not about O'Keefe or Breitbart or Giles. It's about unmitigated mainstream media failure, as bad and as dangerous as the Times' own false coverage about Saddam and WMD which helped lead this country into a pointless, unnecessary war and has cost thousands and thousands of American and Iraqi lives.

If they still refuse to correct this obvious case of journalistic malpractice, and fail to institute safeguards to keep it from happening again, you can be guaranteed there will be much more of this phony "news" reported as actual news in the future.

Also worth a quick look, by the way, is Conor Freidersdorf's weekend coverage at The American Scene on all of this. And we will, like it or not, have more, as promised, in the coming days. Because yes, this story continues to matter.

And one note to Hannah: If you'd like to touch base, so I can explain to you how you've been duped by these guys, in regard to the "evils" of ACORN, and how they've out and out lied to you about them and used you for disingenuous purposes, I hope you'll drop me an email so we can touch base. I'll be happy to keep the conversation completely off record, if you'd like.

UPDATE 2/23/10: "Exclusive: NYTimes Public Editor Declines to Recommend Retraction for Multiple Erroneous Reports on False ACORN 'Pimp' Story" Full story, Hoyt's emails...

UPDATE 2/24/10: Hoyt responds to our on his emails and accuses The BRAD BLOG of having a "political agenda" on par with O'Keefe and Breitbart. Also, blogosphere issues blistering response, petition, call for Hoyt to step down. Full details, Hoyt's email response, right here...

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